Attendee at Kamala rally says "Jesus is Lord!', Kamala says "Oh you guys are at the wrong rally!"

Every lib here has heard about this because it's all social media is talking about. Kamala is being roasted alive for doing this, as she should be.

So to all you libs acting like you don't see this thread: We see you. We see you standing with Kamala and against Chritsians.

God sees you too.
Christians are not welcome in Kamala's tent. Vote accordingly.
I'm a Christian, and I'm welcomed in Harris' tent and at her rallies. I also know many many Christians who have and are attending her rallies. They are welcome as well.

You just told another lie. Apparently, lies and misinformation is all you have nowadays.

Another massive unforced error for Kamala, right @my_2cents? What's truly scary is she had zero hesitation in saying that.
I thought it was a brilliant move by the Vice President. The anti-abortion protestors were clearly at the wrong rally. They were seeking to disrupt her enthusiastic rally, and she responded to them with wit and humor. Reminded me somewhat of Reagan.

They should have been at the smaller rally down the street, as the Vice President noted. Or they could have attended Trump's half-empthy rally in Detroit last night, where Trump wandered around the stage looking lost.
I'm a Christian, and I'm welcomed in Harris' tent and at her rallies. I also know many many Christians who have and are attending her rallies. They are welcome as well.

You just told another lie. Apparently, lies and misinformation is all you have nowadays.

I thought it was a brilliant move by the Vice President. The anti-abortion protestors were clearly at the wrong rally. They were seeking to disrupt her enthusiastic rally, and she responded to them with wit and humor. Reminded me somewhat of Reagan.

They should have been at the smaller rally down the street, as the Vice President noted. Or they could have attended Trump's half-empthy rally in Detroit last night, where Trump wandered around the stage looking lost.
And there it is: You made clear you support Kamala, and didn't say you support God.

Thanks for playing. Better get on your knees and readjust your priorities my brother. Kamala won't be greeting you when you die, you won't be giving an accounting of your life to Tim Walz.

It will be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Every lib here has heard about this because it's all social media is talking about. Kamala is being roasted alive for doing this, as she should be.
The only people "roasting" Harris for doing this is right-wingers and nutcases like yourself.

Everyone else is laughing and talking about how well Harris handled some protestors trying to disrupt one of her rallies. First time I saw this yesterday, I laughed. It was a witty response by Harris.

You definitely need to get out of the right-wing echo chamber some.

We see you standing with Kamala and against Chritsians.

God sees you too.
I'm a Christian. And I stand with Kamala Harris. And many of my Christian friends also stand with her.

Harris isn't standing against Christians. Stop lying.
And there it is: You made clear you support Kamala, and didn't say you support God.
False again. And a rather deranged and dangerous statement.

I do support Kamala Harris politically. I also believe in and love God. Just like millions of Christians who believe in God and will also vote for Kamala Harris.

Better get on your knees and readjust your priorities my brother. Kamala won't be greeting you when you die, you won't be giving an accounting of your life to Tim Walz.

It will be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I know who I believe will be greeting me when I die and I look forward to the moment when I see my Lord and Savior face to face, by His grace.

Thanks for your concern but I have a relationship with God and Christ. You though need to stop making false assumptions about people and stop believing in and spreading lies/misinformation.
False again. And a rather deranged and dangerous statement.

I do support Kamala Harris politically. I also believe in and love God. Just like millions of Christians who believe in God and will also vote for Kamala Harris.
Then why did it take me guilting you into finally saying you love God? No one had to prompt you to say you support Kamala.

The words out of your mouth are what defile you.

If Trump made this same statement at a rally, I'm done with him. 100%. Because I know that God comes first, then my politics WAY down the line.

As @Sunburnt Indian tells us, to Dems, their politics IS their religion.

God always comes first. If you are a Christian and supporting Kamala, you are putting Kamala before God. Just reality. Please pray about this.
I'm a Christian, and I'm welcomed in Harris' tent and at her rallies. I also know many many Christians who have and are attending her rallies. They are welcome as well.

You just told another lie. Apparently, lies and misinformation is all you have nowadays.

I thought it was a brilliant move by the Vice President. The anti-abortion protestors were clearly at the wrong rally. They were seeking to disrupt her enthusiastic rally, and she responded to them with wit and humor. Reminded me somewhat of Reagan.

They should have been at the smaller rally down the street, as the Vice President noted. Or they could have attended Trump's half-empthy rally in Detroit last night, where Trump wandered around the stage looking lost.

Tell the truth, your religion is progressivism.
Then why did it take me guilting you into finally saying you love God? No one had to prompt you to say you support Kamala.
What are you talking about? You didn't "guilt me" into saying anything about God. You were making false assumptions about me that I was responding to.

And I've spoken about my faith plenty of times on this board, in the past, when appropriate.

If Trump made this same statement at a rally, I'm done with him. 100%. Because I know that God comes first, then my politics WAY down the line.
Trump has told protestors to get out of his rallies before. He has said harsher things to protestors at his rally than what Harris said on Thursday. But you still support Trump, don't you?

Harris was not telling Christians they were at the wrong rally. She was telling two anti-abortion protesters this. Not Christians.

You, right now, are misrepresenting what occurred and lying. You are also lying and attacking millions of individuals who are Christian, or who believe in a God and also support Harris politically. None of your behavior, at the moment, is Christ-like.

As @Sunburnt Indian tells us, to Dems, their politics IS their religion.
And this is false. Politics is not my religion. I am a Christian. And I know many Democrats who are also Christian or people of other faiths.

If you are a Christian and supporting Kamala, you are putting Kamala before God. Just reality. Please pray about this.
If you are a Christian and supporting Trump, are you putting Trump before God?
What are you talking about? You didn't "guilt me" into saying anything about God. You were making false assumptions about me that I was responding to.
How many times did you say you supported Kamala unprompted ITT? After each time, I asked why you didn't show support for God.

Your priories are clear based on what you said, and what you didn't say.

If you are a Christian and supporting Trump, are you putting Trump before God?
Here's how I handle it: I pray to God to show me who to support.

It's my Father's will, not mine. I support who He tells me to. I have specifically prayed to God to let me know if I should NOT support Trump.

That's how I handle it. I hope you are asking God to guide you and putting it in His hands.
How many times did you say you supported Kamala unprompted ITT? After each time, I asked why you didn't show support for God.
I told you in my first post on this thread that I was a Christian. It was my first statement in that post too.

Just stop lying and misrepresenting everything. Is that even possible for you?

Your priories are clear based on what you said, and what you didn't say.
So, again, the first statement I made on this thread was that I was a Christian. Which indicates my priority, as you just noted.

I hope you are asking God to guide you and putting it in His hands.
I am. I ask God every day to guide me and I believe God has guided me all my life. Indeed, I believe I've experienced and continue to experience the renewing of my mind that Saint Paul speaks of in Romans 12.

But I'm not perfect, far from it. None of us are. We all should remain humble and trust in His grace every day.
Nope I do not allow my politics to override my faith like you do.
I don't allow my politics to override my faith either. Nor do I seek to use politics to force my faith upon everyone else.

My politics are influenced by my faith though.
I told you in my first post on this thread that I was a Christian. It was my first statement in that post too.

Just stop lying and misrepresenting everything. Is that even possible for you?

So, again, the first statement I made on this thread was that I was a Christian. Which indicates my priority, as you just noted.

I am. I ask God every day to guide me and I believe God has guided me all my life. Indeed, I believe I've experienced and continue to experience the renewing of my mind that Saint Paul speaks of in Romans 12.

But I'm not perfect, far from it. None of us are. We all should remain humble and trust in His grace every day.
You ask Obama to guide you everyday? :)
I told you in my first post on this thread that I was a Christian. It was my first statement in that post too.

Just stop lying and misrepresenting everything. Is that even possible for you?
Yes but you clarified you support Kamala. Supporting God makes it hard to justify supporting Kamala. Which you know.

I told you in my first post on this thread that I was a Christian. It was my first statement in that post too.
Why wasn't your first statement that you support God?

Also, why wasn't your first political statement that you are a Democrat?

Words matter.
I am. I ask God every day to guide me and I believe God has guided me all my life. Indeed, I believe I've experienced and continue to experience the renewing of my mind that Saint Paul speaks of in Romans 12.

But I'm not perfect, far from it. None of us are. We all should remain humble and trust in His grace every day.
Ok, I can't argue with that, only you and God know what is in your heart.
Yes but you clarified you support Kamala. Supporting God makes it hard to justify supporting Kamala. Which you know.
Yes, because I do support Kamala Harris politically. Just like you support Trump politically.

And no, believing in God doesn't make it hard to justify supporting Kamala Harris. Not in the least. Millions of Christians support Harris politically! Indeed, I would argue that supporting Kamala Harris over Trump is more consistent with Christ's teachings than supporting Trump over Harris.

There isn't much about Donald Trump that is Christ-like.

Why wasn't your first statement that you support God?
My first statement was that I am a Christian. A Christian is one who claims to be a follower of Christ, who is God. I was telling you I believe in God when I told you I was a Christian.

Also, why wasn't your first political statement that you are a Democrat?
Because this was a thread about Kamala Harris and your false claim that Christians
aren't welcomed by Harris.
How have Biblical teachings influenced your thoughts on transgenderism, homosexuality and abortion? The Bible quite clearly speaks against all three. How do you square that with your political beliefs?
Where does the Bible speak about abortion? Abortion specifically?

The Bible, especially the New Testament and Jesus Christ himself, speaks a lot about love. About loving your neighbor, not judging and condemning your neighbor. About forgiveness, forgiving others. Carrying your brother's burdens. About caring for the poor, the downtrodden, the rejected, the foreigner, and yes, even the sinner. Who did Jesus hang around with? Who did Jesus dine with? Who did Jesus often argue with? Who did Jesus challenge in their religious structures?

How do you square your political support of a man like Trump with the life, example, and words of Jesus Christ?
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There isn't much about Donald Trump that is Christ-like
There wasn't much about Cyrus that was Christ-like either, but God used him to accomplish His will.

What do you see in Kamala that is Christ-like? When you answer, keep in mind she just told Christ's supporters that they weren't welcome at her rally and then she kicked them out.
Where does the Bible speak about abortion? Abortion specifically?
The term 'abortion' is never mentioned in the Bible. Not sure it was even a medical procedure when the OT and NT was written.

The Bible is quite clear what happens to anyone that hurts a baby.

Just like the Bible is quite clear that homosexuality is a sin. It is referred to as 'wicked' behavior in both the OT and NT.

And finally, the Bible is quite clear starting in Genesis that God created two genders, man and woman who would combine to form one flesh.

The party you support goes against Biblical teaching on all three issues. How do you support a party that doesn't support Biblical teachings?
It's funny as hell. Reporter was a dipshit and Trump mocked him for being a dipshit. He got what he deserved.
So you think this statement by you is a good representation of Christ? If you go to God in prayer tonight and ask Him, you think God will tell you that incident was "funny as hell" and God thinks the reporter is a "dipshit" and should have been mocked? The disabled reporter "got what he deserved?"

Is that your God?
So you think this statement by you is a good representation of Christ? If you go to God in prayer tonight and ask Him, you think God will tell you that incident was "funny as hell" and God thinks the reporter is a "dipshit" and should have been mocked? The disabled reporter "got what he deserved?"

Is that your God?
I suspect God isn't happy with the reporter's behavior, Trump's response, and I suspect He isn't happy with how people like you are attempting to misrepresent Trump's response.
There wasn't much about Cyrus that was Christ-like either, but God used him to accomplish His will.
So you admit then that there isn't much about Trump that is Christ-like, correct?

What do you see in Kamala that is Christ-like? When you answer, keep in mind she just told Christ's supporters that they weren't welcome at her rally and then she kicked them out.
Once again, Harris never told Christians they were not welcomed at her rally. You are lying and misrepresenting what occurred. You are engaged in evil at the moment.

As for Harris, I believe her policies are more informed by a Christian philosophy and perspective than are Trump's. Who they are directed at, and who she is seeking to help and care for. And as a person, only from what I know and see, she appears to live a life that is more consistent with the teachings of Christ than Trump does. Harris hasn't been accused of and found liable for sexual assault . . . she doesn't brag about sexually assaulting other people. For those in your party that are obsessed with family values, Harris has only been married once and has assisted in raising and loving her husband's children. Meanwhile, how many times has Trump been married? How many affairs with other women? Etc.
So you admit then that there isn't much about Trump that is Christ-like, correct?
Sigh. You don't listen. I admit that God uses us to accomplish His will.

I believe He used Kamala yesterday when she reactively told Christians they needed to leave. He was using her to show what is in her heart.

Meanwhile, how many times has Trump been married? How many affairs with other women? Etc.
You might want to read the Bible, especially the OT.
The term 'abortion' is never mentioned in the Bible. Not sure it was even a medical procedure when the OT and NT was written.
Correct, abortion is never mentioned in the Bible by name. However, abortion was known and did occur during the OT and NT times.

Indeed, many argue that an abortion procedure is actually proscribed for the OT priests to perform upon a woman suspected of adultery (Numbers 5:11-31). The ordeal of the bitter water, or, the test for the unfaithful wife.

There is also the passages in the OT where a fetus is treated differently from a person who has been born. The two are not treated the same in OT law.

The Bible is quite clear what happens to anyone that hurts a baby.
The OT law assigns punishment to the illegal death of a fetus (from the eyes of the father who is said to have been wronged) but it is not the same type of punishment that it assigns to the illegal death of a person who has already been born. The OT laws clearly indicates a difference between the two, and the punishment is for an illegal death.

What occurs in the ordeal of the bitter water for example, is not considered an illegal or immoral outcome.

Just like the Bible is quite clear that homosexuality is a sin. It is referred to as 'wicked' behavior in both the OT and NT.
Many would disagree with you on what is actually being spoke of when "homosexuality" is mentioned, but for sake of time, I'll accept your claim. But what else is refereed to as "wicked" behavior in the Bible?

Adultery. Something Trump engaged in and millions of Americans engage in.

Mocking others. See the video of Trump that you defended and said was hilarious.


Fornication. Or any type of sexual behavior that isn't with your spouse. Have we made masturbation illegal? Do you believe it should be made illegal? Should we make sex outside of marriage completely illegal?

And how about all the laws found in Leviticus, where a homosexual passage is often quoted? Do they need to be enforced and upheld today by our judicial and criminal courts? Most your wife go through a purification ritual after her period before you can lay with her again? How about touching the dead skin of unclean animals? Were early football players sinning? Or eating unclean animals. No more pork products for any Americans? Ban sausage, ban bacon, ban BBQ. You support that? Does the Republican Party?

And so forth.

The real question is, why are you only focus on homosexuality (and human gender) and not all the other topics the Bible addresses? Especially the ones you engage in?

How do you support a party that doesn't support Biblical teachings?
How do you support a party that doesn't support Biblical teachings?