I think someone calling me out for not calling out syskatine on his sexist comments about a single individual probably first ought to have clean hands regarding his own sexist comments about 1000s of women... that's just me though.
Noted. I am confused by the fact that you called me out in that thread - during which I acknowledged I had gone to far and backed off my comments and thought we had resolved several weeks ago - but evidently now I lack any credibility when I wonder why you don't hold CowboyUp and syskatine to that same level of respect for women. Sorry that pisses you off to get called out. I know how you feel. You've used syskatine for a punching bag too - so it seems odd that he skates on being openly awful specifically towards the sexuality of women he politically disagrees with (Melania, Kellyanne).
No, it's not your responsibility, but you clearly have set a standard to follow in recent months. It's modified the way I post and frankly I believe it's made me better at thinking things through before hitting post. I don't like getting called out, but I would prefer just post better content than blame you for calling me out. I feel like it keeps me honest, and I appreciate it.
I am straight sick of people trying to make me responsible for calling out each and every example of groupthink or hypocrisy on this board. Frankly, anyone willing to do that would have to spend pretty much all their time doing so. It is rampant from both sides and is the primary discussion or response in each and every thread.
It's a role you seemed to embrace - calling people out for groupthink and hypocrisy. Just want you to be consistent in what you do or don't call out. Is that out of line for me to prefer that? Fine if not, but I thought maybe our watchdog roles were a two way street. I'm fine if that's not the case. Just let me know.
In the Women's March thread, there were multiple posters piling upon and mischaracterizing the entirety of all women participating in the march as crazy fatties with daddy issues that had nothing to complain about. In this thread, you have a single poster commenting about a single individual woman. There are distinctions to be made as to why I did what I did in that thread versus what I did not do in this thread.
If you say so. I was trying (and failed) to be funny with the generalizations. Hadn't really considered that you and david had friends and family who might be there, and I felt bad for having done so when called out. It was a mistake on my part, although there was plenty to criticize about the marches in general.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a life cycle when it comes to my involvement on this board. I leave for a while. I get drawn back in to reading during a big political event (this time the election). I hope to engage in meaningful, detailed discussion of individual policy positions. I attempt to do so. That doesn't happen...or to be fair, doesn't happen as much as I would like. I go to not posting my own thoughts or analysis to simply attacking the logic, soundness, and support of posts that strike my interest or fancy....probing and challenging the weakness in other's posts solely rather than only giving my own opinions. From there I devolve even further and mostly just engage in mocking, snippy, catty comments here and there...."fake news"..."Polls"...hypocrisy watch..."cheerleader"....plenty of others. From there I go largely to reading only and just shaking my head at how we are all wasting so much time just making the same accusations towards each other, talking at each other instead of to each other, posting memes, and deliberately provoking each other. Then I take a break from the board entirely until the next time a big event leads me back by the nose for another go around.
That's all well and good, but I would be disappointed if me expecting you to have an consistent opinion in this thread is what pushes you to self exile. After all, it's got everything you claim you enjoy mocking. It's got snippy, catty comments, cheerleaders etc. Probably fake news too. Anyway, evidently I failed to appreciate the big difference between this and the march thread. They seem comparable to me. I figured you would have fun with being brought in, but it seems to have pissed you off - which wasn't the intent.
I am responsible for engaging in that cycle. I am guilty of the exact same conduct that I am critical of during that cycle. I do not believe or assert that I am any better than anyone else here. I wish I could break this cycle. I don't like my behavior and decisions through that cycle. I also recognize that I am probably just near the end of this particular cycle and will likely be taking a break from this board in the near future. Maybe I can break that cycle by just not returning, but I doubt it. It is what it is.
Sorry it's that way for you man. I used to do the same thing with the politics board. Eventually, I just found it to be a catharsis for me because I literally do not discuss politics in any other way publicly. In fact I avoid it like the plague. This board gets 100% of my commentary on politics that is not between close friends or family in person. I try never to get too emotionally invested in it, but I can certainly agree that is a line that is difficult to maintain.
I'll say this - two guys who I give the most shit to are @syskatine and @davidallen - I've had private message conversations with both, and they were both great. I think this board basically gives people a place to play their roles and get shit off their chests. I mean, we really aren't changing many minds here - except BeenJammin of course, who better be careful or he'll get red pilled if he sticks around too long.
Personally, I'll tell you - I genuinely don't want to be a cheerleader. It's a weird position to be in, where I feel like I'm seeing things that make me optimistic about what this administration really might accomplish in general on one hand, and seeing a level of vitriol toward him that I've never seen towards a president. So much of it is so clearly transparently manufactured, it's hard not to come off like a cheerleader. But I know I do, and frankly I like having to wonder - is this a post that I'm going to get a "wow" from JD on or does it fairly make my case as a constitutionalist? Hopefully, you find a balance that lets you stick around. The board is a better place for your presence, but shit dude. Don't get pissed off if someone calls YOU out too.