After 13 Years, ‘Obamacare’ Offers Broken Promises and Costly Consequences

In the early eighties I watched Robert Mugabe destroy Africa's crown jewel health care system. For the slow 12 and our own Kasavubu, Africa is a continent.

Like your doctor. Keep your doctor. Like your health care plan. Keep your health care plan. I lost both.

Under Mugabecare Lite, I paid a $260 copay for my series of rabie shots after a pit bull attack. Before Mugabecare, my AT&T copay would have been $0.
This is such a stupid response to ObamaCare’s failure. Everyone - and I mean *everyone* - knew from the beginning it would fail because evil right-wingers watered it down. It failed because it wasn’t socialist enough, it wasn’t *real* socialism! If the evil right-wingers hadn’t interfered, if government had been given the power to install truly socialized national healthcare we would all be immortal by now, disease of every kind would have disappeared and it wouldn’t have cost any of us a dime. That’s how *real* socialism works, you know. Put the blame for the failure of ObamaCare right where it belongs, on right-wing obstructionists.
This is such a stupid response to ObamaCare’s failure. Everyone - and I mean *everyone* - knew from the beginning it would fail because evil right-wingers watered it down. It failed because it wasn’t socialist enough, it wasn’t *real* socialism! If the evil right-wingers hadn’t interfered, if government had been given the power to install truly socialized national healthcare we would all be immortal by now, disease of every kind would have disappeared and it wouldn’t have cost any of us a dime. That’s how *real* socialism works, you know. Put the blame for the failure of ObamaCare right where it belongs, on right-wing obstructionists.
I did business in British Columbia and Ontario for 11 years. Ask the 25 year old if he likes his health care system. "Heck yes. It's free." Ask the 55 year old who's on an 18 month waiting list for rationed cataract surgery.

Sit on the bus stop bench at Rich Foods in Buffalo. Often one can find Canadians visting to pay for US health care.

Visit US Customs in Blaine, Washington. Charter busses are regular transporting patients south.

A Canadian doctor really irked Canadian gov. "My dog can get back surgery Wednesday. For me it's an eighteen month wait."

I got Moderna stab II March 28, 2021 at no cost. I paid stiff copays for my two Baylor Scott & White ER visits after I started falling apart. I have no chest pain at this time. I have mild itching from May 15, 2021 shingles that never ends. I'm still off the 22LR high calory diet.

My health care was much easier and less costly before I was saddled with Mugabecare Lite.

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