Apple/FB/Spotify all remove Alex Jones content

You’re citing the Obamacare architect. Trump just restarted insurer payments for Obamacare.

Apparently, the thing is working a little bit or Republicans would’ve already tried again. Haven’t heard a peep since Graham-Cassidy?!?!?! Let’s fix this shitheap...right?

That’s what MAGA is all about. Campaign promises.

Your mind is definitely unique.
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How much further would you allow him to go before cutting the mic off? He’s advocated for violence, provoked violence on streets on camera, peddled hoaxes online, etc. Where does your moral compass cut off free speech?

There was at least one person at a BLM march here in downtown Tulsa that I heard advocate violence (no, I didn't record him). I wouldn't have pulled his mic even if I could have.

I'm not sure where I would put the cutoff line, but it is beyond where I *think* AJ and the protestor that I heard with the bullhorn. I don't really listen to Jones and find him to be a bit of a mild amusement. Generally, I can't really tell if he believes what he is selling.
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The left demonstrates its hate for this country as founded by its actions against free speech, private gun ownership, etc.

Angry little people.
I’m good with providers in the private commercial arena to removing and providing whatever content they want to remove or provide.

It’s when the government gets involved and forcing the removal or provision of content that I draw the line.
I think it’s great when people complain about the actions of providers, too.
I think it’s great when people complain about the actions of providers, too.

Got no problem with that. They’d probably exert more leverage by exercising their market power of not using those providers and encouraging others to not use them either, but hey complaining and disagreeing is fine too.
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Seems like the media platforms ultimately felt the same way about Alex Jones that the NFL owners did about Colin Kaepernick...not worth the distraction.

And yet, *both sides* seem to feel differently about free speech this time.
If you can't figure out what's untrue coming from a Alex Jones website, you're too stupid to be using their products in the first place.

Unfortunately, there appears to be a surprisingly large number of individuals who are either too stupid to figure out what is untrue coming from Alex Jones, or know that it is untrue but embrace it anyway.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a surprisingly large number of individuals who are either too stupid to figure out what is untrue coming from Alex Jones, or know that it is untrue but embrace it anyway.

Its not just the Jones followers. There are people who vote in the same politicians decade after decade while listening to the same campaign speeches about how they are going to fix <fill in the blank> each time their incumbent runs to retain the office.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a surprisingly large number of individuals who are either too stupid to figure out what is untrue coming from Alex Jones, or know that it is untrue but embrace it anyway.

There's an equal amount of surprisingly stupid libs that exhibit the same tendencies. Most couldn't tell you shit about what's actually happening in the world but have surprisingly staunch opinions backed by zero information.

Unfortunately, there appears to be a surprisingly large number of individuals who are either too stupid to figure out what is untrue coming from Alex Jones, or know that it is untrue but embrace it anyway.

And praying on stupid people is how all these companies make a large percentage of their revenues. Why single out politics and not all the other clickbait that's clearly not true?

The answer is that their side doesn't like losing, so they are taking the ball and going home. It's the internet version of a college safe place
There's an equal amount of surprisingly stupid libs that exhibit the same tendencies. .

Example of an Alex Jones level individual/company on the lib side? Someone with close to the same number of followers and close to the same number of "news" stories that have been shown to be completely fictitious?
Example of an Alex Jones level individual/company on the lib side? Someone with close to the same number of followers and close to the same number of "news" stories that have been shown to be completely fictitious?

Democratic Underground and Bipartisan Report are both as every bit as bad as Info Wars with fabricating stories. I bet I see 10 links a day on my feed from liberals that think they're true
Example of an Alex Jones level individual/company on the lib side? Someone with close to the same number of followers and close to the same number of "news" stories that have been shown to be completely fictitious?


Take your pick, over 90% of news about Trump is negative.

CNN is just a factual as Infowars.

There are lots and lots and lots of examples for you to google. Them coaching audiences, giving questions to debates, interviewing employees and presenting them as the public, retraction after retraction even though we know they don't matter after the fact.
CNN is just a factual as Infowars.

You really believe that?

What had CNN pushed that is on the same level as Sandy Hook denial, Pizza Gate, etc?

I don't watch CNN, so I am not saying you are wrong, but I am dubious.
Democratic Underground and Bipartisan Report are both as every bit as bad as Info Wars with fabricating stories. I bet I see 10 links a day on my feed from liberals that think they're true

Thanks. I hadn't heard of those. Will look into them. Are they as popular as Alex Jones? Anywhere close?
How can you not have heard of Democratic Underground? It's been around for 20 years and is Democratic Party version of Reddit or 4Chan. And yes, it's freaking huge.

Seriously, I had never heard of it until today.

I looked up rankings for various web sites on (US rankings only)

13 Reddit
31 CNN
33 FOXnews
959 InfoWars
2655 Democratic Underground
19,810 Bipart Report
63,180 4 Chan
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How can you not have heard of Democratic Underground? It's been around for 20 years and is Democratic Party version of Reddit or 4Chan. And yes, it's freaking huge.

I will say that I just perused D.U. for a few minutes and it looks similar to InfoWars (opposite spectrum obviously).

Not as big as Infowars, but very slanted and questionable like IW.
They're the exact same animal.

One has a bigger budget.

Both are as accurate as the Enquirer.
They're selling a product and have a conservative slant.

The actual news coverage is the least flavored.

I don't do any opinion shows, just news.

So, in your mind....

CNN news coverage is equivalent to InfoWars, while FoxNews news coverage is just to the right of center?
Find me anything like I listed for CNN attributed to FOX.

Then we can talk.

CNN is the HQ for the resistance.
Find me anything like I listed for CNN attributed to FOX.

Then we can talk.

CNN is the HQ for the resistance.

Like you listed for CNN? You mean "Russia"? Did you list something else that I missed?

I'm not going to go into it in detail, as I haven't watched CNN, but, Trump just admitted that 3 of his inner circle met with the Russian lawyer (who has ties to Putin), in an attempt to get information that would improve his chances of winning the election. That is a fact.

Now, that does not mean there was collusion, but it makes "Russia" significantly more substantive than Pizzagate, Seth Rich is Gucifer, Sandy Hook didn't happen, etc. Even FoxNews didn't go all in on those 3 stories which were strongly pushed by Infowars.

If the entire premise of "CNN=Infowars" is that they are pushing the Russian Collusion storyline, I think you are way off base.
Clinton was doing the exact same thing using the exact same sources. You know that right?

I listed plenty of stuff you left out and there's more.
Clinton was doing the exact same thing using the exact same sources. You know that right?

I listed plenty of stuff you left out and there's more.


I just went through this thread again and don't see Clinton listing anything from CNN or FoxNews.

As far as..."Them coaching audiences, giving questions to debates, interviewing employees and presenting them as the public, retraction after retraction even though we know they don't matter after the fact."

Those are fair criticisms, but I don't see them as being significantly different from FoxNews and some of their shenanigans. Hanity even tried getting on board the Seth Rich train and had to follow up with a retraction.
No, Hillary did the exact same thing with the same people.

That was turned into the basis of Russia!

CNN never divorces opinion from news and the cheating our democracy is a big deal.

How can you scream about influencing an election and think their treatment of Hillary as nothing. That logic doesn't wash. They staged events to fabricate stories to impact opinion on the election numerous times. They provided one team with a huge advantage in a debate.

They are constant race baiters. Which is worse than anything you can throw at Infowars.
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