Attendee at Kamala rally says "Jesus is Lord!', Kamala says "Oh you guys are at the wrong rally!"

You are the one who compared Trump to someone who wasn't Christ-like. Your words, not mine.
I replied to your words. Actually your spin. This is a classic troll tactic, create a spin, then if someone replies, then you say "Oh so you admit that....'

Kudos. I should have known better than to treat you as an intelligent and honest poster.

Then you are believing a lie and are being deceived.

Harris never told Christians to leave. She was responding to anti-abortion protesters and using wit to joke and defuse the situation.
So those people weren't Christians? The people that said publicly that Christ is Lord weren't Christians?

What religion were they?
Would love to see your proof of that.
Then study some history. Abortion has been around for a long time. And on top of that, religious views of abortion have changed over time too.

Also, murder is a sin, I think that Moses guy came down off a mountain once with that commandment literally written from God.
And what is murder? The unlawful killing of a human being by another.

Was all the killing we see in the name of God in the Old Testament "murder?"

This is where people (including Christians) disagree about abortion, whether or not it is murder.

So you admit homosexuality is sinful behavior.
No I don't admit this. I wrote that there are those who would disagree with your claim about what the Bible is referencing in terms of homosexuality. But for the sake of the argument, I accepted your claim to make the point that there are many other sins mentioned in the Bible that you are ignoring.

Your party supports homosexuality openly. Ergo, it openly supports a sin that goes against the teachings of the Bible.

Another reason why I can't support your party.
And your party supports adultery openly. Your party supports lying openly. Your party supports fornication openly. Etc.

So how can you support the Republican Party when it does all of this? How can you support Trump when he does all of these sins?

That's why I also pointed out that the NT, Paul specifically, refers to homosexuality as 'wicked' behavior.
And the NT refers to all the other actions I'm mentioning as wicked too.

So why don't you condemn them as well? Why aren't you as obsessed with them as well? Demanding they be illegal too?

Why are you voting for a man who openly commits sins that the Bible labels wicked? We heard Trump even brag on tape about committing what the Bible calls wickedness. Why are you still supporting him and voting for him? And supporting his party?

The point here is....your party not only accepts, it glorified homosexuality. The only way someone claiming to be a Christian can be ok with that, in my eyes, is if they put their political beliefs above their religious ones.
No, the real point here is that you are only focusing on homosexuality and gender. Nothing else. You are ignoring everything else the Bible mentions.


Why are demanding a standard for Christians that you don't apply to yourself? Why are you celebrating and voting for a politician that engages and supports actions the Bible claims are wicked?
You missed the part where I said God likely wasn't happy with Trump's response.

See what I did there? I criticized Trump.
Not to start with you didn't. You tried to defend him. Claimed it was "funny as hell." Called the disabled reporter a "dipshit "

Only when I pointed out your hypocrisy did you acknowledge that God "likely" wasn't happy with Trump's response. Likely? Likely? See, lol, you are even still hedging some.

Not to mention, you are still voting for Trump. That incident didn't make you stop supporting Trump, did it? Yet, lol, you think people should stop supporting Harris because she was joking around with some anti-abortion protestors who were disrupting her rally.🙄🤣

Notice you can't criticize Kamala over this, you blindly defend her. You attack the Christians, claim they were simply 'protestors', not lovers of Christ.

Why can't you criticize Kamala's behavior like I criticized Trump's?
Because there is nothing to criticize Harris about. There is nothing wrong with her responding to anti-abortion protesters who are disrupting her rally with wit and humor. There is nothing unChristian in what Harris did.

Harris was not attacking Christians. That is a lie you have decided to believe and spread. You have been deceived. Wake up and stop being deceived.
Then study some history.
So you have no proof that abortions were performed in Biblical times. Didn't think so.

Was all the killing we see in the name of God in the Old Testament "murder?"

This is where people (including Christians) disagree about abortion, whether or not it is murder.
Yes sadly many people put their political views above their religious ones

And your party supports adultery openly. Your party supports lying openly. Your party supports fornication openly. Etc.
Show me where in the Republican Party platform it says that adultery is fine, that lying is fine, that fornication is fine, etc.

The Dem party supports homosexuality, abortion and transgenderism. All of which are against Biblical teachings.

And the NT refers to all the other actions I'm mentioning as wicked too.

So why don't you condemn them as well? Why aren't you as obsessed with them as well? Demanding they be illegal too?
I condemn all sin. Because I put my love of God above my love of any political party.

Remind us why you aren't condemning your party's support of non-Biblical teachings like support of homosexuality, transgenderism and abortion?

No, the real point here is that you are only focusing on homosexuality and gender. Nothing else. You are ignoring everything else the Bible mentions.
I mentioned abortion as well. All are sins. Glad you can admit that. Now why are you supporting a party that goes against Biblical teachings?

Why are demanding a standard for Christians that you don't apply to yourself? Why are you celebrating and voting for a politician that engages and supports actions the Bible claims are wicked?
Because Jesus is the only perfect man to ever walk this earth, and He isn't on the ballot.

For instance, you point out Trump's infidelities in marriage, but what about Kamala and Doug's? Both have committed sin in that regard, are you saying I can't vote for Kamala as a result of her wicked behavior?
Not to start with you didn't. You tried to defend him. Claimed it was "funny as hell." Called the disabled reporter a "dipshit "

Only when I pointed out your hypocrisy did you acknowledge that God "likely" wasn't happy with Trump's response. Likely? Likely? See, lol, you are even still hedging some.

Not to mention, you are still voting for Trump. That incident didn't make you stop supporting Trump, did it? Yet, lol, you think people should stop supporting Harris because she was joking around with some anti-abortion protestors who were disrupting her rally.🙄🤣
Nope, I think people should put God above their politics.

That's why I prayed to God and asked Him to show me who I should support, who is doing His will.

He hasn't shown me to support Kamala. That's why I'm not.
Because they said Christ is Lord.

Members of Westboro Baptist Church say the same thing, while they protest funerals of fallen soldiers. People in other cults say the same thing as they proceed to do the opposite of what Christ says to do. Think of all the false cult leaders or false prophets who have said Christ is Lord. As Saint James told us, even demons believe

Just saying that statement doesn't mean one is definitely a true follower of Christ.

You called them protestors because they said that.
Because they were protesting against abortion. They were protestors. Even Fox News admitted and told you they were "pro-life" protestors.

Saying Christ is Lord is something a Christian does, not a political protestor.

Political protestors say this often.

I just wished you rushed to the defense of Christ and His followers as easily as you do Kamala.
I don't believe those protestors were representing Christ at the moment. So there is no need to come to the defense of Christ and his followers in this instance.

When are you going to come to the defense of Christ by rejecting Trump and all of the wickedness (according to your own standard) that he engages in and supports?
Wait, you talked to them personally and know why they did that?
We all know they were there to protest abortion. Even Fox News reported on this, calling them "pro-life" protestors.

Are you seriously trying toclaim Fox News and everyone else is lying and they were not there protesting abortion?

Why couldn't they have been Christians who heard the evil Kamala was saying, and the Holy Spirit moved them to profess their love of Christ?
Because they were there protesting abortion.

You just can't create your own fantasy about what was occurring. You seem to do this often. You ignore reality and create a fantasy.
Because they were there protesting abortion.

You just can't create your own fantasy about what was occurring. You seem to do this often. You ignore reality and create a fantasy.
Dude, that's exactly what you are doing here LOL You are projecting your behavior onto me.

All because you can't criticize Kamala telling Christians that they aren't welcome at her events.

As a Trump supporter, I'm glad she spoke her truth. I do think God was using her to show the world what is in her heart.
I replied to your words. Actually your spin. This is a classic troll tactic, create a spin, then if someone replies, then you say "Oh so you admit that....'
This is your post, your own words, this is what you posted:
There wasn't much about Cyrus that was Christ-like either, but God used him to accomplish His will.
So, chance for you to clarify your own words:

(1) Do you believe Trump is a modern-day Cyrus?

(2) If so, do you then admit Trump isn't Christ-like either?
This is your post, your own words, this is what you posted:

So, chance for you to clarify your own words:

(1) Do you believe Trump is a modern-day Cyrus?

(2) If so, do you then admit Trump isn't Christ-like either?
No one on earth is Christ-like. That's why we are stuck on earth.

If we were Christ-like, we would be as Holy as He is, and we would be in Heaven.

Please read the Bible.
So those people weren't Christians? The people that said publicly that Christ is Lord weren't Christians?
I don't know if they are or aren't. I don't know them personally and it isn't my place to judge whether they are or aren't.

I'm just stating that simply making the statement "Jesus is Lord or King" doesn't mean one is automatically a Christian.

I know they were anti-abortion protesters though attempting to disrupt Harris' political rally. Harris was not addressing all Christians. She was addressing anti-abortion protesters. Simple as that.
Nope, unlike progressive like yourself, I don't need daily guidance from political leaders, they are not gods to me like they are to you on the left. I often disagree with the politicians I vote for. oh the horror. :)
No political leader is a god to me. And I don't know one liberal or progressive who would claim a political leader is a god to them. None of my friends would.

So you are completely wrong about progressives and those of us on the left.
Then you know how ridiculous it was of you to mention Trump's infidelity.
I mentioned it to show how you are supporting someone who committed and supports a wickedness in the Bible. To ask you why you aren't as obsessed with this "sin" as you are other actions you believe to be "sin."

You pick and choose "sins" to get upset about. You pick and choose what "sins" you want to make illegal. You vote for right-wing politicians that do exactly what left-wing politicians do.

You and those on the right don't have the market on Christianity. Far from it actually.

Especially considering that both Kamala and her husband have had had numerous infidelities, have they not?
I haven't heard anyone claim Kamala Harris has committed adultery. Yes, her husband has though. As for what Harris did before she was married, I don't know, I only hear and read the same junk you hear and read.

This is my point though. None of these politicians are perfect or without "sin." They are just like us, imperfect people who make mistakes.
No political leader is a god to me. And I don't know one liberal or progressive who would claim a political leader is a god to them. None of my friends would.

So you are completely wrong about progressives and those of us on the left.
Of course they wouldn't have you ever head of a leftist or a liberal admitting anything they think would make them look bad? Hell the idiot you are voting for can't even admit the number of illegals she allowed and encouraged into the country.
So you have no proof that abortions were performed in Biblical times. Didn't think so.
I literally cited a passage to you in the Bible itself, Numbers 5:11-29.

And again, we know for a fact that abortion was around during biblical times. That is known history. You can Google it and read all about it from different sources. It is common knowledge.

Yes sadly many people put their political views above their religious ones
What about when the Bible tells us God told his people to kill other humans, including women and children.

Was this not from God? Was this murder?

Show me where in the Republican Party platform it says that adultery is fine, that lying is fine, that fornication is fine, etc.
Is the Republican Party, in their platform, calling to make all forms of fornication, including masturbation, illegal? Yes or no?

Is the Republican Party, in their platform, calling on enforcing current adultery laws and/or passing laws to make adultery illegal and criminally punishable? Yes or no?

Is the Republican Party, in their platform, calling on stricter new or existing laws on any type of lie, including politicians who lie? Yes or no?

Does the Republican Party condemn and remove from their party Trump or any other Republican every time they lie? Yes or no?

I condemn all sin. Because I put my love of God above my love of any political party.
Then do you believe all forms of fornication, including masturbation, should be illegal in this country? Do you support our government telling every people in this country they can't engage in any sexual activity unless it is with one person of the opposite sex who they are married to? And punish those who break this law?

Yes or no?

Because Jesus is the only perfect man to ever walk this earth, and He isn't on the ballot.

So stop condemning other people of faith who don't vote like you do. Stop questioning their faith because they choose to vote differently than you do.

Nope, I think people should put God above their politics.
Ok. And many people do, including those who will be voting for Kamala Harris. I place God ahead of my politics. Every Christian I know who is supporting Harris aren't placing politics above their God. It is actually the complete opposite.

Stop falsely assuming that everybody who supports Harris or the Democratic Party is placing politics above God.

Do you want to be accused of placing politics above God? Are you?
And there it is. You can't find fault with Kamala's actions.

If you asked me to criticize God, I would have the same reaction. I can't criticize God because I find no fault with His actions.
On this issue, the topic of this thread, no, I don't find fault with Harris' action. She didn't do anything wrong by responding to anti-abortion protesters disrupting her rally. She has every right to respond and she did so with humor.

You don't criticize Trump for responding to protestors at his rally. So why do you think Democrats should criticize Harris for doing so?

And lastly, Harris isn't God. Harris makes mistakes. I and no one I know thinks Harris is God.
We do? I don't know that. I know they publicly professed a love of Christ.
Well, you should know that. It was obvious what they were protesting and it has been reported by all (including right-wing sources) that they were protesting abortion.

Again, you don't get to ignore the facts and create your own fantasy, and then demand that everyone else has to live in your fantasy.

They were anti-abortion protesters. That is the reality. Simple as that.

Fox is garbage. So is what Kamala did by kicking Christians out of her events.
lol, Fox is only garbage with you when they challenge your delusional fantasies. Which isn't often, but every now and then it happens.

And again, just stop lying. Look at you, doing something the Bible tells you not to do. See what I mean? lol
All because you can't criticize Kamala telling Christians that they aren't welcome at her events.
Again, stop lying. Harris never told Christians that they were not welcomed at her events.

I really don't understand why you enjoy lying and making up fantasies so much. It's strange.
No one on earth is Christ-like. That's why we are stuck on earth.

If we were Christ-like, we would be as Holy as He is, and we would be in Heaven.

Please read the Bible.
Again, stop dodging/deflecting and answering the direct questions I asked you. For someone who demands others answer his questions, you really struggle answering questions from others.

(1) Do you believe Trump is a modern-day Cyrus? Yes or no?

(2) If so, do you then admit Trump isn't Christ-like either? Yes or no?

Also . . .

Is the Republican Party, in their platform, calling to make all forms of fornication, including masturbation, illegal? Yes or no?

Is the Republican Party, in their platform, calling on enforcing current adultery laws and/or passing laws to make adultery illegal and criminally punishable? Yes or no?

Is the Republican Party, in their platform, calling on stricter new or existing laws on any type of lie, including politicians who lie? Yes or no?

Does the Republican Party condemn and remove from their party Trump or any other Republican every time they lie? Yes or no?
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Of course they wouldn't have you ever head of a leftist or a liberal admitting anything they think would make them look bad?
And this logic could easily be applied to you and other right-wingers as well. Especially given all the actions, statements, and lies from Trump you routinely defend.

Hell the idiot you are voting for can't even admit the number of illegals she allowed and encouraged into the country.
Has the idiot you voted for admitted the number of "illegals" he allowed into the country? Has he admitted that he didn't sign into law one immigration reform act when he was President? Has he admitted that the Biden/Harris administration has deported more individuals lately than he did?

Yeah, I know you won't answer these questions. It is really hard for you to acknowledge both the truth and your hypocrisy.
Again, stop dodging/deflecting and answering the direct questions I asked you. For someone who demands others answer his questions, you really struggle answering questions from others.

(1) Do you believe Trump is a modern-day Cyrus? Yes or no?
If you are asking if I believe that Trump has been anointed by God to do God's will? Yes I do. As do many prophets and Christian leaders. In fact, multiple prophets have met with Trump and anointed him for that very purpose.

(2) If so, do you then admit Trump isn't Christ-like either? Yes or no?
Ummm....I've already said he isn't. None of us are. Kamala isn't either.
So @my_2cents looked at a video of Trump, and knew that he was mocking a reporter because of the reporter's disability.

Then he saw a video of Kamala telling two attendees to leave after they said "Christ is Lord', and he knew that those people were NOT Chrsitians, they were protestors, and he knew that Kamala was NOT saying that Christians are NOT welcome at her events.

Ok, I'm done
  • Haha
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Every lib here has heard about this because it's all social media is talking about. Kamala is being roasted alive for doing this, as she should be.

So to all you libs acting like you don't see this thread: We see you. We see you standing with Kamala and against Chritsians.

God sees you too.
Skips the Catholic dinner and this in the same week.

Is she trying to lose?

What was your reaction to this?
Ever notice these garbage articles and videos you love so much always say “Trump appears” to do whatever horrible thing they really want him to be guilty of?

There’s a reason they can’t say he actually did these things.

Then study some history. Abortion has been around for a long time. And on top of that, religious views of abortion have changed over time too.

And what is murder? The unlawful killing of a human being by another.

Was all the killing we see in the name of God in the Old Testament "murder?"

This is where people (including Christians) disagree about abortion, whether or not it is murder.

No I don't admit this. I wrote that there are those who would disagree with your claim about what the Bible is referencing in terms of homosexuality. But for the sake of the argument, I accepted your claim to make the point that there are many other sins mentioned in the Bible that you are ignoring.

And your party supports adultery openly. Your party supports lying openly. Your party supports fornication openly. Etc.

So how can you support the Republican Party when it does all of this? How can you support Trump when he does all of these sins?

And the NT refers to all the other actions I'm mentioning as wicked too.

So why don't you condemn them as well? Why aren't you as obsessed with them as well? Demanding they be illegal too?

Why are you voting for a man who openly commits sins that the Bible labels wicked? We heard Trump even brag on tape about committing what the Bible calls wickedness. Why are you still supporting him and voting for him? And supporting his party?

No, the real point here is that you are only focusing on homosexuality and gender. Nothing else. You are ignoring everything else the Bible mentions.


Why are demanding a standard for Christians that you don't apply to yourself? Why are you celebrating and voting for a politician that engages and supports actions the Bible claims are wicked?
Whatever it takes to kill babies.

I can’t speak for God but killing babies doesn’t seem to comport.
If you are asking if I believe that Trump has been anointed by God to do God's will? Yes I do.
I was just asking if you truly believe he is a modern day Cyrus. I'll take this answer though as a yes, given your prior statement too.

What is this will of God that you believe Trump has been anointed to do?

Do you believe Kamala Harris has been anointed by God to do God's will?

In fact, multiple prophets have met with Trump and anointed him for that very purpose.
Right-wing conservative religious leaders, some who claim to be prophets, have met with Trump. And some of those same "prophets" have given prophecies that were not true and never came to pass. What does the Bible tell you about that?

Ummm....I've already said he isn't. None of us are.
False. There are plenty of people who are Christlike and seek to live Christ's teachings. I've personally known individuals who were Christlike and truly sought to follow Christ's teachings.

I didn't ask if Trump was perfect. I asked if he was Christlike.

But I agree with you, Trump definitely isn't Christlike. He is the opposite of Christ in so many ways.
So @my_2cents looked at a video of Trump, and knew that he was mocking a reporter because of the reporter's disability.
It was clear what he was doing.

And you originally tried to defend it on this thread. Till you realized you couldn't use God to justify what Trump was doing.

Then he saw a video of Kamala telling two attendees to leave after they said "Christ is Lord', and he knew that those people were NOT Chrsitians, they were protestors, and he knew that Kamala was NOT saying that Christians are NOT welcome at her events.
She responded to anti-abortion protesters who were disrupting her rally. And I never said those individuals were not Christian. I said I don't know if they are, and neither do you Ghost.

No where has Kamala Harris ever said Christians are not welcome at her rally. Never. Christians aren't being turned away at Harris' rallies lol.

Just drop the lies and misrepresentations for once. Is that possible for you?
Whatever it takes to kill babies.

I can’t speak for God but killing babies doesn’t seem to comport.
We aren't talking about babies. We are talking about fetuses, fetuses that are often in the very early stages of development.

And the Bible makes a distinction between a fetus and a living born baby.
I was just asking if you truly believe he is a modern day Cyrus. I'll take this answer though as a yes, given your prior statement too.

What is this will of God that you believe Trump has been anointed to do?

Do you believe Kamala Harris has been anointed by God to do God's will?
You'll have to take it that way, since I told you I did.

Prophets claim Trump has been anointed by God to destroy the world cabal. I do believe he has.

An anointing comes from a prophet, on God's direction. I haven't heard of any prophets anointing Kamala. Have you?
Right-wing conservative religious leaders, some who claim to be prophets, have met with Trump. And some of those same "prophets" have given prophecies that were not true and never came to pass. What does the Bible tell you about that?

No idea what prophets you are talking about, so how could I speak to any prophecies they made? I can't read your mind.

Who are you talking about?

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