Biden Finally Beats Trump


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Biden approval rating at 33%. The concerning part for Democrats should be the independent numbers, they are horrible as they should be.

Biden approval rating at 33%. The concerning part for Democrats should be the independent numbers, they are horrible as they should be.
Outlier poll.

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Quinnipiac a leftist approved poll is now an outlier?
None of what you cited has anything to do with a poll being an outlier.

Biden's average approval rating looking at all polls (instead of cherry-picking like you always do) is 42.2% according to fivethirtyeight and 41.9% according to RCP.

btw, there was a poll right before Christmas that had Biden approval at 50%. You didn't see me run here to post it did you? It too was an outlier.

Glad to see you all of a sudden care about polls though. They sure didn't matter to you during Trump's four years in the White House!🤣
None of what you cited has anything to do with a poll being an outlier.

Biden's average approval rating looking at all polls (instead of cherry-picking like you always do) is 42.2% according to fivethirtyeight and 41.9% according to RCP.

btw, there was a poll right before Christmas that had Biden approval at 50%. You didn't see me run here to post it did you? It too was an outlier.

Glad to see you all of a sudden care about polls though. They sure didn't matter to you during Trump's four years in the White House!🤣

We don't trust polls but you leftist do. I do find it amusing you are slapping yourself on the back in congratulations about an average of polls showing Biden with a 42% approval rating.
We don't trust polls
Ok, then why did you start a thread about one?

you are slapping yourself on the back in congratulations about an average of polls showing Biden with a 42% approval rating.
I'm not slapping myself on the back for anything. Biden's approval rating isn't great right now.

Does this mean though Biden's presidency is over and he is doomed? Hardly.

Study some history for once.
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Biden approval rating at 33%. The concerning part for Democrats should be the independent numbers, they are horrible as they should be.
White independent voters are happy standing in line behind people of color for monoclonal antibodies.
Ok, then why did you start a thread about one?

I'm not slapping myself on the back for anything. Biden's approval rating isn't great right now.

Does this mean though Biden's presidency is over and he is doomed? Hardly.

Study some history for once.
Biden is already a lame duck, one year into his Presidency. The Democrat Party is already freaking out trying to find someone they can run in 2024, going so far down into bowels of the party they are considering running Hillary.

Edit: Didn't see your question. Unlike you I will answer questions.
Why did I post it, to laugh at you leftists.
Biden is already a lame duck, one year into his Presidency.
You seriously need to stop listening to your right-wing propagandists. You are living in a fantasy world.

Reminds me so much of what was being said about Clinton in 1994 and Obama in 2010 by Republicans.

The Democrat Party is already freaking out trying to find someone they can run in 2024, going so far down into bowels of the party they are considering running Hillary.
No we aren't. This is the narrative you are currently being fed, again, by your right-wing propagandists.

If Biden wants to run again, he will be the nominee. No Democrat I know is freaking out about that.
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You seriously need to stop listening to your right-wing propagandists. You are living ina fantasy world.

No we aren't. This is the narrative you are currently being fed, again, by your right-wing propagandists.

If Biden wants to run again, he will be the nominee. No Democrat I know is freaking out about that.

I guess we will find out. After those that pull the strings in the Democrat Party have seen his performance, I'm confident Biden will not be the Democrat nominee.
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I guess we will find out. After those that pull the strings in the Democrat Party have seen his performance, I'm confident Biden will not be the Democrat nominee.
Two pesos is on the bus and he knows it’s going off the cliff, he just can’t hop off. He’d have to admit the Biden presidency is a failure and he’ll go Thelma and Louise before he does that.
Biden wasn't elected by the American people.

He absolutely was. 81 million Americans voted for him and you were wrong. Yet, you still haven't come to terms with reality!🤣🤣

btw, in 2016, more Americans also voted for Clinton than Trump. 😎
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He absolutely was. 81 million Americans voted for him and you were wrong. Yet, you still haven't come to terms with reality!🤣🤣

btw, in 2016, more Americans also voted for Clinton than Trump. 😎
Oh, are we basing presidential elections on the popular vote now?

pRoSeCuToR doesn't know the Constitution. Not shocked.

He absolutely was. 81 million Americans voted for him and you were wrong. Yet, you still haven't come to terms with reality!🤣🤣

btw, in 2016, more Americans also voted for Clinton than Trump. 😎

I don't believe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes. And who cares if Hillary received more votes, we use on electoral college system not a national tabulation of votes. I know that irks you leftist and you will do everything in your power to change the system that has worked in this country since it was conceived. When you can't win just change the rules is the only way Democrats win elections now days, see 2020 as an example.
Oh, are we basing presidential elections on the popular vote now?
Nope, never said that.

But if we are talking about who the American people voted for, both elections were clear on that point. More Americans voted for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020 over Trump. Facts you can't deny.
I don't believe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes. And who cares if Hillary received more votes, we use on electoral college system not a national tabulation of votes. I know that irks you leftist and you will do everything in your power to change the system that has worked in this country since it was conceived. When you can't win just change the rules is the only way Democrats win elections now days, see 2020 as an example.

Remember when she lost and the Left Rioted. Madonna wanted to Blow up the White House and Johnny Depp talked about Assasination and Mud Shark Deniro wanted to punch Trump in the face. They left also wanted to do away with the Electoral College.
Oh how soon they forget. 🤣
Trafalgar only poll I know of that can be trusted. All the others you need to subtract 8-15 points away from the dims.

So Pedo Joe is about 22 percent give or take 5 percent
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I don't believe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes.
Who cares what you believe in your crazed propaganda filled mind. Biden got 81 million legitimate votes. Fact. Truth.

You were wrong.

As usual.

And who cares if Hillary received more votes, we use on electoral college system not a national tabulation of votes.
You were the one who referenced the American people. You want to talk about who the electoral college elected, maybe next time say "electoral college."

The American people voted for Clinton and Biden over Trump. Another fact. Another truth.
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Nope, never said that.

But if we are talking about who the American people voted for, both elections were clear on that point. More Americans voted for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020 over Trump. Facts you can't deny.
Why would I deny that, dumbass? I'm not the one incapable of answering a question and instead go on spastic infantile tirades. Do you know why I call you Toon? Well, you do now.

It doesn't matter who won the popular vote. The Electoral College is responsible for electing the president. Tough shit if you don't like it.
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Find that proof yet?
You knew exactly who I was referencing, didn't you?


You calling Trump miserable scum. 🤣🤣 Classic moment for this board.

Whine some more now.
You knew exactly who I was referencing, didn't you?


You calling Trump miserable scum. 🤣🤣 Classic moment for this board.

Whine some more now.

If I said it you surely would have proof to show that I did. Dance 2 Pesos Dance. 🤣🤣

If I said it you surely would have proof to show that I did.
Of course there is proof. I've re-quoted your post numerous times. You know exactly what you said.

I love how it drives you nuts now though and how easy it gets you to dancing!🤣🤣

Trump the politician . . . miserable scum. Truest words you have ever posted!😎
Polls are useless this early, especially with COVID and COVID-related insanity still raging across the land. It swung 2020 around in unexpected ways, and it’s going to the same for 2022 and 2024.

The “no Federal Solution” and the downplaying of CoVID starting this week is the beginning of trying to shift the narrative to something positive Ol’ Creepy Uncle Joe can claim he was responsible for - “election reform” is the main effort at the moment.

His likely opponent, The Bad Orange Man, is still taking advice from morons and letting his ego get the better of him. He’s out shilling for vaccinations and boosters because his ego makes him crave recognition for there development like Lincoln Riley craves putting the screws to OU. This is going to be a mistake because at some point, the rise in cases and hospitalizations among the vaxxed and boosted is going to be too much to ignore and someone is going to have to take the blame…..and that won’t be Biden, Fauci, etc, “We could have defeated COVID if Trunp hadn’t rushed these vaccines through” is going to be the talking point. The left will run with that all day, and it’ll resonate with a lot of still-freaked out middle of the road types.
Of course there is proof. I've re-quoted your post numerous times. You know exactly what you said.

I love how it drives you nuts now though and how easy it gets you to dancing!🤣🤣

Trump the politician . . . miserable scum. Truest words you have ever posted!😎

Drives you nuts beause you know I didn't say it and you bring it up everytime you respond. Obsess much?

Dance 2pesos, dance for us!

The American people vote via electors.
In relation to the electoral college.

However, the American people also vote individually and we have the popular vote to tell us who they voted for.

I love how this bothers you so much. You just can't bring yourself to admit that Trump never won the most votes from the American people, can you?

What a tool you are.🤣🤣
In relation to the electoral college.

However, the American people also vote individually and we have the popular vote to tell us who they voted for.

I love how this bothers you so much. You just can't bring yourself to admit that Trump never won the most votes from the American people, can you?

What a tool you are.🤣🤣

And you're still trying to claim that the popular vote is relevant. Are you having a seizure or just a giant turd burst?


And you're still trying to claim that the popular vote is relevant.
It is when you are talking about who the American people voted for.

And you know this. That is why this always drives you nuts.

More Americans voted for Clinton and Biden than Trump.

Deal with it.
Why lie about what you said? Just makes you look foolish.


Now keep dancing monkey, tell us how you really didn't say Trump the politician is worthless scum!

You accuse Trump of Sedition when your own Socialist Hero was Convicted for it.
Let me guess, 2 more weeks? 🤣🤣🤣
Gon git hem now!

Keep dancing for us 2pesos. 🤣🤣

You accuse Trump of Sedition when your own Socialist Hero was Convicted for it.
Let me guess, 2 more weeks? 🤣🤣🤣
Gon git hem now!
How quickly you backed away from your lie I see.

Your own words say it best . . . Trump the politician is miserable scum!

It is when you are talking about who the American people voted for.

And you know this. That is why this always drives you nuts.

More Americans voted for Clinton and Biden than Trump.

Deal with it.

Ok, Karen. I'll "deal with it."

And you can deal with the Electoral College.

One of those elects the president. One doesn't.

See? It's not so difficult. Baby steps for you.


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