A Grade for RNC Event Planner Grandson?

@Sunburnt Indian

After watching several of the speeches, I've got to say it was a GREAT Convention. Give your grandson a slap on the back for job well done.

Here's what I loved about it:
- Emotive appeal with speakers like Peter Navarro was amazing. I brought tears to my eyes.
- The Trump boys were as always pointed and direct.
- Love the Granddaughters "meet my Grandad" speech.
- JD Vance laying out his Appalachia upbringing should give great hope for all the people's that have been proactively attacked an marginalized over the last 16 years of the "Reign of Shame and Terror" (fyi - MSFT just fired their DIE department). JD has some work to do on large audience speaking, but he's got time before he becomes 48.
- Trump - While emotive, I thought they positioned him well as the somber, deliberate, expansive Elder Statesman, the Wise Man. Even reading the Libturd opinions, they can't use the same old scripts that they used in the past.

The sea change has happened. Now it's a matter of how far out to see the undertow drags the Cluster B destroyers - and whether they can swim back to their lounge chairs.
I'll mention you when I talk to grandson.
So, why wait so long before he died? No spin off with AJ or anything else? I don't think David Chase had that in his plan. HBO might have, but David Chase was pretty in control of his show.
It took Star Trek 11 years to hit the big screen. You can interpret the Sopranos ending however you want, but I guarantee you the ending was left open for the possibility of a feature film. Had JG lived, we likely would have seen it instead of the prequel with his son.
It took Star Trek 11 years to hit the big screen. You can interpret the Sopranos ending however you want, but I guarantee you the ending was left open for the possibility of a feature film. Had JG lived, we likely would have seen it instead of the prequel with his son.

The ending was not left open. David Chase confirmed what it meant.
Grandson has been in Milwaukee the last week planning the Republican Convention. What do you Cowboys and Sooners think of the general presentation? Any particullar topic matter lacking?
no macarena
grandson gets an eff

@Sunburnt Indian

I’m not sure if you saw my post in the convention thread but I tuned into cnn last night post Trump speech. Of course most panned the speech but Van Jones said it was the BEST convention since at least 2008 Obama.. he was blown away and said something special happened this week even if he didn’t agree with them.

Thought that was tremendous praise!!
The ending was not left open. David Chase confirmed what it meant.
David Chase is irrelevant. HBO owns the show. If they want to revive the show with a different actor, they can do so with no continuity/canon issues in the present story arc.

Give it up, you’re being a 2_cent over something that doesn’t matter. SMH.
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