AOC is right about the electoral college.


Why not ? Anyone holding just about ANY job in Merica has to pass one at least once to hold any meaningful job (perhaps bartending is an exception). We need clean & sober peeps in Gubment. Don needs to sign this into law via Executive Privilege, just like otard did so many times
Are you saying that context of a statement doesn't matter? Just focus on the words you don't like and scream "racist...racist...racist".

The context doesn't rehabilitate it - it frames it perfectly as a racist strategy into the 80's. and he did the Willie Horton ad later.
You still running this fake BS?

You have no integrity.

You lack the basic strength to objectively read that quote in its context. Context damns the quote -- doesn't rehabilitate it. You're trying to explain it away and blame me. Like a child that can't confront reality.

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