A Less Mature Person Would Post This, But I Won’t. No, I Won’t.

This is the era of alternative facts Dan, none of those mathy things count.
This is the era of alternative facts Dan, none of those mathy things count.
Some people on this board (well, me) have argued from day one that Trump's economic policies are illogical and counterproductive to achieve the goals he has set. The response from the Trump faithful has been either ridicule or hostility. Trump's trade war is having increasingly serious negative economic effect in this country and around the world. Surely Trump's economic team (and Trump himself) can see the potential disaster they are causing. But DJT is probably the most pig-headed, stubborn SOB to ever sit in the White House. There is no way he will change course until his "faithful" rise up and tell him "Enough!" No loony leftist will sway him, and neither will free market economists, no matter what they say. It's only when he hears anger directed toward him from his base that he might - might! - alter his policy.
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@Ponca Dan - what did Donald Trump do to you personally? I need to own why you hate our President so much.

If you provide a reasonable answer, I'll leave you alone and not ask again.
But, I already know what your response will most likely be.
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@Ponca Dan - what did Donald Trump do to you personally? I need to own why you hate our President so much.

If you provide a reasonable answer, I'll leave you alone and not ask again.
But, I already know what your response will most likely be.

1). Let’s begin with the linked website, Axios, which I had never heard of, but you can go to their menu, click on “About” and it will tell you what they’re trying to accomplish.

2). Let’s look at the linked article, which shows in black and white that Trump’s insistence that his trade war will eliminate the trade deficit clearly is in error. It is about as straight forward a “news” article as you’ll see on the web today. I don’t recognize any “hate Trump” in the article. He’s mainly pointing out that most economists don’t see a trade deficit as critically as Trump, but since the president has made a very big issue about the trade deficit the facts are it is bigger now than when he started his war. It appears to me your emotional investment in DJT clouds any ability you might have had to read the article objectively.

3). Let’s look at the author of the article. I’ve never heard of him (he looks very young to me in his picture) and I have no idea if he’s one of “those” Rothchilds.

I think it is incumbent on you to define what you mean by “globalist piece of trash” if we’re ever going to have a meaningful conversation. If you mean by “globalist” a person seeking one world government I did not get any sense of that in the article.

4). Let’s look at my attitude toward Donald Trump as president. You ask why I hate him so much, and I will tell you I don’t hate him with any more passion than I hate all politicians. In case you didn’t know I would be considered a libertarian and an anarcho-capitalist. That is a person whose only political priority is individual freedom and who philosophically has come to the conclusion that a society without a state would be the ideal society, and the only economic theory that fits such a society is free market capitalism.

My distaste for DJT as President stems from his near complete disavowal of capitalism, replacing it with the 19th Century practice of mercantilism coupled with 20th Century nationalism and protectionism. All those practices have been shown by history to be unequal to the task of bringing peace, prosperity or freedom.

If you've paid the slightest attention to my criticisms of DJT you will know that all of them are aimed at his foreign economic policies and his broken promise that he would “end our stupid wars.”

I have not jumped onto the #nevertrump bandwagon. I have castigated those that have. I see Trump as an average president, having done some good things on the domestic front, but some seriously flawed policies toward our allies and our competitors.

You said you think you know what I’d say. Well, did you?
Axios is a well know anti Trump anti conservative site with a tight relationship with Media Matters.
Thanks, that’s good to know. As I said I had never heard of it. I still maintain, however, the linked article should not be viewed as a hit piece on Trump. Trump bragged his trade war would reduce (nay, he claimed it would eliminate!) the trade deficit and the exact opposite is happening. That’s pretty much what the article said.
You posted an article written by Neal Rothschild. I'm sure you've heard of that last name.

I wonder if he is related to the Rothschild's. If he is, then this article was written by a piece of Globalist trash. They hate America and Donald Trump.

@Ponca Dan - You post some of the worst articles on this board.
Here, try reading this article. I know how hard it is, but try to eliminate as much emotional attachment as possible and realize this is an economist just looking at the numbers and comparing them to the rhetoric and promises being made to the American people. You cannot miss the disconnect. It’s not about “hating Donald Trump.” That’s reserved for political opponents who, like Trump and Republicans, care about nothing but achieving power.

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