A Higher Loyalty

Make you wonder if Comey's FBI file was part of the 1,000 delivered to the WH shortly after the Clinton's were sworn in. They had to have something on him besides him being a nitwit.
more higher loyalty from this sweetheart

“Throughout the process I did what I always do: rise above politics and uphold the law. At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC,” Lynch said.
I predict the only "crime" related to this administration or the election will be paying off a porn star from something years ago...and somehow calling it a campaign contribution.

So it isn't like people are ignoring a "trove" of anything. Please stop with your theatrics and drama and over-kill

Indefensible. Your prediction is already wrecked on the shoals of reality. Do you know how many guilty pleas have already been entered by members of Biff's retinue?

I'm not a supporter of "Biff". The amazing thing to me is how selectively liberals can focus on something like Stormy Daniels and ignore the trove of obvious crime, lies and conflicts of interest deep-seated within the corridors of power and the administrative state in Washington and the obvious abuse of power leading up to the 2016 election and during the transition period.

Please. You constantly attack his enemies and have nary a negative peep about him. That's exactly the point of my post.

So why won't anybody prosecute the libs that were so bad? Does the GOP not have enough people in government to do it? Hell Comey announced that Hillary was under investigation right before the election. Talk, talk, talk, and when reality hits it evaporates. You guys are so alarmist and never produce shit. Mueller already has notches on his bedpost from the guilty pleas from Biff's crew, and you bring up old news that no prosecutor will touch. See my post, above.
Indefensible. Your prediction is already wrecked on the shoals of reality. Do you know how many guilty pleas have already been entered by members of Biff's retinue?

Please. You constantly attack his enemies and have nary a negative peep about him. That's exactly the point of my post.

So why won't anybody prosecute the libs that were so bad? Does the GOP not have enough people in government to do it? Hell Comey announced that Hillary was under investigation right before the election. Talk, talk, talk, and when reality hits it evaporates. You guys are so alarmist and never produce shit. Mueller already has notches on his bedpost from the guilty pleas from Biff's crew, and you bring up old news that no prosecutor will touch. See my post, above.
I'll answer you if you can provide a cogent, logical answer as to why David Petraues was prosecuted and Hillary Clinton and Hunan Abedin haven't been.
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I'll answer you if you can provide a cogent, logical answer as to why David Petraues was prosecuted and Hillary Clinton and Hunan Abedin haven't been.

Because career, professional prosecutors evaluated the evidence in each case and filed the ones they thought they could win, i.e. a jury would convict.
Quite a love triangle between Mr. McCabe, Ms. Lynch, and Mx. Comey.
Geezus Loretta, nobody but your bootlickers believe you. You were at the epoch of law enforcement, keeping the politically relevant accountable until you decided to go all in for the Hildastankledcankled.

Tough titty said the kitty when the milk went dry.
Because career, professional prosecutors evaluated the evidence in each case and filed the ones they thought they could win, i.e. a jury would convict.

Tell us more stories shysterkine!
Because career, professional prosecutors evaluated the evidence in each case and filed the ones they thought they could win, i.e. a jury would convict.

Yo Jane, the bitch-slap of reality is calling you back to the freakin' real world:

Comey's wife and daughters are big time Hildebitch supporters. He'd been Bobbitized had he recommended prosecution.
Guilty pleas for situations that happened well before the election and have nothing to do with the administration post election do not count.....particularly when those came about by a political witch hunt.

There is way more guilt on BOTH sides of the swamp than people want to admit, and why the theatrics and drama coming from the left is so tiring and boring.
Guilty pleas for situations that happened well before the election and have nothing to do with the administration post election do not count.....particularly when those came about by a political witch hunt.

There is way more guilt on BOTH sides of the swamp than people want to admit, and why the theatrics and drama coming from the left is so tiring and boring.

It counts. Biff's campaign manager was laundering Russian oligarch money. He lied about it, lobbied for foreign powers and concealed it, I think it's well established that it matters. Flynn's deception and lies were after the election. Biff had full knowledge these guys were criminals and unreliable and he still hired them and put them in positions of enormous influence. Not to mention, that Manafort apparently got the Republican platform changed to help out whatever side he was on in Ukraine (pro Russia I think).
It counts. Biff's campaign manager was laundering Russian oligarch money. He lied about it, lobbied for foreign powers and concealed it, I think it's well established that it matters. Flynn's deception and lies were after the election. Biff had full knowledge these guys were criminals and unreliable and he still hired them and put them in positions of enormous influence. Not to mention, that Manafort apparently got the Republican platform changed to help out whatever side he was on in Ukraine (pro Russia I think).

good effin grief

alpo for simpletons
good effin grief

alpo for simpletons

Is my timeline off? Names wrong? Did FLynn not plead guilty? Is Manaforte not charged with tons of crimes? Did the platform not change at the RNC convention regarding Ukraine? Or did I just deviate from the approved Biff narrative?

Edit: If possible, I would appreciate a response in haiku. I love that. Very soyboys of you.
You've made HUGE, HUGE, HUGE leaps from "i got caught lying under oath and got some lobbying money" to Laundering Russian Oligarch's money, they perp'd a conspiracy to aid foreign governments AND COMMITTED TONS OF CRIMES (hilariously drama queen'ish), etc.... None of that matters at all.....and IF the deep state of Obama and Clinton (especially) ever gets uncovered, you will realize that these dude's transgressions pale in comparison. It is all side noise and meaningless.
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if i missed your concern for u crainium affairs lemme kno

otherwise your fo outrage is asymptomatix of the rampant vaginal wailing libartds adroitly hitch their birther wagons to

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A much bigger campaign crime that is about to be unleashed on our ears is the DNC and Clinton campaign laundering $84 million through the State Chapters DIRECTLY back to the DNC and the Clinton campaign that (black and white) violates campaign laws. Donna Brazille spilled the beans in detail so it is credible.
You've made HUGE, HUGE, HUGE leaps from "i got caught lying under oath and got some lobbying money" to Laundering Russian Oligarch's money, they perp'd a conspiracy to aid foreign governments AND COMMITTED TONS OF CRIMES (hilariously drama queen'ish), etc.... None of that matters at all.....and IF the deep state of Obama and Clinton (especially) ever gets uncovered, you will realize that these dude's transgressions pale in comparison. It is all side noise and meaningless.

I think you need to brush up on the Manafort indictments.
A much bigger campaign crime that is about to be unleashed on our ears is the DNC and Clinton campaign laundering $84 million through the State Chapters DIRECTLY back to the DNC and the Clinton campaign that (black and white) violates campaign laws. Donna Brazille spilled the beans in detail so it is credible.

Well, A.G. Sellers (Biff appointee) sure isn't doing much. Deep state?
I find these impeachments of Comey hilarious against the Trump back drop... Tell us more about honor please!
Cite even one example of my defending Trump's "honor" in any way shape or form. The closest would be during the campaign when I said all of his children, particularly Ivanka, seem like decent people who were well raised, and even then I said Ivana probably deserves the overwhelming bulk of the credit.
The impeachment of Comey was written by a liberal professor at GWU, but don't let that get in the way putting down the credibility of the opinion piece posted.
It counts. Biff's campaign manager was laundering Russian oligarch money. He lied about it, lobbied for foreign powers and concealed it, I think it's well established that it matters. Flynn's deception and lies were after the election. Biff had full knowledge these guys were criminals and unreliable and he still hired them and put them in positions of enormous influence. Not to mention, that Manafort apparently got the Republican platform changed to help out whatever side he was on in Ukraine (pro Russia I think).

so why hasn't flynn been sentenced?

see the problem is that your putting a lot of value on some things that so far add up to procedural crimes, and the procedure's validity is in potentially in doubt.

if i were you i would start looking for dirt on horowitz.
so why hasn't flynn been sentenced?

see the problem is that your putting a lot of value on some things that so far add up to procedural crimes, and the procedure's validity is in potentially in doubt.

if i were you i would start looking for dirt on horowitz.

I've only been tangentially involved in federal criminal stuff. From what I've seen, sentencing just doesn't move "fast." If you're inferring there could be a delay in sentencing for him to cooperate with the feds, I'm already over my head on federal criminal procedure.
He bragged he was buying it the first day it hit the stores, he bought high.

Worse than paying full price for it is if anyone spent more than a minute of their lives actually reading it.

Minutes they'll never get back. Ever.
I think you need to brush up on the Manafort indictments.

The Manafort charges refer to a “scheme” from Manafort and Gates that had two separate parts. Mueller alleges:
  • Between about 2006 and 2015 — the “first part of the scheme,” Mueller writes — Manafort and Gates generated tens of millions of dollars from their work for Ukrainian politicians and Ukraine’s government and tried to hide it from US authorities. They did so by saying the money came from “loans” from offshore corporate entities they controlled, and Manafort used his offshore accounts to buy real estate.
  • But between about 2015 and at least January 2017, “the Ukraine income dwindled” because of the downfall of the country’s president. So during that period, which Mueller calls “the second part of the scheme,” Manafort and Gates “fraudulently secured more than twenty million dollars in loans,” the indictment alleges. They used the real estate Manafort had purchased with his offshore funds as collateral and lied about their company’s income and their existing debt to lenders.
Overall, the indictment alleges that Manafort, with Gates’s “assistance,” laundered $30 million and concealed it from the US government, while Gates himself obtained more than $3 million, which he also concealed.

As I stated above, this all happened before the election, was about some bad "greedy" characters breaking laws and getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. BUT NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP OR THE ADMINISTRATION OR THE ELECTION.

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