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    Hannity is a globalist part 10

    They almost all are part of the push for a one world gov....all getting filthy rich joining the push
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    A few reminders

    -The media is 100 percent our enemy- sans OAN I haven't seen anything from them to say they're sold out like the rest -Our govt 100 percent is working against us -Pfizer and Moderna Lied to us and have killed and injured millions -taxes are theft and coerced out of us by a mafia- they should...
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    Slick Willy/Epstein
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    Counting is way off

    Wayne Root explains- As I've explained It on here in the past but Ole Corn has his detractors. As Stated Earlier- Columbia U (very pro jab- my nephew HAD to take the damN shot there) 400k dead from The shots and he can explain the rest- short video- For the love of God don't jab the kiddos...
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    McCain 2.0
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    NFL lmao

    Biggest woke POS sheep in the world... 75 players positive bc they took the clot Shots. We think those players call the shots but the woke org made all those players their bitches and now those players (Sans a few smart ones) have to live the rest of their lives having injected that poison in...
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    El crapola

    Mandating getting poisoned- Just unreal
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    NFL lol