A viral photo identified as Biden’s speechwriting team explains so much


MegaPoke is insane
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May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma

A viral photo identified as Biden’s speechwriting team explains so much​

July 7, 2024

A viral photo identified as Biden’s speechwriting team explains so much​

By Andrea Widburg

n November 1863, while traveling on a train from D.C. to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and experiencing the early stages of a mild case of smallpox, Abraham Lincoln handwrote the Gettysburg Address. Joe Biden is no Lincoln, and you can bet your bottom dollar that he’s not writing his own speeches. Instead, he has a staff that puts words into his mouth. That’s why a photo posted by the White House Director of Broadcast Media showing his communications staff goes a long way to defining the Biden White House.

I believe that Revolver News published the original viral tweet:

That is a fascinating photo. Because it’s so crowded, I broke it down by apparent race and gender (although, nowadays, one can never tell how people “identify”):


Of the 15 people crowded into that shot, I see five white women and three white men; three black women and one black man; one possibly Hispanic woman and one possibly Hispanic man; and one woman who might identify as Asian. All look to be near or under 30 years old.

The room looks exactly like a staff meeting at the Harvard Crimson or some other campus newspaper. Or perhaps it’s a staff meeting at SNL. In other words, it is a microcosm of the young left.

We know who these young people are. They’re college graduates with degrees in journalism, political science, communications, or some sort of “studies” (e.g., gender, womyn’s, etc.). They are committed to open borders, DEI, CRT, BLM, LGBTQ+, climate change madness, a government-controlled economy, Ukraine, socialized medicine, unlimited abortion, and “Free Palestine.” And the women are crazy. Yes, maybe that last sounds like a stretch, but we’ve seen what leftism does to women, and it’s not pretty.

The picture is such a painfully obvious stereotype that I assumed it was a fake. However, I’ve traced its origin, and it seems to be real.

The original image comes from the personal account of Muriel Chase:


As you can see, the image is dated March 7. As it happened, March 7 was Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, something that a speechwriting team would celebrate. So, who is Muriel Chase? She’s a “White House Special Assistant to the President and Director of Broadcast Media”:


The two people she tags in the tweet are also in the White House communications department. Jennifer Molina is the “Deputy Communications Director” and Erika Trombley is the “Director of Consumer Media.”



I’d say, then, that the image is real. These people are the ones putting words in Biden’s mouth. They are both foot soldiers and, at a guess, policymakers. I say the last because they are the living embodiment of the modern Democrat party: shiny pretty Marxists who are mostly cat ladies.

The image, of course, is going viral because everybody understands what they are seeing. These are the people in charge in America. It’s a terrifying thought:

Remember: In November, a vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote for Biden’s speechwriting team.
I’m not shocked and I don’t understand how you could be as well. Biden was the “moderate puppet” for the progressives. If he was truly more moderate, his staff would be as well. If it wasn’t Biden there would be more color.
All other things - race, gender, sexual preference - aside, the common factor there is they all look very young (mid ‘20s to mid ‘30s). The collective political experience there I doubt is more than an average of 10 years.

These type of people in leadership also is what’s guiding the narrative of giving very young, inexperienced people the power to do other things, like voting (wanting to drop voting age to 16, et al). Those who think 16 year olds should be able to vote need to come sit in a junior, or senior level high school class and see who that would include.
All other things - race, gender, sexual preference - aside, the common factor there is they all look very young (mid ‘20s to mid ‘30s). The collective political experience there I doubt is more than an average of 10 years.

These type of people in leadership also is what’s guiding the narrative of giving very young, inexperienced people the power to do other things, like vote (wanting to drop voting age to 16, et al).
I’m not discounting what you’re saying or not trying to.
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The races don’t really stand out to me.

What stands out is the age and the personal presentation and style of each person.

Not one of those pampered twits has the faintest notion of what physical labor or blue collar life looks like outside of some textbook description in one or more of their endless list of social sciences courses making up their Ivy League transcript.

But worse, they are so young that they have barely even interacted with people who understand the average American experience.

And thus you have the average American becoming further entrenched in anti-elitism and the elites even further disconnected from the real reasons the ‘deplorables’ hate them.

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