YouTube comments...


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's either one of two....the person can't spell or has terrible grammar, or the comments ignite into a frenzy of "serve, volley, volley..." slams and Personal attacks.

I read some comments with the misguided thought that I might learn a few more tidbits of information about the video I have just watched. For example, I have watched the videos of the recent "Air Crash Investigation" shows and whatnot. Even those shows, which I would think would draw both the morbidly curious and the casual person interested in aviation history, get a bunch of morons fighting over stupidity.

What is it about YouTube that brings out the "morans"?

Usually goes like this:

1st guy: "That was interesting. I fell bad for them folks"

2nd guy:"YOU DUMBASS!!!! WHY DO YOU FELL BAD? Can't you spell?"

1st guy: "Hey! What's the deal? You are a butthole!"

2nd guy:"No, u are a butthole!"

1st guy: "No! You are! I'm the victim!!!"

2nd guy: "No! I'm the victim!!"

3rd guy: "I hate black people"

And so on and so forth. Every comments section, rinse, repeat. It's usually way worse than my example, but I bet you guys know exactly what I'm talking about. And I know it's common, but....WHHHYYYY???!!!?? My theory is, YouTube is a microcosm of the thought processes of most people these days. It's a place where strangers mingle....Facebook, here, and other social media, people half ass know each other. YouTube is all over the place and totally random. So people can be....themselves...really themselves. And these days, people just hate each other.
Any time I'm struggling in life, wondering if I'm good enough, smart enough, or likeable enough.... I just go read random youtube threads to feel like a G**d*mn genius.
Hey dumbass, haven't you been to the 24/7 Politics Board? The people over there do the same thing so get your facts straight before you post. LOL...idiot.

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