$2,213.28 per year


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 14, 2001
I just received my company insurance enrollment forms. Our family premiums increased $2,213.28/year. It's nice that hard working and tax paying families with excellent credit ratings continue to get the shaft. And yes, this increase is due to obamacare. Added correction below.

This post was edited on 10/2 8:18 AM by TPOKE
oops, punched a number in 2x. Going up $1,124 per year. Pay $554.13/month. And yes, I still blame obama. No need for a 15% jump.
Mine went up, and they sold it as better coverage.

I looked it over. It's not. At all. For anyone. Ever.
That sucks. I'm nervous about what ours will do this year and should be finding out soon.

Just take comfort in knowing that Cup's taxi drivin' friend with a smokin' hot girlfriend is able to go to the bars and dance now.
I only pay about $60/mo for my family but my company pays a fortune, and gives us money in a HSA to essentially cover the deductible in our high deductible plan. It's gone up every year, but I can't complain too much although we may get hammered soon due to getting too good of coverage. That isn't allowed either.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
$12 per month up for next year.

And that said, I haven't seen any difference between pre & post Obamacare in rates going up. I handle all the insurance for our company. It has always gone up double digit percentages every year without fail.
Last year we were up almost 15% plus had reduced benefits, which lead to a bunch of people jumping into the new HSA-based plans due to their lower cost (although they also have IMO worse coverage, and more hassle). However, this year, our plans are almost unchanged. A few minor tweeks in coverage, but no significant rate increases for either plan. I was pleasantly surprised.

Almost 1300.00 last year .. not looking forward to getting the enrollment packet this month.
The kicker is they want $150 per month surcharge because my wife is offered insurance from her employer and chooses mine. Up from $75 per month last year.
Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Last year we were up almost 15% plus had reduced benefits, which lead to a bunch of people jumping into the new HSA-based plans due to their lower cost (although they also have IMO worse coverage, and more hassle). However, this year, our plans are almost unchanged. A few minor tweeks in coverage, but no significant rate increases for either plan. I was pleasantly surprised.

We had an HSA a couple of years ago. We used great care to only use those funds for unreimbursed medical expenses. When in doubt, DON'T.

Anyway, I was surprised a month ago when I received a letter from the IRS in which they demanded $900 something in taxes. It appears they believe we used that money for other purposes. Now all I need to do is prove that I didn't.

So much for the presumption of innocence. I have to prove that I'm not guilty. Or I could just write them a check.

I wrote them a very nice letter back. Waiting to hear back from them. Meanwhile, interest continues to accrue if I screwed something up....
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Last year we were up almost 15% plus had reduced benefits, which lead to a bunch of people jumping into the new HSA-based plans due to their lower cost (although they also have IMO worse coverage, and more hassle). However, this year, our plans are almost unchanged. A few minor tweeks in coverage, but no significant rate increases for either plan. I was pleasantly surprised.

We had an HSA a couple of years ago. We used great care to only use those funds for unreimbursed medical expenses. When in doubt, DON'T.

Anyway, I was surprised a month ago when I received a letter from the IRS in which they demanded $900 something in taxes. It appears they believe we used that money for other purposes. Now all I need to do is prove that I didn't.

So much for the presumption of innocence. I have to prove that I'm not guilty. Or I could just write them a check.

I wrote them a very nice letter back. Waiting to hear back from them. Meanwhile, interest continues to accrue if I screwed something up....

You know the bastards are monitoring everything, including online. You're a target, and it's prolly my/Memphis fault, having nothing to do with your posts.

18 1/2% increase to only an extra $1400 a year!!! THANKS OBAMA!

Somewhere in Texas there's a dancing taxi driver (with a smokin' hot girlfriend) who wouldn't be if it weren't for the generous contributions of us workin' folk!
I think k ours at my company had a decent hike, too. It doesn't help that we have tons of people cheating their biometrics health screenings either.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to shop.
He is probably right.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to scam the system.
He is probably right.
I fixed it for you Headhunter.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to shop.
He is probably right.
It's difficult to say right now. The enrollment period isn't open at the moment.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to shop.
He is probably right.
Good grief you're such an Obama sycophant it's nauseating. I've only been evaluating insurance plans and paying health insurance premiums for 30 years, I would bet everything I own President Obama couldn't find a plan with the same benefits for less money. This incompetent we have for a President is talking out his ass.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

Good grief you're such an Obama sycophant it's nauseating.
Not everything is about Obama. I know some idiots see everything in terms of for or against Obama, but it is very easy to be against stupid reactionaries without being for Obama.

Originally posted by Headhunter:
I've only been evaluating insurance plans and paying health insurance premiums for 30 years, I would bet everything I own President Obama couldn't find a plan with the same benefits for less money. This incompetent we have for a President is talking out his ass.
Paying premiums for thirty years does not make you a competent insurance shopper. I would bet the President of the United States of America can evaluate Insurance plans better than one of the slower posters in a politics forum on a college football website.

Last Febuary or March a poster bought a nonqualifying plan that didn't cover his wife's costly pre-existing condition. He is a pretty sharp poster, so it is pretty easy to extrapolate that quite a few people out there are struggling with making the the correct purchase.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to shop.
He is probably right.
Still doesn't change the fact that insurance is going up. A lot.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:

Good grief you're such an Obama sycophant it's nauseating.
Not everything is about Obama. I know some idiots see everything in terms of for or against Obama, but it is very easy to be against stupid reactionaries without being for Obama.

Originally posted by Headhunter:
I've only been evaluating insurance plans and paying health insurance premiums for 30 years, I would bet everything I own President Obama couldn't find a plan with the same benefits for less money. This incompetent we have for a President is talking out his ass.
Paying premiums for thirty years does not make you a competent insurance shopper. I would bet the President of the United States of America can evaluate Insurance plans better than one of the slower posters in a politics forum on a college football website.

Last Febuary or March a poster bought a nonqualifying plan that didn't cover his wife's costly pre-existing condition. He is a pretty sharp poster, so it is pretty easy to extrapolate that quite a few people out there are struggling with making the the correct purchase.
So we are getting "hammered" (assuming this to mean paying more than we should) because WE do not know how to shop for plans. Please Pilt, show me a plan that gives me equal or better coverage, same or lower deductible/coinsurance and that will save me $2500/year as your president promised. This is your chance to show us how smart you are.
Originally posted by TPOKE:
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to shop.
He is probably right.
Still doesn't change the fact that insurance is going up. A lot.
That's not a fact. The states were it is going up the most are the states that had rates that were well below the national average last year.
Originally posted by racernhra:

So we are getting "hammered" (assuming this to mean paying more than we should) because WE do not knowhow to shop for plans. Please Pilt, show me a plan that gives me equal or better coverage, same or lowerdeductible/coinsurance and that will save me $2500/year as your president promised. This is your chance to showus how smart you are.
The president said it would save you $2500/year relative to what? I am going to need your age, gender, zip code, and yearly income. do you smoke? I will also need to know what your current coverage is.

If you thought for even a second that this as stated was some how a valid challenge, then you definitely can join Headhunter in the ranks of people that probably need some guidance when purchasing insurance.
Originally posted by 07pilt:
Originally posted by racernhra:

So we are getting "hammered" (assuming this to mean paying more than we should) because WE do not knowhow to shop for plans. Please Pilt, show me a plan that gives me equal or better coverage, same or lowerdeductible/coinsurance and that will save me $2500/year as your president promised. This is your chance to showus how smart you are.
The president said it would save you $2500/year relative to what? I am going to need your age, gender, zip code, and yearly income. do you smoke? I will also need to know what your current coverage is.

If you thought for even a second that this as stated was some how a valid challenge, then you definitely can join Headhunter in the ranks of people that probably need some guidance when purchasing insurance.
I will save you the time as it isn't possible. Besides, I can (and have) plugged all of this information in to examine coverages and rates. Rates were similar IF i chose a Bronze plan. The network was less favorable and the deductible was nearly 3 times what I am accustomed to.. If you need for me to explain how this is worse I will be happy to. I'm assuming you understand what a deductible/co-insurance is. And while on the subject, what does income have to do with healthcare? Did you ever think about this?

Why don't you ask your messiah what the $2500 was/is relative to. He made the statement. I am merely stating that it isn't happening. Rates are increasing....a lot.
He lied. He does it all the time. Just accept it. Pilt, you too, as doing the mental gymnastics needed to cover for him will take you so from the spirit of the message in the original lie, that it makes you a liar as well.....he's about a blatant a liar as I've observed.
The only reason they can even claim rates are going down is because of the people that are getting large subsidies that the taxpayers are paying for.

We're forced to have insurance with crap we don't need and then to reduce premiums or to keep them the same we have to accept huge out of pocket expense which makes the policy almost worthless for routine medical services.

Obama care is crap for people with decent paying jobs that can't get gov. help.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by TPOKE:
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:
According to the President the only reason we're getting hammered is because we don't know how to shop.
He is probably right.
Still doesn't change the fact that insurance is going up. A lot.
That's not a fact. The states were it is going up the most are the states that had rates that were well below the national average last year.
Weak. So just because something is below the national average makes it wrong?

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