Another Hoax incoming - All Race all the Time(s)

[New York Times executive editor Dean] Baquet, in his remarks, seemed to fault the complaining readers, and the world, for their failure to understand the Times and its duties in the era of Trump. “They sometimes want us to pretend that he was not elected president, but he was elected president,” Baquet said. “And our job is to figure out why, and how, and to hold the administration to account. If you’re independent, that’s what you do.”
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Dean Baquet: If we’re really going to be a transparent newsroom that debates these issues among ourselves and not on Twitter, I figured I should talk to the whole newsroom, and hear from the whole newsroom. We had a couple of significant missteps, and I know you’re concerned about them, and I am, too. But there’s something larger at play here. This is a really hard story, newsrooms haven’t confronted one like this since the 1960s. It got trickier after [inaudible] … went from being a story about whether the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia and obstruction of justice to being a more head-on story about the president’s character.We built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well. Now we have to regroup, and shift resources and emphasis to take on a different story. I’d love your help with that. As Audra Burch said when I talked to her this weekend, this one is a story about what it means to be an American in 2019. It is a story that requires deep investigation into people who peddle hatred, but it is also a story that requires imaginative use of all our muscles to write about race and class in a deeper way than we have in years. In the coming weeks, we’ll be assigning some new people to politics who can offer different ways of looking at the world. We’ll also ask reporters to write more deeply about the country, race, and other divisions. I really want your help in navigating this story.
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“I’m wondering to what extent you think that the fact of racism and white supremacy being sort of the foundation of this country should play into our reporting,” one staffer asked Baquet. “Just because it feels to me like it should be a starting point, you know? Like these conversations about what is racist, what isn’t racist, I just feel like racism is in everything. It should be considered in our science reporting, in our culture reporting, in our national reporting.”

The staffer’s point brought Baquet back to the paper’s new initiative. “One reason we all signed off on The 1619 Project and made it so ambitious and expansive was to teach our readers to think a little bit more like that,” Baquet said. “Race in the next year … is going to be a huge part of the American story. And I mean, race in terms of not only African Americans and their relationship with Donald Trump, but Latinos and immigration.”
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Marcia Gay tweets “everything that has made America exceptional grew out of slavery”. Is she advocating for the return of slavery?

There are some serious racist SOBs at the NYTimes. They are basically admitting they are done reporting news. They also tweeted that the 1619 project will reframe history. Why does history need reframing ... it’s history. Disgusting and sad the journalism is dead at that once admired newspaper.
Now the children of FOX are bitching about journalistic objectiviry. Priceless.
Sounds like the NYTimes has decided that they are better served focusing on Liberal research projects vs. simply reporting the news. It strikes me as progressive and if done without real bias (ha!), could be quality work. That said, that's a departure from being a 'report the news and facts' media outlet. Trump should acknowledge as such and pull their credentials. If they need the credentials for a specific story or report, then they can request them just like a National Geographic or Discovery Media would have to do.
At an early age it was Democrats who taught me I'm in part victim, house boy, token. "white boy", traitor and Uncle Tom. It's unfair to ask people like me to obtain a photo ID to vote came years later. I need to be awarded points before I take a civil service test. I'm not as bright as white people. It's called affirmative action.

A Republican never taught me any of these gems of knowledge.
You don’t watch Fox News. Your comments are lazy, tired, predictable and incredibly weak.

The hate and rage never gets old.

Ol'Sunburnd indian can sure melt into the weeds when he wants.... engaged him the other night and poof... is there really a sunburnt indian on here?
. is there really a sunburnt indian on here?

Yes, and he's real, but then again, there's you:

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The hate and rage never gets old.

Ol'Sunburnd indian can sure melt into the weeds when he wants.... engaged him the other night and poof... is there really a sunburnt indian on here?

I visit regularly.

What one says and especially how one says it defines one. This is a cardinal rule for the administrator who is about to test for intelligence quotient.

Some times further interrogation or declaration by me is fruitless.
The hate and rage never gets old.

Ol'Sunburnd indian can sure melt into the weeds when he wants.... engaged him the other night and poof... is there really a sunburnt indian on here?

Read my response in Ben steins voice. No emotion, just raw data.

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