Are we headed for a military draft?

Might need to with the disastrous foreign policy of the Biden Administration. We have two wars going on right now with the very real potential of China invading Taiwan. With Biden or another globalist Democrat in office there is little doubt wars further escalate.
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Recruitment for the Wehrmacht was accomplished through voluntary enlistment and conscription, with 1.3 million being drafted and 2.4 million volunteering in the period 1935–1939. The total number of soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht during its existence from 1935 to 1945 is believed to have approached 18.2 million.
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we are so short in recruiting we may need one.
Recruitment for the Wehrmacht was accomplished through voluntary enlistment and conscription, with 1.3 million being drafted and 2.4 million volunteering in the period 1935–1939. The total number of soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht during its existence from 1935 to 1945 is believed to have approached 18.2 million.
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People were starving thanks to the Social Democrats and inflation was sky high. Join the Army, get paid and fed or starve.
Having a bit of out of control inflation now because of Socialist Democrats in Merica right now, no?
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Recruitment for the Wehrmacht was accomplished through voluntary enlistment and conscription, with 1.3 million being drafted and 2.4 million volunteering in the period 1935–1939. The total number of soldiers who served in the Wehrmacht during its existence from 1935 to 1945 is believed to have approached 18.2 million.
Wikipedia › wiki › Wehrmacht

Wehrmacht - Wikipedia

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Wow. Only 1.3M? We conscripted between 1.9 and 2.3M (I found two different source numbers) for the Vietnam war. Why is it no surprise that the Democrat in charge (LBJ) out-Hitlered Hitler.