Adult male jeans

I'll remain a contented csob that only buys clothes when I desperately need them, they are over 50% off, and can get almost a week's wardrobe for two hundies.

Yep, Wranglers and Levis, from the outlet mall in Lebanon MO on my annual trip to IL. $20 a pop and my jean shopping is done for the whole year.
I have two pairs of jeans in my closet. They are Goody's brand and I think they cost me $25. Have had them for 5 years.
My take on jeans. Comfort matters. I don't care what anyone else thinks about my jeans.

I have jeans that cost $12 and I have jeans that cost $180 dollars.

I wear them until they simply don't wear anymore, which means I have almost all the jeans I've ever bought.

My favorite pair has a hole in the right knee you can nearly fit a football in. It looks bad, but I wear them anyway.

Cost is relative. I have had hundreds of bar or dinner tabs bigger than 150 dollars. If that's what you gotta spend on a pair of jeans that you'll wear 150 times, how can you not justify it?
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