“History, in general, only informs us how bad government is”


May 29, 2001
- Thomas Jefferson

@Syskatine @Pokeabear

Sys- update your rant list. This guy is the new YouTube boogie man you need to mock - even though he’s hilarious and perfectly on point.

Thank God...


Dumbest candidate alive...

Why shouldn’t he?


Moron leftists support police state. Think it’ll never be a problem for themselves.

Well I’ll be.


Bruh I’m sipping on good whisky after watching a great night of high school football and putting in a productive week at my business - living the American dream. Now sitting on the couch and watching some Trailer Park Boys. (Stupid escapism tv that I Highly recommend).

Reading through a great ongoing thread on tmb- a place you couldn’t survive- and sharing some stuff that I found funny/interesting. Minimal effort. Zero emotional investment. Your cliche reply is part of the reward for taking the time to post it.

If that’s triggered to you, ah well. Ok then. Cheers.
Bruh I’m sipping on good whisky after watching a great night of high school football and putting in a productive week at my business - living the American dream. Now sitting on the couch and watching some Trailer Park Boys. (Stupid escapism tv that I Highly recommend).

Reading through a great ongoing thread on tmb- a place you couldn’t survive- and sharing some stuff that I found funny/interesting. Minimal effort. Zero emotional investment. Your cliche reply is part of the reward for taking the time to post it.

If that’s triggered to you, ah well. Ok then. Cheers.
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BREAKING: Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.

I bet if you look, the revised complaint wording was changed immediately before the hearsay complaint was filed.
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BREAKING: Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.

I bet if you look, the revised complaint wording was changed immediately before the hearsay complaint was filed.

Our illustrious intelligence committee, no wonder we can’t outsmart the Chinese, Iranians, Syrians, Hezbollah and Mexico those clowns are too worried about unseating Trump instead of the job to keep citizens safe. That the wording changed just prior to the leak is not surprising in the least.....don’t like the law change it to fit how you want (or wish) the law to work. Really want to see who signed off on that.

Watching the libdems is like watching Larry, Curly and Moe, you know almost every stunt before it happens, except those morons act like they are at the first screening and have no idea what the act is about.