‘Squad’ Members Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush Confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

How amazingly pathetic that two people in congress get Memorial Day & Veteran's Day confused. F'in dog faced POS. Makes me sad that people voting on bills that subjugate every citizen in this country are so dam dumb and I don't care if one of their equally useless aides sent out the message.

I remember one of the Married With Children episodes when Al got the 9 commandments

The Commandments​

Rule One: It's okay to call hooters "knockers" and sometimes "snack trays".
Rule Two: It is wrong to be French.
Rule Three: It is okay to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder.
Rule Four: Lawyers, see rule three.
Rule Five: It is ok to drive a gas guzzler if it helps you get babes.
Rule Six: Everyone should car pool except me.
Rule Seven: Bring back the word "stewardesses".
Rule Eight: Synchronized swimming is not a sport.
Rule Nine: Mud wrestling is a sport.

Rule Three should apply to these ingrate losers.

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