Activists Blast the Relief Package’s Failure to Write Checks to Illegal Immigrants: It’s ‘Immoral’


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008
Posted at 11:00 pm on March 28, 2020 by Alex Parker

Are you mad about the stimulus package? Some people believe it was way too porkish.

But only some — one group thinks the bill came in light.

As reported by CNN, activists are upset that the record-setting $2 trillion relief bill passed without payments to illegal immigrants.

They’re arguing the exclusion means those in the country illegally will be forced into jobs that will put them at risk of contracting COVID-19.

Here’s how CNN puts it:

Unauthorized workers make up about 5% of the US labor force – around 7.6 million people, according to the latest estimates from the Pew Research Center.

Advocates argue the coronavirus crisis that’s devastated global markets, overwhelmed hospitals and left millions without jobs is having an outsized impact on undocumented workers. Many had service-sector jobs that were decimated by the pandemic. Those who remain employed largely don’t have the option of working from home, and are risking their safety to keep supply chains going.

S.G. Sarmiento — campaign director for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network — points out, “It’s undocumented workers that are still in the fields, still in the factories, still the janitors in the buildings, still looking for work as day laborers.”

And although illegal immigrants are generally disallowed from partaking of federal benefits, people such as S.G. believes this whole coronavirus clampdown should permit an exception to the rule.

Back to CNN:

At first glance, you wouldn’t necessarily expect this group to be included in the stimulus deal. After all, they generally aren’t eligible for government benefits. And these days it’s rare to see leaders in Washington rolling out the welcome mat for immigrants.

But because of the threat the novel coronavirus poses, advocates argue this shouldn’t be treated as business as usual. In a public health crisis, they say, if someone feels like they can’t miss work or can’t afford medical care, that impacts the entire community.

To S.G., it’s downright immoral. And not just that — it’s averse to logic, too:

“From a public health perspective, you cannot have an effective national response to a pandemic that excludes enormous segments of the population. That’s both illogical and immoral.”

Despite the gripes, the stimulus bill did in fact include provisions for those who’ve bypassed America’s immigration system.

While they may not get checks, participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“Dreamers”) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) programs were granted more access to testing as well as emergency medical care.

But not enough, according to Immigration Hub Executive Director Tyler Moran:

“The package does not provide enough access to testing and treatment. … We just think this is totally irresponsible and dangerous and infuriating.”

He also believes your neighbor’s here on the down-low:

“Everyone’s health literally depends on the health of your neighbor. And guess what? Everyone has an (illegal) immigrant neighbor.”

As noted by The Daily Wire, The Boston Globe stated Friday that illegals forced out of work due to Wuhan woes have no financial safety net in order to make it through.

The Globe said there are hundreds of thousands of ’em in Massachusetts alone:

They are the hourly employees who work as cooks and dishwashers, cleaners and clerks. They are among the more than 250,000 unauthorized immigrants in Massachusetts who account for about 5 percent of the labor force. These immigrants typically pay taxes but don’t qualify for stimulus checks or unemployment benefits, which are reserved for US citizens and those legally authorized to work in the U.S.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s certainly on board with federal aid being doled to the less-than-legal crew — a week ago, she championed each person in America getting a big fat $2,000.

That’s each person — in the words of TDW, “every person in the country, including children, illegal immigrants, and
‘temporary visitors whose stay exceeds three months.'”

How about every person gets a new bicycle, too? I’ve been wanting one, and I know a few kids whose I could take and sell. For $2,000 each.

Of course, not everyone’s cool with coronavirus cash cushioning those here without permission, and one such person’s immigration reform group Numbers USA Deputy Director Chris Chmielenski.

He told CNN all about it:

“With one of the worst jobless reports in quite a few years, the primary focus right now should be on American workers and lawful immigrants. We should make sure that those people are taken care of first.”

“Our top priority has to be helping Americans and helping legal permanent residents who are most affected by the crisis,” he asserted, “both from a health perspective and economic perspective.”

Then again, why not give every single individual a few bucks? We all just reached into our pockets and threw the Kennedy Center $25 mil:

The Washington Post


After $25 million stimulus, stunned National Symphony Orchestra players receive one-week notice from Kennedy Center

After $25 million stimulus, stunned NSO players receive one-week notice from Kennedy Center
The orchestra’s 96 musicians will receive their last paychecks on April 3.


4:11 PM - Mar 28, 2020
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Are viruses repelled by staggeringly-funded centers for the performing arts?


Can you imagine making this argument? The fact that the "illegals" would be pushed into jobs that would expose them to the Chinese Flu is a bout if they weren't here illegally in the first place they wouldn't be pushed into anything. How many of those protesting are so indignant that they will turn over their $1,200 USD check to an illegal???? Wished a reporter would ask that.
Honestly, we all knew this was coming. LOL

Honestly surprised the media has yet use stipulations excluding dead beat dads from payment somehow makes this whole exercise racist.

But there’s still time.
Well, if they had help solved the illegal immigration issue we would not have near this problem. So, if Mexico gets hit hard do we open our borders to thousands of their sick and over run our hospitals and send checks to them to? The Dems are admitting they are willing to bankrupt the country to win one single election. Bunch of sick phucks.
I'm a big supporter of immigrants.....but I'm really disappointed with what I'm seeing out of the Spanish-speaking community this past week.

I have to be out and about all day in Oklahoma City and have been really surprised by how Mexicans are pretty much not following these precautions at all. With respect to their work ethic, is it really necessary for these guys to be out refurbishing offices and replanting shrubs and then congregating at the 7-11 while all this is going on? I know yard work is low risk....but come on.

Yesterday, the folks across the street held what looked like a quinceañera. Cars parked all down the street, everyone all dressed up, bringing gifts, hugging as they went in. Sorry's completely inexcusable to be thumbing your nose at public health when you're clearly being told not to do this. And it's not like these people can't speak enough English not to understand these orders.
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I'm a huge supporter of immigrants and generally find myself defending arguments towards illegal immigration......but I'm really disappointed with what I'm seeing out of the Spanish-speaking community this past week.

Due to my job, I have to be out and about all day in Oklahoma City and have been really surprised by how Mexicans are pretty much not following these precautions at all. With respect to their work ethic, is it really necessary for these guys to be out refurbishing offices and replanting shrubs and then congregating at the 7-11 while all this is going on? I know yard work is low risk....but come on.

Yesterday, the folks across the street held what looked like a quinceañera. Cars parked all down the street, everyone all dressed up, bringing gifts, hugging as they went in. Sorry's completely inexcusable to be thumbing your nose at public health when you're clearly being told not to do this. And it's not like these people can't speak enough English not to understand these orders.

I am limiting my exposure as much as possible. I just chalk this up to natural selection, but it will capture those who are trying to do the right things. Unfortunate but is a product of a democratic society and they say freedom is not free.
Well, if they had help solved the illegal immigration issue we would not have near this problem. So, if Mexico gets hit hard do we open our borders to thousands of their sick and over run our hospitals and send checks to them to? The Dems are admitting they are willing to bankrupt the country to win one single election. Bunch of sick phucks.

Why in the world would the Left actually lift a finger to solve an issue?

Recent weeks being a perfect example.
I'm a big supporter of immigrants.....but I'm really disappointed with what I'm seeing out of the Spanish-speaking community this past week.

I have to be out and about all day in Oklahoma City and have been really surprised by how Mexicans are pretty much not following these precautions at all. With respect to their work ethic, is it really necessary for these guys to be out refurbishing offices and replanting shrubs and then congregating at the 7-11 while all this is going on? I know yard work is low risk....but come on.

Yesterday, the folks across the street held what looked like a quinceañera. Cars parked all down the street, everyone all dressed up, bringing gifts, hugging as they went in. Sorry's completely inexcusable to be thumbing your nose at public health when you're clearly being told not to do this. And it's not like these people can't speak enough English not to understand these orders.
Saw an article today which said El Paso was locked down while across the river Juarez was basically doing nothing.