Using birth control prevents so many problems it's not funny. Yet, you want to focus on the aspect that some Govt agencies provide it for free as the big "problem" here?
How about vaccines, obviously only those who can pay for vaccines should receive them, who cares about a disease breaking out and straining our entire health system and costing us taxpayers, dozens/hundreds of times more than it would have cost to have provided to give out the vaccines in the first place.
Sorry, but there are plenty of times, particularly in regard to public health issues, that the govt's assistance in providing or distributing certain medicines and treatments produce significantly greater benefits than withholding them. Additionally, as I noted above, it's typically conservatives who want to even withhold INFORMATION from people in regard to reproductive health, simply because they have puritanical takes on the subject. Please explain to me how a person can even begin to make an informed decision and take responsibility, when they are denied access to the information which allows them to do so?