And so it begins...Telegram's CEO has been arrested

What's the end game here?

Delete all platforms that allow for a free exchange of ideas. Delete all platforms that allow free speech.

That is TEXTBOOK fascist behavior.

It's coming from the left. The left is fascist.

What happens when they have removed all the platforms that allow free speech?

Next they will remove all the PEOPLE that are using free speech.

Keep telling yourself we need to worry about Trump's limitations. You'd best worry about the basic human rights that the left will limit FOR you if they get 4 more years in power.

Forest for the trees, gentlemen.

What's the end game here?

Delete all platforms that allow for a free exchange of ideas. Delete all platforms that allow free speech.

That is TEXTBOOK fascist behavior.

It's coming from the left. The left is fascist.

What happens when they have removed all the platforms that allow free speech?

Next they will remove all the PEOPLE that are using free speech.

Keep telling yourself we need to worry about Trump's limitations. You'd best worry about the basic human rights that the left will limit FOR you if they get 4 more years in power.

Forest for the trees, gentlemen.
You’re such a free speech absolutist weirdo. As am I.

Don't forget that the Dims tried to pull this crap.
Truth Czar.

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What's the end game here?

Delete all platforms that allow for a free exchange of ideas. Delete all platforms that allow free speech.

That is TEXTBOOK fascist behavior.

It's coming from the left. The left is fascist.

What happens when they have removed all the platforms that allow free speech?

Next they will remove all the PEOPLE that are using free speech.

Keep telling yourself we need to worry about Trump's limitations. You'd best worry about the basic human rights that the left will limit FOR you if they get 4 more years in power.

Forest for the trees, gentlemen.
I will never understand why so many are surprised that the left and fascism is the same thing. What the hell were you taught? Why do you beleive this? The Nazi's called themselves socialists. In fact thier name Nazi comes from it. National Socialist Party. This will go down as the biggest gaslighting in history.
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Just to give an example of what Squishy Boy Vindman is proposing. As you all know (except perhaps centskatwat) 1A does not protect your right to falsely scream “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Under Vindman’s proposal, not only should the guy who screams “Fire!” be prosecuted, but the theater owner should be prosecuted as well for not stopping him.
Just to give an example of what Squishy Boy Vindman is proposing. As you all know (except perhaps centskatwat) 1A does not protect your right to falsely scream “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Under Vindman’s proposal, not only should the guy who screams “Fire!” be prosecuted, but the theater owner should be prosecuted as well for not stopping him.
It's actually protected speech to yell "fire" in a movie theater.

The phrase came from an opinion in Schenk vs US in 1919. In the opinion, the fire example was used as an analogy to show that the 1A was not absolute in its protections. But the case had nothing to do with fires or movie theaters, it had to do with handing out pamphlets and the Espionage act.

A later case in 1969 officially put the example to bed.

So Vindman not only wants to further restrict free speech, he wants the movie theater owner jailed for not doing so as well. He's a fascist.
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