A Liberal Elitist With Self Awareness

"It’s easy to understand why people in less-educated classes would conclude that they are under economic, political, cultural and moral assault — and why they’ve rallied around Trump as their best warrior against the educated class," he wrote.

Brooks is still a douche bag! With his above quip he does exactly what he is bashing other for...."It's easy to understand why people in less-educated classes (how many classes are there anyway & how are they classified?)blah blah blah." Like being "less-educated" somehow foretells being a Trump fan, it more than likely foretells being a loyal democratic voter for life, no matter how bad they subsequently screw you.

All those guys live in hugs cities, come from completely liberal/progressive/or outright socialist backgrounds & are elitist pigs. They detest the fly-over country as they call it & think anyone stupid enough to live in some small sane town or a red state are unenlightened uneducated redneck morons. Would love to take some of those punks out for wheat harvest, hay hauling or branding. I would grow broke buy tampons for them.

That they have rallied around Trump is not because of the educated class, but because of the political class & the rampant hypocrisy they treat ordinary citizens & taxpayer with. Put the educated class out somewhere they would actually have to have a job & work they would for the most part have 1 or 2 friends, be viewed by everyone else as arrogant A-holes & wither up & die because they have the adaptability of albino minnow in a farm pond.

If Brooks were really serious he would pack his sorry ass up & move to Ft Hays KS, Fairview OK or Crawford NB & live for a few years. Really find out what America is about. He won't though, nor will any of the others, because they can't be bothered to find out why most of american citizens not living in NYC, LA, SF, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, Philly & Boston think this is the greatest country in the world & will continue to be thus despite the efforts to condemn everything that happen 200, 175, 150, 100, 75 & even 50 years ago.
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Caitlin Johnstone says it much better than David Brooks ever could.

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Would love to see one of those creamy lotiony hand liberals work outside in this 104° heat with high humidity like I did yesterday. I would give them 5 minutes before they cried and said **** this shit. 🤣🤣
They rely on an open border. Ain't a one of them cream colored idiots worked a day in they're life. Sleepy can't stay awake, mayorkas can't take five minutes of sun, his crying eyes haven't seen sunlight in all his life, then there's bootygig the butt rumper. Need I say more?
Would love to see one of those creamy lotiony hand liberals work outside in this 104° heat with high humidity like I did yesterday. I would give them 5 minutes before they cried and said **** this shit. 🤣🤣
Don't ever let someone tell you you're good for nothing

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