400M and nuclearized Iran


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2015
get your head around the president of the united states thinking this is a good idea

you support otard and his admin
you own this
you say “gee this is great policy”

thank god trump tore
this shit agreement of appeasement up
we had 21st century Chamberlin at the wheel

It's vitally important that Barr's investigation and every bit of documentation regarding spying, Hildebitch email, DOJ/FBI insurance policy, democrat/Ukraine collusion, democrat/Russian collusion, the bogus Steele Dossier and everything associated be completed and released within a year and before the 2020 election.
It's vitally important that Barr's investigation and every bit of documentation regarding spying, Hildebitch email, DOJ/FBI insurance policy, democrat/Ukraine collusion, democrat/Russian collusion, the bogus Steele Dossier and everything associated be completed and released within a year and before the 2020 election.
Agree, a fundamental imperative.
It's vitally important that Barr's investigation and every bit of documentation regarding spying, Hildebitch email, DOJ/FBI insurance policy, democrat/Ukraine collusion, democrat/Russian collusion, the bogus Steele Dossier and everything associated be completed and released within a year and before the 2020 election.

i would say with certainty the release will be election timed and central to the campaign

this has been the little love taps before the big hammer drops
Then I'd expect the half white rat-bastard (I thought Bubba was the first black Potus?) and Mrs Bubba to hit all the late night hipster shows to pump up gawd knows who for flave of the week for the next 18+ months, minimum. Stall, Deflect & Delay

What ever became of that guy's slutty Mom from Kansas that liked all the dark side & his cauc Grands from HI that gave him the 'good life' ? Never heard a peep from any of them after his ascension.
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