"Ask Fish" . . . football eve edition...

Fish in a Barrel

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 9, 2006
This was inspired by a long time, very little respected poster to ostateillustrated, who said I need to come back home and do another one of these. So without further ado, feel free to post your questions about sports, life, whatever, and I will give you my best answer.

Judging by the action on this board I'm predicting this thread not hitting 10 posts, so we'll see...
Seminoles, Braves, Redskins, Tomahawk chop, Chief Osceola. Are these offensive in nature to us folks that live in the land of the red man? I'll follow that up with briefs or boxers?
Much like I refuse to enter into any debate regarding Pete Rose entering the Hall of Fame without a discussion about "Shoeless" Joe Jackson entering as well, I refuse to enter into a debate over Native American sporting names without a discussion about the nations most visible college football program (Notre Dame) having the mascot which depicts a drunken Irishmen ready to rumble at the drop of a hat.

That said, my opinion is that both Pete and Shoeless Joe should enter the Hall.

And, there shouldn't be a necessity to change our league's team names, though there probably should be reason to address a change in logo design in some cases (see: Cleveland Indians). My reasoning for my stance is this. . . the people that most care about a particular sports team is their fans. They have pride in and with the team(s) that they root for. I know as a fan of Chicago's sports teams I find pride in when they do well. More apt to this discussion I find a lot of pride in being a Blackhawks fan and proudly support the name and the roots that it came from.

With all of that clumsily said, let me finish with saying.... why would you want a sports team that represents your city, your rooting interest, your bragging rights, to be named after a derogatory term? You don't. These team names were created out of respect.
Well said.

You ask the question, why would you want a sports team that represents you to be named after a derogatory term? Would you consider sooners a derogatory term? It is by definition a cheater. Should sooner fans be ashamed? Now I know you probably couldn't care less about those yokels, but I was curious.