Bernie sanders is killing it with young people

I am a young person and have found very little that I like with Bernie. Many of my friends who are associated with the "my student loans are too much and need to be forgiven crowd" are quickly dwindling due to their constant stupidity. I don't like much about his platform outside of it would give Hitlery the finger.
Somehow, I suppose through our school systems, a lot of young people believe that all this country really needs to do is tax rich people at a very high percentage and redistribute their wealth. They're rich, they'll still be rich. Problem solved.

What they aren't told is you can tax so called "rich" people at 100% and you still aren't going to get close to balancing the budget and paying for all the unfunded liabilities of the US government.

The libs say we don't have a spending problem we have a paying for problem. The problem with that is there isn't enough money available to pay for the spending no matter what the tax rate is.
Two things that play in the Bern's favor with the younger crowd.

1. He said he would legalize pot
2. Wants to take the rich people's money and give it to the young poor kids. They view him as a modern day Robin Hood.
Hell Bernie Sanders is killing it with older people too. Look no further than the old clowns on this here board.
Somehow, I suppose through our school systems, a lot of young people believe that all this country really needs to do is tax rich people at a very high percentage and redistribute their wealth. They're rich, they'll still be rich. Problem solved.

What they aren't told is you can tax so called "rich" people at 100% and you still aren't going to get close to balancing the budget and paying for all the unfunded liabilities of the US government.

The libs say we don't have a spending problem we have a paying for problem. The problem with that is there isn't enough money available to pay for the spending no matter what the tax rate is.

Young People: Good at philosophy, but not so good with math
Two things that play in the Bern's favor with the younger crowd.

1. He said he would legalize pot
2. Wants to take the rich people's money and give it to the young poor kids. They view him as a modern day Robin Hood.

Well when that happens I'll be sure to spend the money that I would be normally donating to the university on some G6, lemon diesel, and kosher kush.
The guy is principled and genuine. I respect him.

Having said that, Hilary is an easy target and minus the cool black guy, a continuation of the last 8 years isn't all that appealing a platform to anyone who's being honest with themselves. Bernie is a legit alternative to that among progressives - especially young ones who probably don't have a ton of grown up responsibilities. He is right about some things even. There is a ruling class and a shrinking middle class for example.

Two things though. He hasn't really had to explain yet how he's going to pay for all this redistribution shit the young fools are eating up. Once he does, his chance beyond those young progressive demographics is done. No way independents get behind the multiple and drastic tax hikes he'll have to own up to eventually.
The guy is principled and genuine. I respect him.

Having said that, Hilary is an easy target and minus the cool black guy, a continuation of the last 8 years isn't all that appealing a platform to anyone who's being honest with themselves. Bernie is a legit alternative to that among progressives - especially young ones who probably don't have a ton of grown up responsibilities. He is right about some things even. There is a ruling class and a shrinking middle class for example.

Two things though. He hasn't really had to explain yet how he's going to pay for all this redistribution shit the young fools are eating up. Once he does, his chance beyond those young progressive demographics is done. No way independents get behind the multiple and drastic tax hikes he'll have to own up to eventually.
This is spot on. I really like Bernie and agree that the gap between rich and poor is out of hand. I just don't know how he is going to pay for all the shit he's giving away. He has said that he will eliminate the cap on the payroll tax. AYFKM?!?!?!? That's a huge tax increase. His middle class is a family of 4 that makes $50k. That scares the shit out of me.

One thought on free college tuition. I think it's ridiculous. I can get behind free vo-tech. I'd much rather pay for a poor black kid to learn how to be a plumber than pay for some rich white kid to get an art degree.
I blame the internet. Young people these days don't even have to get off their ass to shop for clothes and what not. The expectation is that leisure time is all the time. How the world works outside of their bubbles is all fantasy.
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It's easy to like/support a guy like Bernie if you have nothing to lose. I guess I understand the college kids fascination with the guy. What I don't understand is the people I grew up with born in the mid to late 70's that are buying into this garbage.
What I don't understand is the people I grew up with born in the mid to late 70's that are buying into this garbage.
They either have trust funds or don't make much money.
It's easy to like/support a guy like Bernie if you have nothing to lose. I guess I understand the college kids fascination with the guy. What I don't understand is the people I grew up with born in the mid to late 70's that are buying into this garbage.

idealists. I have a friend who is in love with the guy. She's a genuine and lovely person with a sweet heart, but there is a serious reality disconnect about *how* exactly Bernie could pull this off. He's describing a socialist Utopia, which on paper might even be the best way to go. In reality, there's no way to fund it without destroying the economy and knee-capping the last shred of the American dream.
Mega, I completely agree with you. One thing i will say, though. Let's say Rubio wins the GOP nomination and Bernie wins the DNP nomination. Is there a feasible congress makeup that would fund, work with legislatively, his plans? At least to the extreme that he is promoting? In that scenario, I vote third party, but I could see Bernie beating out rubio in a general election. He is nicer and more sincere, which carries a significant voting bloc.
Mega, I completely agree with you. One thing i will say, though. Let's say Rubio wins the GOP nomination and Bernie wins the DNP nomination. Is there a feasible congress makeup that would fund, work with legislatively, his plans? At least to the extreme that he is promoting? In that scenario, I vote third party, but I could see Bernie beating out rubio in a general election. He is nicer and more sincere, which carries a significant voting bloc.

Interesting question. If that happened, I just don't think he has the congress or state level support to really do anything all that sweeping. Everything he's talking about takes massive tax increase and that will quickly test the idealism of his current supporters. It's all fun and games until it takes food off of YOUR family's table. I think he would at least be an honorable man, which would be a refreshing change. But no, I don't think there's any way he gets the votes to do anything he's talking about if he somehow won the general election.
19.3 trillion in tax hikes over 10 years is the plan. If you make more than 10 mil, the Feds get 52% according to what the Bern has released.
19.3 trillion in tax hikes over 10 years is the plan. If you make more than 10 mil, the Feds get 52% according to what the Bern has released.

Where have you seen that? Would be interesting to see what his overall tax plan is. That's his easily attacked weak spot one would think. No way you get to 19.4 trillion without heavily burdening the shrinking middle class.
Where have you seen that? Would be interesting to see what his overall tax plan is. That's his easily attacked weak spot one would think. No way you get to 19.4 trillion without heavily burdening the shrinking middle class.

Uh Mega, the country is already well down the road to bankruptcy at the current debt level/increases. He's peddling Pollyanna horseshit to the clueless fools draining/wanna drain the tit dry.
Middle class for Bernie is a family of 4 bringing in $50,000. It isn't just his tax hike plan that bothers me. It's his redefinition of the middle class to 200% of poverty levels that does.
Bernie won't be able to pull off his ideas. IMO, he gets a lot of attention b/c he hits the major issues a lot. I don't really think the key issue for MOST American's are Marriage, Abortion, Guns. This is why Trump made so much of a splash. He told hedge fund managers to go F yourself. You don't have to like Robert Reich to respect a comment he made. He said he loves talking to people who have different opinions than his. However, what he found most interesting touring the country is....even the most conservative people were sick of the wealth gap in this country. Overwhelming....they just don't agree on how to fix it.
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I personally think people are drawn to him bc he's a kook alternative to Hillary. It's an anti Hillary pick...she's not very popular or likable. That guitar player dude is so yesterday.
I can't see Bernie Sanders bringing in a lot of Democratic votes. I think a lot of moderate Democrats would vote Republican or not at all before they would vote for him.
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I can't see Bernie Sanders bringing in a lot of Democratic votes. I think a lot of moderate Democrats would vote Republican or not at all before they would vote for him.

He's done after IA/NH; he'll be hard pressed to win dog catcher in Gotebo after that pseudo-pan flash.
He's done after IA/NH; he'll be hard pressed to win dog catcher in Gotebo after that pseudo-pan flash.

I would love to see polls of other states. I'm a news junkie and I never see polls outside of the first three states. I assume he wins Minnesota at least, right?

I would love to see polls of other states. I'm a news junkie and I never see polls outside of the first three states. I assume he wins Minnesota at least, right?
Go to they have them. Behind big in Minnesota, but basically tied in Wisconsin. If he can pull off Iowa, he will win NH and can really build some momentum for Super Tuesday.

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