AOC claims Migrants are drinking from the toilet

Garden variety crazy but has some inclination to do good is 10000 x more credible than those MAGA professional liars.

Right on script.

“I think there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.” ~ Crazy Eyes Cortez
Right on script.

“I think there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.” ~ Crazy Eyes Cortez
I’d still hit it.
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Dude, reevaluate your minimum standard she is hideous.

OMG! So, you've NEVER been drunk in a bar at closing time looking for the "warm place to put it"? Geebus, she's OSU wrasslin' quality; roll 'er over and show 'er the lights!
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OMG! So, you've NEVER been drunk in a bar at closing time looking for the "warm place to put it"? Geebus, she's OSU wrasslin' quality; roll 'er over and show 'er the lights!
Dim lights and liquor are the best cosmetics a woman can have and I most certainly have lowered the standards, so to speak, on more occasions than I care to remember.

All I'm saying when I'm sober my "I'd hit it" standard rises considerably over my drunk at closing time standard.
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The actual quote is even better. From Minority Report by H L Mencken

The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts.

The actual quote is even better. From Minority Report by H L Mencken

The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts.

Ask the black community how it has worked out for them after 50 sum odd years of Democrats supposedly caring about them?
Can't believe I'm even asking this but....are there ANY democrat women you guys would bang? So the bartender is a no-go, Kamala is apparently too dark and most posters here fall for the transsexual Michelle urban legend.

Come on, there has to be at least one pinko-lib bird that would be doable. I'd like to personally thank Tulsi Gabbard for her service....if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

Maybe we could post pics of the spouses just to show what kind of standards we're dealing with here.
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Can't believe I'm even asking this but....are there ANY democrat women you guys would bang? So the bartender is a no-go, Kamala is apparently too dark and most posters here fall for the transsexual Michelle urban legend.

Come on, there has to be at least one pinko-lib bird that would be doable. I'd like to personally thank Tulsi Gabbard for her service....if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

Maybe we could post pics of the spouses just to show what kind of standards we're dealing with here.

Hell ya there are. Kamala isn't to dark for me and I've always thought se was pretty nice looking. Wouldn't touch the ex-first wookie's with your cousins, best friends dogs pecker. Kristen Powers, Crystal Ball, Nikki Tinker (ran for congress from Tennessee) and T Gabbard is nice as well, probably a few others from the tube. My international picks would be Vera Lischka (Austria) and (Mara Rosaria Carfagna (Italy)

Any poll that has the ex-first wookie in the top 1,000 hottest anything should instantly be discredited.
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Can't believe I'm even asking this but....are there ANY democrat women you guys would bang? So the bartender is a no-go, Kamala is apparently too dark and most posters here fall for the transsexual Michelle urban legend.

Come on, there has to be at least one pinko-lib bird that would be doable. I'd like to personally thank Tulsi Gabbard for her service....if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

Maybe we could post pics of the spouses just to show what kind of standards we're dealing with here.
Lighten up Francis.

There are plenty of liberals who are killer good looking and if they would refrain from whining constantly about victimhood, identity politics and woke political nonsense I'm sure a large number of the guys on here would be happy to be in their company.

I've dated women who could make a stick horse break a log chain but their personality eventually turned me off. I don't remember dumping anyone over politics but this back when people went out and tried to have fun and didn't even feel the need to even ask if your date was a Dem or Repub.
[QUOTE="Headhunter, post: 1496466, member: 56"
I've dated women who could make a stick horse break a log chain [/QUOTE]
Someone's going to have to explain this one to me.
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I had a couple of 'before daylight' gals back in the day.
That is, you got them out of your place before the neighbors were up and might see them.
Bless their hearts.
Life lessons for young men: I'd be hard pressed to come up with one that I actually regretted.
Whatever became of Laura Dhue or SE Cupp ? Wasn't the latter espousing conservative views at one point ? I seem to recall Dhue went to Israel to work...
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Sorry I cannot do any libtard women, I am scared of STBD's, Sexually Transmitted Brain Diseases.
Had a friend tell me when he was in the Military on leave one weekend he went to a bar with an Army buddy and they both got drunk and went home with 2 old gals as he put it. He said he woke up that morning with his arm under her and wanted to gnaw his own arm off to get away, I said she was probably thinking the same damn thing! Ha ha. He had no comeback for that one! Too funny.