Alt-right being hijacked?

Perfectly said. There is not a populist movement toward becoming racists and nazis - this is idiotic on the face of it. There is a populist movement toward replacing the globalist neocons in the baby boomer GOP with a stripped down, socially neutral but politically incorrect and economically focused new right - rooted in the Constitution and bypassing the mainstream media filters.

That's where I am anyway, and THAT group did have a huge impact on this election for sure. I'm perfectly happy for guys like @07pilt to pretend not to get it, and guys like @syskatine to actually not get it. The GOP establishment made that mistake and then the DNC establishment and MSM made that mistake too.

The new right has a significant libertarian flavor, and is unabashedly nationalistic. But it ain't racist.
This is what I tried to say in 9,000 words. We aren't establishment thinkers. We think for ourselves. We don't depend on parties or the media for our beliefs. We want a strong, prosperous America. We want the shitheads that run government to get over themselves and realize they work for We the People. We are willing to elect people who believe the same way we do.
What is interesting is how far the left the liberals moved while conservatives moved only slightly right.
Which might be another way to say one group embraced greater equality while the other regressed on core issues of human rights.
The new right has a significant libertarian flavor, and is unabashedly nationalistic. But it ain't racist.
We should keep a running list of this new libertarian flavor and the policies it advocates:
  • On race “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes…" - seems very libertarian to me
  • "No good person smokes marijuana." - Check
  • In regards to free speech - "We're going to open up libel laws, and we're going to have people sue you like you've never got sued before." - Check
  • On freedom of choice - “there has to be some sort of punishment” - Check
  • On free trade - "Let me give you the bad news. Every car and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we're going to charge you a 35% tax, and that tax is going to be paid simultaneously with the transaction."
  • Enhanced state surveillance especially for "certain" religious groups - Check
Let us keep this running list of our new Libertarian Overlord's glorious pronouncements!
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We should keep a running list of this new libertarian flavor and the policies it advocates:
  • On race “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes…" - seems very libertarian to me
  • "No good person smokes marijuana." - Check
  • In regards to free speech - "We're going to open up libel laws, and we're going to have people sue you like you've never got sued before." - Check
  • On freedom of choice - “there has to be some sort of punishment” - Check
  • On free trade - "Let me give you the bad news. Every car and every part manufactured in this plant that comes across the border, we're going to charge you a 35% tax, and that tax is going to be paid simultaneously with the transaction."
  • Enhanced state surveillance especially for "certain" religious groups - Check
Let us keep this running list of our new Libertarian Overlord's glorious pronouncements!

I say flavor. You run with "libertarian overlord." I win.
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Which might be another way to say one group embraced greater equality while the other regressed on core issues of human rights.

Is your implication that a move left = embracing greater equality and a move right = regression of equality? I don't want to assume but I think you are a left of center poster here so I must ask.
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And by the way, I wasn't talking about Donald Trump. I was talking about the new right vs the nazi assholes
. Your unsourced quotes are out of context.
Alt right has a libertarian flavor
I wasn't talking about the president they ostensibly helped to elect
Anyway he is libertarian because he didn't actually say that stuff
And if he did say that stuff it is out of context

Give it up. The only libertarian socially neutral element to the new right is they elected an president who isn't icked out by gay people.
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The alt-right isn't being hijacked. The MSM is trying to discredit the Alt-right by associating it to its most fringe elements, and making those elements "look" mainstream. By this same token, HuffPro should be taken down as alt-left because they are supported by the same individuals who march in the street and call for assassinations of police officers. Doesn't matter that its only the fringe BLMer who does this, the fact that at least one does means that all associates are 100% guilty. Oh, wait. I forgot, only the right has extremists and radicals.


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