Beaver shot in Oval Office

I think someone calling me out for not calling out syskatine on his sexist comments about a single individual probably first ought to have clean hands regarding his own sexist comments about 1000s of women... that's just me though.

Noted. I am confused by the fact that you called me out in that thread - during which I acknowledged I had gone to far and backed off my comments and thought we had resolved several weeks ago - but evidently now I lack any credibility when I wonder why you don't hold CowboyUp and syskatine to that same level of respect for women. Sorry that pisses you off to get called out. I know how you feel. You've used syskatine for a punching bag too - so it seems odd that he skates on being openly awful specifically towards the sexuality of women he politically disagrees with (Melania, Kellyanne).

No, it's not your responsibility, but you clearly have set a standard to follow in recent months. It's modified the way I post and frankly I believe it's made me better at thinking things through before hitting post. I don't like getting called out, but I would prefer just post better content than blame you for calling me out. I feel like it keeps me honest, and I appreciate it.

I am straight sick of people trying to make me responsible for calling out each and every example of groupthink or hypocrisy on this board. Frankly, anyone willing to do that would have to spend pretty much all their time doing so. It is rampant from both sides and is the primary discussion or response in each and every thread.

It's a role you seemed to embrace - calling people out for groupthink and hypocrisy. Just want you to be consistent in what you do or don't call out. Is that out of line for me to prefer that? Fine if not, but I thought maybe our watchdog roles were a two way street. I'm fine if that's not the case. Just let me know.

In the Women's March thread, there were multiple posters piling upon and mischaracterizing the entirety of all women participating in the march as crazy fatties with daddy issues that had nothing to complain about. In this thread, you have a single poster commenting about a single individual woman. There are distinctions to be made as to why I did what I did in that thread versus what I did not do in this thread.

If you say so. I was trying (and failed) to be funny with the generalizations. Hadn't really considered that you and david had friends and family who might be there, and I felt bad for having done so when called out. It was a mistake on my part, although there was plenty to criticize about the marches in general.

I have come to the conclusion that I have a life cycle when it comes to my involvement on this board. I leave for a while. I get drawn back in to reading during a big political event (this time the election). I hope to engage in meaningful, detailed discussion of individual policy positions. I attempt to do so. That doesn't happen...or to be fair, doesn't happen as much as I would like. I go to not posting my own thoughts or analysis to simply attacking the logic, soundness, and support of posts that strike my interest or fancy....probing and challenging the weakness in other's posts solely rather than only giving my own opinions. From there I devolve even further and mostly just engage in mocking, snippy, catty comments here and there...."fake news"..."Polls"...hypocrisy watch..."cheerleader"....plenty of others. From there I go largely to reading only and just shaking my head at how we are all wasting so much time just making the same accusations towards each other, talking at each other instead of to each other, posting memes, and deliberately provoking each other. Then I take a break from the board entirely until the next time a big event leads me back by the nose for another go around.

That's all well and good, but I would be disappointed if me expecting you to have an consistent opinion in this thread is what pushes you to self exile. After all, it's got everything you claim you enjoy mocking. It's got snippy, catty comments, cheerleaders etc. Probably fake news too. Anyway, evidently I failed to appreciate the big difference between this and the march thread. They seem comparable to me. I figured you would have fun with being brought in, but it seems to have pissed you off - which wasn't the intent.

I am responsible for engaging in that cycle. I am guilty of the exact same conduct that I am critical of during that cycle. I do not believe or assert that I am any better than anyone else here. I wish I could break this cycle. I don't like my behavior and decisions through that cycle. I also recognize that I am probably just near the end of this particular cycle and will likely be taking a break from this board in the near future. Maybe I can break that cycle by just not returning, but I doubt it. It is what it is.

Sorry it's that way for you man. I used to do the same thing with the politics board. Eventually, I just found it to be a catharsis for me because I literally do not discuss politics in any other way publicly. In fact I avoid it like the plague. This board gets 100% of my commentary on politics that is not between close friends or family in person. I try never to get too emotionally invested in it, but I can certainly agree that is a line that is difficult to maintain.

I'll say this - two guys who I give the most shit to are @syskatine and @davidallen - I've had private message conversations with both, and they were both great. I think this board basically gives people a place to play their roles and get shit off their chests. I mean, we really aren't changing many minds here - except BeenJammin of course, who better be careful or he'll get red pilled if he sticks around too long.

Personally, I'll tell you - I genuinely don't want to be a cheerleader. It's a weird position to be in, where I feel like I'm seeing things that make me optimistic about what this administration really might accomplish in general on one hand, and seeing a level of vitriol toward him that I've never seen towards a president. So much of it is so clearly transparently manufactured, it's hard not to come off like a cheerleader. But I know I do, and frankly I like having to wonder - is this a post that I'm going to get a "wow" from JD on or does it fairly make my case as a constitutionalist? Hopefully, you find a balance that lets you stick around. The board is a better place for your presence, but shit dude. Don't get pissed off if someone calls YOU out too.
One thing about President Trump--he slayed the PC beast.

Now it's OK to joke about Cankles, Bitchelle, and "grabbing women by their pussies."

Yeah buddy!!!!

Love it--Pussy brigade on POTUS' staff now is fair game for political satire--with blessing from PDT himself!!.

For instance--even though Kellyanne's had some miscues while in (media) heat, if this gig doesn't work out for her maybe Trump could appoint her Ambassador to Poon Tang!!

Bada Bing!!! I made a funny!!!

I'm starting to like this being in the minority--all in spirit of good clean fun of course!!!
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Noted. I am confused by the fact that you called me out in that thread - during which I acknowledged I had gone to far and backed off my comments and thought we had resolved several weeks ago - but evidently now I lack any credibility when I wonder why you don't hold CowboyUp and syskatine to that same level of respect for women. Sorry that pisses you off to get called out. I know how you feel. You've used syskatine for a punching bag too - so it seems odd that he skates on being openly awful specifically towards the sexuality of women he politically disagrees with (Melania, Kellyanne).

No, it's not your responsibility, but you clearly have set a standard to follow in recent months. It's modified the way I post and frankly I believe it's made me better at thinking things through before hitting post. I don't like getting called out, but I would prefer just post better content than blame you for calling me out. I feel like it keeps me honest, and I appreciate it.

It's a role you seemed to embrace - calling people out for groupthink and hypocrisy. Just want you to be consistent in what you do or don't call out. Is that out of line for me to prefer that? Fine if not, but I thought maybe our watchdog roles were a two way street. I'm fine if that's not the case. Just let me know.

If you say so. I was trying (and failed) to be funny with the generalizations. Hadn't really considered that you and david had friends and family who might be there, and I felt bad for having done so when called out. It was a mistake on my part, although there was plenty to criticize about the marches in general.

That's all well and good, but I would be disappointed if me expecting you to have an consistent opinion in this thread is what pushes you to self exile. After all, it's got everything you claim you enjoy mocking. It's got snippy, catty comments, cheerleaders etc. Probably fake news too. Anyway, evidently I failed to appreciate the big difference between this and the march thread. They seem comparable to me. I figured you would have fun with being brought in, but it seems to have pissed you off - which wasn't the intent.

Sorry it's that way for you man. I used to do the same thing with the politics board. Eventually, I just found it to be a catharsis for me because I literally do not discuss politics in any other way publicly. In fact I avoid it like the plague. This board gets 100% of my commentary on politics that is not between close friends or family in person. I try never to get too emotionally invested in it, but I can certainly agree that is a line that is difficult to maintain.

I'll say this - two guys who I give the most shit to are @syskatine and @davidallen - I've had private message conversations with both, and they were both great. I think this board basically gives people a place to play their roles and get shit off their chests. I mean, we really aren't changing many minds here - except BeenJammin of course, who better be careful or he'll get red pilled if he sticks around too long.

Personally, I'll tell you - I genuinely don't want to be a cheerleader. It's a weird position to be in, where I feel like I'm seeing things that make me optimistic about what this administration really might accomplish in general on one hand, and seeing a level of vitriol toward him that I've never seen towards a president. So much of it is so clearly transparently manufactured, it's hard not to come off like a cheerleader. But I know I do, and frankly I like having to wonder - is this a post that I'm going to get a "wow" from JD on or does it fairly make my case as a constitutionalist? Hopefully, you find a balance that lets you stick around. The board is a better place for your presence, but shit dude. Don't get pissed off if someone calls YOU out too.
Keep bringing it...

I am here for my own selfish desire to test my positions, better understand the other side, and blow off steam. There has also been catharsis in trolling the extreme Trumpinistas.

Sincerely, I do think you will look back and feel a bit of chagrin at the things you were willing to overlook in favor of Trump's meta message.

I consider it an obligation to Make Mega Great Again by calling out your blatant cheerleading.
From there I go largely to reading only and just shaking my head at how we are all wasting so much time just making the same accusations towards each other, talking at each other instead of to each other, posting memes, and deliberately provoking each other.

I see your point here - and wanted to make a larger point unrelated to my previous reply.

I don't know how often there are actual meaningful conversations on this board, but they do happen sometimes. One value to me of the meme war arguing that goes on is that it puts various tribal ideas on the table to either prop up or subject to attack. Minds may not get changed in those conversations, but I think that over time, these threads tend to give credibility to or take credibility from certain points of view each of us holds and people do politically evolve over time. NZ is a great example of this. You say he's a spammer, but I say he's posting some of the most pertinent content on the board and when challenged backs it up with a libertarianish viewpoint that may diverge from your own, but it's very different than who he was 5 years ago when his posting style was more like BeenJammin is today.

This board is a long game politically, but in general it's just a place to blow off steam and have some fun in my opinion. But having said that, there are plenty of guys who get burned out and leave for awhile. I just think you are better than any of them. Suck it up buttercup!
Keep bringing it...

I am here for my own selfish desire to test my positions, better understand the other side, and blow off steam. There has also been catharsis in trolling the extreme Trumpinistas.

Sincerely, I do think you will look back and feel a bit of chagrin at the things you were willing to overlook in favor of Trump's meta message.

I consider it an obligation to Make Mega Great Again by calling out your blatant cheerleading.

Don't hate the player.

Noted. I am confused by the fact that you called me out in that thread - during which I acknowledged I had gone to far and backed off my comments and thought we had resolved several weeks ago - but evidently now I lack any credibility when I wonder why you don't hold CowboyUp and syskatine to that same level of respect for women. Sorry that pisses you off to get called out. I know how you feel. You've used syskatine for a punching bag too - so it seems odd that he skates on being openly awful specifically towards the sexuality of women he politically disagrees with (Melania, Kellyanne).

No, it's not your responsibility, but you clearly have set a standard to follow in recent months. It's modified the way I post and frankly I believe it's made me better at thinking things through before hitting post. I don't like getting called out, but I would prefer just post better content than blame you for calling me out. I feel like it keeps me honest, and I appreciate it.

It's a role you seemed to embrace - calling people out for groupthink and hypocrisy. Just want you to be consistent in what you do or don't call out. Is that out of line for me to prefer that? Fine if not, but I thought maybe our watchdog roles were a two way street. I'm fine if that's not the case. Just let me know.

If you say so. I was trying (and failed) to be funny with the generalizations. Hadn't really considered that you and david had friends and family who might be there, and I felt bad for having done so when called out. It was a mistake on my part, although there was plenty to criticize about the marches in general.

That's all well and good, but I would be disappointed if me expecting you to have an consistent opinion in this thread is what pushes you to self exile. After all, it's got everything you claim you enjoy mocking. It's got snippy, catty comments, cheerleaders etc. Probably fake news too. Anyway, evidently I failed to appreciate the big difference between this and the march thread. They seem comparable to me. I figured you would have fun with being brought in, but it seems to have pissed you off - which wasn't the intent.

Sorry it's that way for you man. I used to do the same thing with the politics board. Eventually, I just found it to be a catharsis for me because I literally do not discuss politics in any other way publicly. In fact I avoid it like the plague. This board gets 100% of my commentary on politics that is not between close friends or family in person. I try never to get too emotionally invested in it, but I can certainly agree that is a line that is difficult to maintain.

I'll say this - two guys who I give the most shit to are @syskatine and @davidallen - I've had private message conversations with both, and they were both great. I think this board basically gives people a place to play their roles and get shit off their chests. I mean, we really aren't changing many minds here - except BeenJammin of course, who better be careful or he'll get red pilled if he sticks around too long.

Personally, I'll tell you - I genuinely don't want to be a cheerleader. It's a weird position to be in, where I feel like I'm seeing things that make me optimistic about what this administration really might accomplish in general on one hand, and seeing a level of vitriol toward him that I've never seen towards a president. So much of it is so clearly transparently manufactured, it's hard not to come off like a cheerleader. But I know I do, and frankly I like having to wonder - is this a post that I'm going to get a "wow" from JD on or does it fairly make my case as a constitutionalist? Hopefully, you find a balance that lets you stick around. The board is a better place for your presence, but shit dude. Don't get pissed off if someone calls YOU out too.

To be clear, I'm not pissed you or anyone else....for calling me out.

Mea culpa if I gave that impression by my post.

Thanks for the rest of your comments. Who knows what will happen in the immediate future? Additionally, there has been a lot of self examination going on as a result of shit going on between my middle daughter and I and the Catholic Church and other things that honestly has probably left me fairly emotionally raw right now. Maybe I can find that balance. Maybe a break is in order. I've taken breaks before (without making a pompous proclamation like I did this time). That's not the worst thing in the world that could happen to me.

Damn....I guess I'm just ready for football season or something.
To be clear, I'm not pissed you or anyone else....for calling me out.

Mea culpa if I gave that impression by my post.

Thanks for the rest of your comments. Who knows what will happen in the immediate future? Additionally, there has been a lot of self examination going on as a result of shit going on between my middle daughter and I and the Catholic Church and other things that honestly has probably left me fairly emotionally raw right now. Maybe I can find that balance. Maybe a break is in order. I've taken breaks before (without making a pompous proclamation like I did this time). That's not the worst thing in the world that could happen to me.

Damn....I guess I'm just ready for football season or something.

How old is she now?
I did not engage in a hypothetical, speculative, supposition you proposed because I am uninterested in engaging in that type of discussion.

I have repeatedly offered up my own political and factual opinions. In fact, I started a thread where I gave a detailed analysis and opinion and grade for President Trump's actual performance and Executive Orders. It was met with largely a collective "meh, okay". I don't believe anyone did anything similar in response.

@CowboyJD Thanks for the response. But you did engage in the conversation by replying and saying something like meh... no. It should be a compliment someone wanted your opinion and admittedly baited you by calling you naive but I was looking for different opinions on Russia and not so much to make it a Dem or Rep debate.

Like some others, I have not followed MSM for at least 12 years until this past Nov. I sat in silence minding my own business about politics the past 8 years, only thing I did was tell conservative friends to hope and pray Obama to do well because it would be good for the country. I am relative newbie here and partly because the first time in a long time I see hope. Although Trump would not be who I would pick to push his policies that I mostly support, he was the only one that could win. That hasenergized IMO some voters like me who to some degree have felt shamed in to silence these last 8 years, especially being an old white male and many of us I think are fed up and ready to destroy PC in this country and hurt feelings as long as it is based in facts and long standing American principles.

It is sickening how divisive this country is, and the party that loses up its game after each election to obstruct and smear, Dems have raised it past anything seen before sponsored by MSM. When the Dems get control again a part of me wants to see the Reps get payback, but that is not good for the country and who will stop the cycle?

You would think a truly middle of the road party would be a slam dunk win, but neither the swamp or MSM will allow it.
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@CowboyJD Thanks for the response. But you did engage in the conversation by replying and saying something like meh... no. It should be a compliment someone wanted your opinion and admittedly baited you by calling you naive but I was looking for different opinions on Russia and not so much to make it a Dem or Rep debate.

Like some others, I have not followed MSM for at least 12 years until this past Nov. I sat in silence minding my own business about politics the past 8 years, only thing I did was tell conservative friends to hope and pray Obama to do well because it would be good for the country. I am relative newbie here and partly because the first time in a long time I see hope. Although Trump would not be who I would pick to push his policies that I mostly support, he was the only one that could win. That hasenergized IMO some voters like me who to some degree have felt shamed in to silence these last 8 years, especially being an old white male and many of us I think are fed up and ready to destroy PC in this country and hurt feelings as long as it is based in facts and long standing American principles.

It is sickening how divisive this country is, and the party that loses up its game after each election to obstruct and smear, Dems have raised it past anything seen before sponsored by MSM. When the Dems get control again a part of me wants to see the Reps get payback, but that is not good for the country and who will stop the cycle?

You would think a truly middle of the road party would be a slam dunk win, but neither the swamp or MSM will allow it.

I said I don't think so.

If you wanna call that "engagement", go ahead. I don't consider it to be. That was more of an example of my catty trollish comments to avoid real engagement that I mentioned in my earlier post. It certainly wasn't appropriate, fair to you, or anything but childish and mea culpa.

I don't see much hope of the divisive nature of the country healing, unfortunately. I see a future of each party accumulating more authority when they are in power, trying to get pay back while they are, the other party upping their game, gaining power and upping the ante of authority amassing and payback.

It may have taken 200+ years, but IMO Washington's comments about party politics in his farewell address are close to becoming 100% true and accurate.
@CowboyJD Thanks for the response. But you did engage in the conversation by replying and saying something like meh... no. It should be a compliment someone wanted your opinion and admittedly baited you by calling you naive but I was looking for different opinions on Russia and not so much to make it a Dem or Rep debate.

Like some others, I have not followed MSM for at least 12 years until this past Nov. I sat in silence minding my own business about politics the past 8 years, only thing I did was tell conservative friends to hope and pray Obama to do well because it would be good for the country. I am relative newbie here and partly because the first time in a long time I see hope. Although Trump would not be who I would pick to push his policies that I mostly support, he was the only one that could win. That hasenergized IMO some voters like me who to some degree have felt shamed in to silence these last 8 years, especially being an old white male and many of us I think are fed up and ready to destroy PC in this country and hurt feelings as long as it is based in facts and long standing American principles.

It is sickening how divisive this country is, and the party that loses up its game after each election to obstruct and smear, Dems have raised it past anything seen before sponsored by MSM. When the Dems get control again a part of me wants to see the Reps get payback, but that is not good for the country and who will stop the cycle?

You would think a truly middle of the road party would be a slam dunk win, but neither the swamp or MSM will allow it.

You don't think Trump is middle of the road? I consider him to be a liberal on many issues.
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You don't think Trump is middle of the road? I consider him to be a liberal on many issues.

Which ones?

Based upon actual policy actions rather than something he said years ago and subsequently disavowed, please.

I can think of one and a quarter where he kinda, sorta has a liberal bend: gay marriage being settled law (though contrary to his position) and that transexuals can use whatever bathroom they want at Trump properties (though he has withdrawn the Dept of Ed guidance and may withdraw any objection to the NC bathroom law).
You don't think Trump is middle of the road? I consider him to be a liberal on many issues.

You make a really good point, if his personality was different I think perhaps more voters with left leanings would have voted for him, the conservative side of me tells me that. But then my more aggressive side of me says without that big bravado perhaps he does not get elected. His policies were the most middle of the road IMO, as also evidenced by the fact many reps do not like some of his policies. I sometimes confuse Trump's personality with his actual policies. He definitely has some left leanings and you could not say either Obama, Hillary, or Bernie had right leanings, at least not in my opinion.
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You make a really good point, if his personality was different I think perhaps more voters with left leanings would have voted for him, the conservative side of me tells me that. But then my more aggressive side of me says without that big bravado perhaps he does not get elected. His policies were the most middle of the road IMO, as also evidenced by the fact many reps do not like some of his policies. I sometimes confuse Trump's personality with his actual policies. He definitely has some left leanings and you could not say either Obama, Hillary, or Bernie had right leanings, at least not in my opinion.

Can you name his actual policy actions that are "middle of the road" or even liberal like AC said?

I'm really interested in this contention and looking for fact based discussion on it.
Which ones?

Based upon actual policy actions rather than something he said years ago and subsequently disavowed, please.

I can think of one and a quarter where he kinda, sorta has a liberal bend: gay marriage being settled law (though contrary to his position) and that transexuals can use whatever bathroom they want at Trump properties (though he has withdrawn the Dept of Ed guidance and may withdraw any objection to the NC bathroom law).

@CowboyJD you did not ask me but I will take a shot. His infrastructure / jobs initiative seems liberal to me, especially when you consider our huge deficit. If you ignore his "pussy" locker room talk he has women in his campaign in important position of power, he signed an EO this past week targeted to helping women in business.

IMO his desire to decrease crime in the minority sections of our larger cities, which I personally believe is a strong sincere desire to help minorities, is typically a left issue and one the dems have ignored for a long time, the poor and minorities deserve to live safely.

I personally do not like his pick for his Education Secretary, but again Trump understands the need to improve education to help the poor. Dems have paid lip service to it, the potential to allow the poor and minorities to use vouchers to attend a school of their choice could be powerful. My friend in Baton Rouge says they are doing this in BR and the minorities LOVE it. Why anyone would defend our current public system as dems have and to not be open minded to trying something to approve test scores and graduation rates are beyond me. It is a proven fact that minorities that attend private schools have a much better chance of graduating from HS and college.

Trump IMO pulled some minority votes over these issues.

Blue Collar Workers / Unions - Typically a dem stronghold, Trump campaigned on basically bringing back blue collar / tradesmen / union jobs and he pulled a bunch of votes from this sector. Dems missed the mood in the country on this horribly with a voting block that almost always voted for dems. Trump fixing this with more conservative thinking - deregulation, fixing trade agreements and then IMO using more left thinking to create economic equality by threatening a tax on US companies that go abroad for cheap labor and then sending those goods back to the US. Dems literally gave this vote away by their globalist policies - the first business meeting in the Trump era - with Union heads.

Although building up the military is a conservative notion, doing so in a period of huge budget deficits seems liberal to me in terms of spending, ironic that dems are now suddenly hawkish when it comes to spending when it comes to this issue.

I believe his commitment to fixing the veterans administration is somethings that is slightly left leaning, this is a social program IMO and one again the dems did nothing while in office to fix. Again, committed to this during a time of budget deficits.

How Trump pays for these things is another matter and he may have a way to do it over a long period of time based on economic growth and cutting government waste, but the fact you have a Rep Prez and he wants to tackle these specific issues with all-time high budget deficits seems liberal to me.
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Might have missed this part.

Which ones?

Based upon actual policy actions rather than something he said years ago and subsequently disavowed, please.

I can think of one and a quarter where he kinda, sorta has a liberal bend: gay marriage being settled law (though contrary to his position) and that transexuals can use whatever bathroom they want at Trump properties (though he has withdrawn the Dept of Ed guidance and may withdraw any objection to the NC bathroom law).
@CowboyJD you did not ask me but I will take a shot. His infrastructure / jobs initiative seems liberal to me, especially when you consider our huge deficit. If you ignore his "pussy" locker room talk he has women in his campaign in important position of power, he signed an EO this past week targeted to helping women in business.

IMO his desire to decrease crime in the minority sections of our larger cities, which I personally believe is a strong sincere desire to help minorities, is typically a left issue and one the dems have ignored for a long time, the poor and minorities deserve to live safely.

I personally do not like his pick for his Education Secretary, but again Trump understands the need to improve education to help the poor. Dems have paid lip service to it, the potential to allow the poor and minorities to use vouchers to attend a school of their choice could be powerful. My friend in Baton Rouge says they are doing this in BR and the minorities LOVE it. Why anyone would defend our current public system as dems have and to not be open minded to trying something to approve test scores and graduation rates are beyond me. It is a proven fact that minorities that attend private schools have a much better chance of graduating from HS and college.

Trump IMO pulled some minority votes over these issues.

Blue Collar Workers / Unions - Typically a dem stronghold, Trump campaigned on basically bringing back blue collar / tradesmen / union jobs and he pulled a bunch of votes from this sector. Dems missed the mood in the country on this horribly with a voting block that almost always voted for dems. Trump fixing this with more conservative thinking - deregulation, fixing trade agreements and then IMO using more left thinking to create economic equality by threatening a tax on US companies that go abroad for cheap labor and then sending those goods back to the US. Dems literally gave this vote away by their globalist policies - the first business meeting in the Trump era - with Union heads.

Although building up the military is a conservative notion, doing so in a period of huge budget deficits seems liberal to me in terms of spending, ironic that dems are now suddenly hawkish when it comes to spending when it comes to this issue.

I believe his commitment to fixing the veterans administration is somethings that is slightly left leaning, this is a social program IMO and one again the dems did nothing while in office to fix. Again, committed to this during a time of budget deficits.

How Trump pays for these things is another matter and he may have a way to do it over a long period of time based on economic growth and cutting government waste, but the fact you have a Rep Prez and he wants to tackle this issues with all-time high budget deficits seems liberal to me.

Of all of those. I see some validity that actions taken could lean left is the infrastructure. The rest, I disagree his actions to address those traditionally left issues indicate any liberal leanings.

Inner city crime....threatened to bring in the Feds and national guard. Definitely not lefty.

Education....less central control at DoE is definitely a non-liberal concept.

Unions....yes, he is running a populist, bring back jobs to America, but as you said....he's using conservative actions to do so.

Pro- Military build up is clearly not a liberal concept or action IMO. Overspending also hasn't been exclusive to conservatives or liberals....just what they want to spend it on.

VA...hasn't taken much action yet, but it seems that you are saying wanting to keep it around at all id a liberal concept. I disagree with that.

I can agree he has co-opted some traditionally liberal issues....but his solutions and actions don't exhibit liberal leanings or actions at all.
Since when is supporting infrastructure projects a "left" or a "right" issue?

I can see how the method of funding could break along ideological lines and there be some "split" in philosophy on that element alone.

But infrastructure as a necessity for the country's commerce, freedom of travel, etc.? Where would this country's standing in the world be at this time without Ike's push for the Interstate Highway system? How about without the internet? I mean do "conservatives" dislike or not use the internet or the highways any more or less than "liberals" do?

If there was one single thing I thing all sides of the political spectrum would agree on in almost totality, it is that the nation's physical infrastructure needs to be maintained and when necessary expanded. After all, whose lives are not impacted by it?

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