As Much As I Despise What The Democrats Are Doing To DJT

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
I have to admit he’s discovering that karma is a bitch. He was well known in his business world days of screwing over people much littler than him and smugly telling them to sue if they don’t like it, he’ll keep them tied up in court so long they’ll go bankrupt. Now it looks like the Democrats are bleeding him dry of campaign finances while he hemorrhages money in court. It was a shitty thing for him to do and it’s a shitty thing to happen to him in return. But it looks like karma may have the last word.
I have to admit he’s discovering that karma is a bitch. He was well known in his business world days of screwing over people much littler than him and smugly telling them to sue if they don’t like it, he’ll keep them tied up in court so long they’ll go bankrupt. Now it looks like the Democrats are bleeding him dry of campaign finances while he hemorrhages money in court. It was a shitty thing for him to do and it’s a shitty thing to happen to him in return. But it looks like karma may have the last word.

I disagree. Business is business, people get screwed over all the time be it at a Car Dealership or Real Estate.. Sam Walton complained about Big Corporations putting Mom and Pop Stores out of business yet he went on to do the very same thing.
A Governmet that goes after a Citizen like they have Trump is not Karma or Business, its Tyranny.
I disagree. Business is business, people get screwed over all the time be it at a Car Dealership or Real Estate.. Sam Walton complained about Big Corporations putting Mom and Pop Stores out of business yet he went on to do the very same thing.
A Governmet that goes after a Citizen like they have Trump is not Karma or Business, its Tyranny.
I’m not saying I like what’s happening to him. I despise it, as I said in my first sentence. But for me at least I think it’s interesting for him to see what it feels like when the shoe is on the other foot
Maybe, but for 7 going on 8 yrs?
I’m referring specifically to him being tied up in court on mostly bogus charges from which he will almost certainly escape. It’s a tactic to make him spend money in court instead of on his campaign. That’s only been going on for a year or so. That’s what he’d do to people he’d contracted with and then refuse to pay and make them spend money they didn’t have as he slow balled them in court.
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I have to admit he’s discovering that karma is a bitch. He was well known in his business world days of screwing over people much littler than him and smugly telling them to sue if they don’t like it, he’ll keep them tied up in court so long they’ll go bankrupt. Now it looks like the Democrats are bleeding him dry of campaign finances while he hemorrhages money in court. It was a shitty thing for him to do and it’s a shitty thing to happen to him in return. But it looks like karma may have the last word.

Not sure about ALL his business dealings but anyone who deals with unions has to have balls of kryptonite. Many non-union contractors are scumbags as well & once they get you on a jobsite it is all about time & material.

Years ago in my previous employment, I spent 7 years, 3 months & 23 days working on a pipeline project in Chile. Won the $40+ million contract & from that second on every other platform in our corporation started to screw us/me. One of them wanted to charge us for empty & never used space in their yard, another wanted to suddenly hire their relatives about 1/2 of whom would be no shows. The end was I received no bonus for this sale & managers who hadn't touched this project until the ink on the contract was dry did.

Worked on another pipeline in Bakersfield (total dump) with Chevron. The welders (all union) would take their time during the week & by Sunday with overtime & double time were making in excess of $1,000 USD per 8 hours.

I'm not defending Trump either, just that it is easy to find disgruntled people in business dealing with a billionaire.
Perhaps not, but you ARE gloating over it.

Six of one, half a dozen …..
I’m not gloating, but I bet the dozens of people he screwed over in his many business dealings are. I don’t know if it’s true but the rumor is he screwed so many investors over the years he couldn’t get anyone to invest with him any longer and that’s why he got hooked up with his Russian investors.
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I have to admit he’s discovering that karma is a bitch. He was well known in his business world days of screwing over people much littler than him and smugly telling them to sue if they don’t like it, he’ll keep them tied up in court so long they’ll go bankrupt. Now it looks like the Democrats are bleeding him dry of campaign finances while he hemorrhages money in court. It was a shitty thing for him to do and it’s a shitty thing to happen to him in return. But it looks like karma may have the last word.
Trump is loving every bit of this. He, even more than Reagan did, just plain savors a good fight.
99% of the general public can’t properly navigate a 4-Way stop sign. Screw ‘em.
Their votes count the same as yours. They may think favorably of MAGA but are tired of the junior high antics that Trump loves so much. There are other MAGA types out there that behave like adults and spend their energy getting things done instead of relishing the constant food fight insult fest that Trump brings to the table whether he starts it or not. You “screw them” at your own peril.
Their votes count the same as yours. They may think favorably of MAGA but are tired of the junior high antics that Trump loves so much. There are other MAGA types out there that behave like adults and spend their energy getting things done instead of relishing the constant food fight insult fest that Trump brings to the table whether he starts it or not. You “screw them” at your own peril.
While watching "face the nation" this morning a democrat rep from Minnesota called yer boy Kennedy jr a republican.
I disagree. Business is business, people get screwed over all the time be it at a Car Dealership or Real Estate.. Sam Walton complained about Big Corporations putting Mom and Pop Stores out of business yet he went on to do the very same thing.
A Governmet that goes after a Citizen like they have Trump is not Karma or Business, its Tyranny.
Sam Walton befriended the Oertle family in Tulsa and got a bunch of their business secrets, then proceeded to put them out of business some years later.
Democrats have taken government abuse of power to unseen, unprecedented and over the top levels all with the full and gleeful support of their voters. It’s not so much Democrat politicians that are the greatest threat to this country, it’s their voters. If their voters didn’t support the abuse of power the politicians wouldn’t be able to abuse the power.
Democrats have taken government abuse of power to unseen, unprecedented and over the top levels all with the full and gleeful support of their voters. It’s not so much Democrat politicians that are the greatest threat to this country, it’s their voters. If their voters didn’t support the abuse of power the politicians wouldn’t be able to abuse the power.
Joe promised greener pastures. Instead his constituents are bailing hay whilst suckling the gubmint tit. Fools would bow to kiss the wanna be kings ring.

Fvck joe Biden.
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Their votes count the same as yours. They may think favorably of MAGA but are tired of the junior high antics that Trump loves so much. There are other MAGA types out there that behave like adults and spend their energy getting things done instead of relishing the constant food fight insult fest that Trump brings to the table whether he starts it or not. You “screw them” at your own peril.
Trump increases his lead over all opponents and his campaign coffers increase with each indictment. Americans hate weaponized government.
In case you missed it Dan.

Thanks for posting. I watched the video and here’s what he made me think of. Earlier Joe Rogan eviscerated Gavin Newsom, called him a cardboard cutout Democrat that has no merit, speaks in bland equivocals. That’s what this guy made me think of: a cardboard cutout Democrat that says nothing in very flowery language. Remember Obama’s slogan was “Hope & Change,” and he never explained what he hoped for or what changes he had in mind. An example of a cardboard cutout politician. He may be a significant danger to our liberty 4 years from now as he perfects his ability to say nothing and sound good to people when he says it. I’ve never heard of him. I predict he’ll have a long career as a Democrat.
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Yes, shit britches was gifted '20.
The election of November 2020, if counted properly, was an ASS kicking in the mold of the 1980 election forty years earlier. Reagan(Trump) versus Mondale(Biden) won 49 states to one! Reagan had 525 electoral votes! The Democrats claim to be most popular among the voting public, but in reality their popularity is only in their own minds. Many of their ideas are considered crazy, as many polls show. Without Dominican(Venezuelan) voting systems, we would know the true winner. How many Dem voters switched allegiances for the 2020 election I wonder. IMO tens of millions. How many Brandon voters do you know? I don't know very many.
I have to admit he’s discovering that karma is a bitch. He was well known in his business world days of screwing over people much littler than him and smugly telling them to sue if they don’t like it, he’ll keep them tied up in court so long they’ll go bankrupt. Now it looks like the Democrats are bleeding him dry of campaign finances while he hemorrhages money in court. It was a shitty thing for him to do and it’s a shitty thing to happen to him in return. But it looks like karma may have the last word.
You lap up every negative things the Democrats spout about Trump.

Most of these bad business man, con-artist stories are bullshit.

Any big time real estate company in NYC is going to be involved in 100's of contractor disputes. NYC is loaded with a-hole contractors.
You lap up every negative things the Democrats spout about Trump.

Most of these bad business man, con-artist stories are bullshit.

Any big time real estate company in NYC is going to be involved in 100's of contractor disputes. NYC is loaded with a-hole contractors.
I don’t need Democrats to tell me what to think of DJT. NYC is loaded with a-hole businessmen and DJT stands on top of the pile.
If anyone didn’t know that Trump was a shrewd and tough businessman before he was elected that’s on them.

There’s a difference between “ShReWD AnD ToUgH”…..and fraudulent…

Trump UniVERsiTy
Trump FoUndATiOn

et cetera
et cetera
et cetera

carry on
If anyone didn’t know that Trump was a shrewd and tough businessman before he was elected that’s on them.
There is a difference between being a shrewd and tough businessman and being unethical and border line criminal in business dealings. But that has/had no bearing on Trump in his political antics. Politically I think he won in 2016 because more people despised Hillary Clinton than him, and found his insulting behavior to be refreshing after the likes of John MCain and Mitt Romney, and he lost in 2020 because more people despised him than Biden, deciding what they had earlier found refreshing to be tedious and tiresome. I doubt very many people calculated his business acumen in their votes, whether for him or against him.
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There is a difference between being a shrewd and tough businessman and being unethical and border line criminal in business dealings. But that has/had no bearing on Trump in his political antics. Politically I think he won in 2016 because more people despised Hillary Clinton than him, and found his insulting behavior to be refreshing after the likes of John MCain and Mitt Romney, and he lost in 2020 because more people despised him than Biden, deciding what they had earlier found refreshing to be tedious and tiresome. I doubt very many people calculated his business acumen in their votes, whether for him or against him.
Borderline criminal? Can you provide examples?
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