Anderson cooper curses the white house

Yo, JD.....never mind my last post about her eating at the Y; DBro has seen the light, or something like it.

Come to think of it, is Bird the pecker?
Has there been a player on a USA squad in a team sport that has gone out of their way to make it about them instead of the team more than Rapinoe?

Honest question, there may be someone, but can’t think of anyone right now,
So what?

It was certainly a choice to abide by the mandate. There was a mandate in the NFL as well. How well did that work out?
US soccer and the NFL, good comparison. Ask Hope Solo how fast a national team contract can be terminated. I don’t give a rip one way or the other, just don’t misrep the situation.

And the whole hamstring facade is nothing more than saving face. She was yanked from the lineup because she was going to be a liability against what the English could throw out there on that side. She wasn’t ‘disappointed’ when she hit the pitch, she was pissed.
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US soccer and the NFL, good comparison. Ask Hope Solo how fast a national team contract can be terminated. I don’t give a rip one way or the other, just don’t misrep the situation.

And the whole hamstring facade is nothing more than saving face. She was yanked from the lineup because she was going to be Liability against what the English could throw out there on that side. She wasn’t ‘disappointed’ when she hit the pitch, she was pissed.

waddup alf

long time no read
US soccer and the NFL, good comparison. Ask Hope Solo how fast a national team contract can be terminated. I don’t give a rip one way or the other, just don’t misrep the situation.

And the whole hamstring facade is nothing more than saving face. She was yanked from the lineup because she was going to be a liability against what the English could throw out there on that side. She wasn’t ‘disappointed’ when she hit the pitch, she was pissed.

I didn't misrepresent anything.

You're the one yah but-ing, and speculating about motivation.

I merely stated what her actions have been during the WC...and accurately so.
I didn't misrepresent anything.

You're the one yah but-ing, and speculating about motivation.

I merely stated what her actions have been during the WC...and accurately so.

I was specifically addressing your summation that she did all of this ‘respectfully’ - skipping over the part where US Soccer forced her to do it with a threat of contract termination (stated or implied). And why would I need to speculate on motivation? Is that suddenly top secret?

If you see this differently, no problem on my end.
I was specifically addressing your summation that she did all of this ‘respectfully’ - skipping over the part where US Soccer forced her to do it with a threat of contract termination (stated or implied). And why would I need to speculate on motivation? Is that suddenly top secret?

If you see this differently, no problem on my end.

And she has been respectfully standing......whether "forced" or not (she always had the choice to not comply with US Soccer's demands). Her conduct on the field has been respectful to the flag regardless of what the motivation may have been. Which is what I said.

Her actions have been respectful acts. All I took issue with you on was the intimation that I had mischaracterized those actual acts. She may not like that US Soccer has demanded she do this, but she has respected their authority by complying and acting in the manner required.
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And she has been respectfully standing......whether "forced" or not (she always had the choice to not comply with US Soccer's demands). Her conduct on the field has been respectful to the flag regardless of what the motivation may have been. Which is what I said.

He actions have been respectful acts. All I took issue with you on was the intimation that I had mischaracterized those actual acts. She may not like that US Soccer has demanded she do this, but she has respected their authority by complying and acting in the manner required.
Well done.
The sissy is pissy his mommy Vanderbilt cut him out of the will.

He was reduced to the vapors.
First I read he wasn't in her will by his request he said.

Then a few days ago I read he inherited her entire estate except her NYC residence which she left to his brother. Odd. I believe her estate is valued in the billions.