Well, duh. Did anyone condone white terrorist's actions?This guy may have convinced himself he is in the "right" but he's no more right than those who he hates.
Well, duh. Did anyone condone white terrorist's actions?This guy may have convinced himself he is in the "right" but he's no more right than those who he hates.
Sorry, I just don't equate "wildly lashing out" as being the same as "fighting back."
There's basically no way to target innocent civilians without first lending support and buying into the same type of "reason" the terrorist themselves use. Since I obviously don't support the Islamic terrorist, why would you expect me to buy into their value system where this is defensible?
This guy may have convinced himself he is in the "right" but he's no more right than those who he hates.
Now what happened recently, where people went after the actual perps and "fought back" was certainly "right" and completely acceptable. Attacking random people isn't.
So, what's the narrative here? Is it that the police are refusing to call it a hate crime because the police are liberals? Or is it that the liberals/media are in control of this country and have the police under their thumb?
Because here is a quote from the L.E. in charge of investigating the case.
On Monday, police announced that the teen's death would not be investigated as a hate crime.
"At this point, there doesn't seem to be indication this was a bias incident. It looks like they got into a dispute over something," Wright said.
To me, it sounds like they have already considered the possibility of a hate crime and have determined that it was not. Since he says "at this point", it suggests that the situation might change if new evidence comes to light.
NZ's right wing propaganda suggests that the liberal media is preventing this from being called a hate crime, but it appears to be the police that are making that call.
One can only turn the other cheek so often until there are repercussions. When the governments who are supposedly there to protect all persons don't it's only a matter of time before stuff like this happens. Right or wrong, the perception is that most governments have tilted one direction either through fear, incompetence or PC.Well, you see, when Muslims continuously target non-Muslins in terror attacks because "infidel," it was only a matter of time before a non-Muslim targeted Muslims in a terror attack because Muslim.
Maybe you don't see it as fighting back, but you're fooling yourself if you think there aren't people on the planet that see it as just that. An eye for an eye might not make sense to us in this case, but after years of being on the receiving end, I'm surprised it took this long for someone to do what happened yesterday.
He just sabotaged his father's company and destined it to a premature closing.Oh shit
He just sabotaged his father's company and destined it to a premature closing.
Does everyone remember when 1200 German women were sexually assaulted by 2,000 Muslim migrants in Cologne, Germany on NYE 18 months ago?
The German government (at the highest levels) tried to cover it up --- and very few attackers were ever identified and convicted (most are free men):
Well, this event took place in Cologne last weekend.
Media preview:
Interesting twist:
Actual event:
"I hate seeing this happen to the Muslim community, but has a Muslim citizen or Muslim Mosque anywhere in the world turned over to authorities a terrorist or potential terrorist to authorities? Has it happened even once?" - OKSTATE1
I guess you missed the part about how several of the last few terrorists in England had been tossed out of their mosques and the police notified about the threat they posed? (And this isn't anything new)
I don't have time now to find the articles, but after the last two attacks in London, the police had confirmed that they had been tipped off by Imams and fellow muslims that two the attackers had been radicalized and were a threat.
Still here, good to see you too.
Still here, good to see you too.
Thanks for posting, hope it happens more.