YouTube comments....a barometer of stupidity?


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2005
I get curious when I watch videos on YouTube and read the many do. What amazes me is how often they are filled with either almost unintelligible gibberish or just simply a bunch of idiots feeding a bored troll. Or just two idiots arguing over what they just watched and calling out each other's IQ.

If those are primarily American responses, I have to say we have a lot of very thick headed, lazy, self absorbed moronic individuals living among us.
These people only used to be able to show local people how stupid they were. Now they are able to influence international events. Look at Cecil the lion, hands up don't shoot bullshit and countless other internet flashes. Modern society makes celebrities out of people who would normally be completely ignored by their relatives and few acquaintances.
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Holy thread resurrection, batman...

I don't have Twitter, Instagram, Linkdin, or any of that nonsense. I get on here for my online social experience and that's about it. I don't feel compelled to validate every minute of my existence. Unfortunately I do have Facecrank, but it's because it's easier for me to get family photos and whatnot from the family that isn't close. And I do read some of the news that I see posted there from time to time.

People are addicted to the thought of "internet celebrity". Many go out of their way to film outlandish shit and throw it into YouTube or post every happy ass pic of family life on Facecrank. But I'd be willing to bet it's all to paint the picture of happiness with the 2.5 kids and the dog while the real story is there's a divorce settlement in the works because the significant other got all horned up checking out miss or mister old high school hot stuff and had just enough swill to end up in the back seat of the car on the golf course with the old high school flame bowed up and goin at it after "reconnecting" on Facecrank...

And as for those jokers on YouTube...yeesh...I get on there to look up the videos showing me how to fix something or maybe a gun review video, but I rarely check out the mindless, Howard Sterny, giggle and fart videos (maybe that's astonishing given that I'm sometimes bitching about Walmart farts lol). But the comments sections are the real treasure trove of stupidity. "Trolls" that do nothing more than post adversarial and caustic blurbs of nothingness just to rile up the equally stupid and gullible other folk, morons wanting to be "first" to post under a video...Forrest Gump types that can't spell worth a lick since their English language base is mostly grounded in instant messaging shorthand...and the rest of the psychos. Gawd. We are f*%#ed.
The comments section of any website -- social, news, sports, whatever -- is scary as hell. When I allow myself the guilty pleasure of reading that tripe, I remind myself that exactly one half of any population is below "average" intelligence, and every one of those bastards apparently has a user name.

I've never been on Facebook and my wife and daughter are finally realizing it stirs up a lot more shit than it helps. I doubt they get off it, though. Why women seem to flock toward emotional turmoil is another thread. Perhaps HSH will dig that one up, too.
I have facebook, but use it very sparingly and have only a few "friends" I have given access.

Mainly, I use it for some of the member sites relating to sports, alumni news and that sort of thing. I wonder sometimes if some of these teenagers and idiots who post some awful stuff on there truly comprehend that what they post is going to follow them for the rest of their lives?

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