Alt right

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Alt-right is a term used to describe those that are far to the extreme of the 'typical' conservative.
Where's the alt-left? Or is standard democrat liberalism so extreme, that there is nothing left of their left?

I don't know about the rest but I love me some Nazi racist morons. Wouldn't have a BBQ without inviting a whole bunch of them. We rotate turns on bringing the burning cross.

Some of the absolute bullshit things lefties try to pin on conservative people makes you wonder what these people did to lose so many brain cells.

There are morons of all stripes, personally I see more of them on the left but of course lefties get all their info from left wing sites so they believe everyone on their side are righteous warriors and conservatives are Nazi bigots.
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I don't know about the rest but I love me some Nazi racist morons. Wouldn't have a BBQ without inviting a whole bunch of them. We rotate turns on bringing the burning cross.

Some of the absolute bullshit things lefties try to pin on conservative people makes you wonder what these people did to lose so many brain cells.

There are morons of all stripes, personally I see more of them on the left but of course lefties get all their info from left wing sites so they believe everyone on their side are righteous warriors and conservatives are Nazi bigots.
Putting you down as troubled then. Check.
I don't know about the rest but I love me some Nazi racist morons. Wouldn't have a BBQ without inviting a whole bunch of them. We rotate turns on bringing the burning cross.

Some of the absolute bullshit things lefties try to pin on conservative people makes you wonder what these people did to lose so many brain cells.

There are morons of all stripes, personally I see more of them on the left but of course lefties get all their info from left wing sites so they believe everyone on their side are righteous warriors and conservatives are Nazi bigots.

Their own racism makes them mentally ill.

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