
You claim to be a lawyer but are actually gullible and stupid enough to believe that Trump's tax returns show his "Russian loans have co-signers?" Which line on the 1040 does the co-signer information go, Shyster? Or maybe there's a schedule or form that co-signers are listed on?

Well Flailey, you could distill a valid question from that regarding the taxes if you set down the incel dumbshit maga-style delivery of questions. I don't buy this single source report, as I wrote in black and white above, but that doesn't stop you from constructing another straw man.

And I'm not a tax guy, far from it. But I'd assume if a guy is "co-signing" (ODonnell's words) and that information is purportedly obtained in tax returns (as opposed to the trove of other financial records the story contemplates -we're a little loose on that) the "co-signor" is somehow incentivized to assume the liability? Maybe with some type of equity in the venture? K1's? Or recouping something from Fatass elsewhere, a 1099?

Might depreciation schedules or attachments require disclosure of other owners to be listed? I seem to recall there are disclosures for foreign assets? If debt was written off (shocking possibility with Trump,I know) then co-debtors reported?

I will cede to any competent accountant that says it simply would not be in the tax records.
You claim to be a lawyer but are actually gullible and stupid enough to believe that Trump's tax returns show his "Russian loans have co-signers?" Which line on the 1040 does the co-signer information go, Shyster? Or maybe there's a schedule or form that co-signers are listed on?


At least Sys said “O’Donnell is going out on a helluva limb with this”. Good call. But don’t wait for CowboyUp to acknowledge this was just another in a long line of false allegations.
@CowboyUp, @Syskatine - any words on Mr. Lawrence O'Donnell, and his weak ass apology about spreading fake news regarding President Trump and having Russian co-signers????

It's on his twitter account. Also, he going to issue an apology on his show tonight.

I can't believe how naive a couple posters are when believing all this bs about Donald Trump!!!!! Really pathetic:eek:o_O
Bitch move by O'Donnell last night, absolutely no other way to spin it.

The bitch move was made by those running with the story like they had something on Trump. One of these days you liberals are going to figure out the MSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. I would go so far as to say this reporter knew the story was false and reported it knowing the liberal sheep would eat it up and further taint their already disturbed little minds. Just like the "fine people" hoax, this is what Biden was talking about when he said truth over facts. Your liberal truth even though the facts are polar opposite.
I would understand if Up and Sys got excited about a news story that looked very bad for Trump. But this was from O’Donnell. You need to clue in.
From MSNBC - check
From an organization that is known to peddle in fake and extremely biased news - check
From an organization that allowed Maddow to make several baseless claims about Russia - check
From a far left Trump-hating liberal opinion person - check
And about “Russia” which we just spent 2 years with a through investigation into Trump - check

Maybe those checks should be some obvious clues that you are being served a shovel of crap. You can’t be that dense.
Oh this is rich. You tribal mopes think this vindicates.... what, exactly?

FOX would have 24/7 chyrons and eagles falling out of the sky if the roles were reversed. Hell, they did. Birthergate.

Let this be a learning experience for each of you: libs are devoted to the truth and will not countenance this shoddy journalism. Not one of you has ever said anything critical about the mainstream FOX gaslighting on a nightly basis. O'donnell probably has more integrity than all the FOX anchors combined by at least owning up to it.
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Oh this is rich. You tribal mopes think this vindicates.... what, exactly?

FOX would have 24/7 chyrons and eagles falling out of the sky if the roles were reversed. Hell, they did. Birthergate.

Let this be a learning experience for each of you: libs are devoted to the truth and will not countenance this shoddy journalism. Not one of you has ever said anything critical about the mainstream FOX gaslighting on a nightly basis. O'donnell probably has more integrity than all the FOX anchors combined by at least owning up to it.
Oh this is rich. You tribal mopes think this vindicates.... what, exactly?

FOX would have 24/7 chyrons and eagles falling out of the sky if the roles were reversed. Hell, they did. Birthergate.

Let this be a learning experience for each of you: libs are devoted to the truth and will not countenance this shoddy journalism. Not one of you has ever said anything critical about the mainstream FOX gaslighting on a nightly basis. O'donnell probably has more integrity than all the FOX anchors combined by at least owning up to it.
Oh this is rich. You tribal mopes think this vindicates.... what, exactly?

FOX would have 24/7 chyrons and eagles falling out of the sky if the roles were reversed. Hell, they did. Birthergate.

Let this be a learning experience for each of you: libs are devoted to the truth and will not countenance this shoddy journalism. Not one of you has ever said anything critical about the mainstream FOX gaslighting on a nightly basis. O'donnell probably has more integrity than all the FOX anchors combined by at least owning up to it.

This is the kind of reality dysmorphia that causes people to kill their own kids to get the demons out. @Medic007 can we get a forced 24 hour psych evaluation based on that post?
Everyday I doubt that libtards can get any dumber than they already are and everyday they prove me wrong. At this point I write them all off as batshit crazy and just laugh at them.
Bitch move by O'Donnell last night, absolutely no other way to spin it.
Wow, good post. Definitely a departure from your normal #bornswallowing defense of all things leftist.

Oh this is rich. You tribal mopes think this vindicates.... what, exactly?

FOX would have 24/7 chyrons and eagles falling out of the sky if the roles were reversed. Hell, they did. Birthergate.

Let this be a learning experience for each of you: libs are devoted to the truth and will not countenance this shoddy journalism. Not one of you has ever said anything critical about the mainstream FOX gaslighting on a nightly basis. O'donnell probably has more integrity than all the FOX anchors combined by at least owning up to it.
And there it is, the usual #bornswallower version. You never let us down.
We get a ruling on this dumb shit?

Is it more embarassing to rush to the board with every little Got Eem item you find, or when you go back and white wash your mistakes?

Editing one’s own bed shitting is infinitely worse than originally posting the dumb propaganda. The Streisand effect should be the natural consequence here.
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Editing one’s own bed shitting is infinitely worse than originally posting the dumb propaganda. The Streisand effect should be the natural consequence here.

I'll say this -- you've never edited or backed out of a multitude of self-inflicted shit bombs through the year. Wiping it out of your eyes, your ears, your mouth... and still call for more. Huber. hillary. Seth Rich. On and on and on....

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