Your top 3 TV shows currently airing


Oct 29, 2008
What do you guys got?

Only rule: Show is either airing a new season or it has been renewed for a new season.
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Silicon Valley

If you asked this about a week ago I would drop something for the Americans.
Silicone Valley
Just started "Strike Back". Seems ok so far.
Silicon Valley

Does Bloodline count? It's current season was the latest release on Netflix. That'd be my number 3.

Not a lot on TV right now.
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For me...

1. The Blacklist
2. Better Call Saul
3. Bloodline
OK, if you include shows that are moving forward with new seasons, I'd say:

  1. Better Call Saul
  2. Fargo
  3. Catastrophe
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Well that changes things.

1. Better Call Saul
2. The Affair
3. Rectify
OK, if you include shows that are moving forward with new seasons, I'd say:

  1. Better Call Saul
  2. Fargo
  3. Catastrophe

Yeah it does. Makes it harder for sure. In fact, can't limit to four then....

Better Call Saul
Orphan Black
Well if it is shows that are currently on going I would say:

Better Call Saul

GOT is one of my favorite shows but I don't think it is one of the best shows on TV (if that makes any sense).
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Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but my absolute favorite (and new season starts shortly) is:

Ray Donovan

Five way tie for the two & three spots with:

Better Call Saul
House of Lies
Game of Thrones
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - [ because of the implication ;) ]

I have not watched one episode of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. I see that I'm one of the few.
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2. The Last Ship
3. The Walking Dead
4. The Affair

Worst shows I still watch
1. Baskets
2. Wayward Pines
1) Game of Thrones
2) Blacklist
3) Real Sports

Although now that 24 is coming back it will jump to #2. I saw someone listed Strike Back. It would have been on my list but it was not renewed.
1) GOT
2) Peaky Blinders (Netflix- Season 3 was released May 31st)
3) The Walking Dead
This, though has the knick been renewed? I figured it was over.

Looked it up. Doesn't sound good...bummer

After the conclusion of the second season on December 18, 2015, it was announced that Cinemax had ordered a script for the season three premiere and a season outline, with negotiations for a third season.[12] In a December 2015 interview with director Steven Soderbergh, he confirmed that Dr. Thackery dies in the season two finale, and that it was all planned from the beginning, and Clive Owen only had a two-year contract for the series. Soderbergh also said, "I told them [Cinemax] that I'm going to do the first two years and then we are going to break out the story for seasons 3 and 4 and try to find a filmmaker or filmmakers to do this the way that I did. This is how we want to do this so that every two years, whoever comes on, has the freedom to create their universe."[13] However, Soderberg decided, depending upon what those futures seasons were, he would like to direct those two future seasons by March 2016. "We always envisioned The Knick in two-year increments and with the idea of annihilating what came before every two years. The network was excited about that and said that sounds cool. I just met with [writers Jack Amiel and Michael Begler] yesterday. We're building our idea of what three and four might look like, to get ready to present [to the network]. It's pretty extreme, but I think it should be. If we can achieve what I'm hoping, story-wise, then I'd like to keep going. What I hope will happen is that we will figure something out that I'll feel like I have to do this".[14]
I was about to say that the only way they could do another season is if they completely rebooted. That was a great 2 year series, moved quickly and tied up really nicely.

Looked it up. Doesn't sound good...bummer

After the conclusion of the second season on December 18, 2015, it was announced that Cinemax had ordered a script for the season three premiere and a season outline, with negotiations for a third season.[12] In a December 2015 interview with director Steven Soderbergh, he confirmed that Dr. Thackery dies in the season two finale, and that it was all planned from the beginning, and Clive Owen only had a two-year contract for the series. Soderbergh also said, "I told them [Cinemax] that I'm going to do the first two years and then we are going to break out the story for seasons 3 and 4 and try to find a filmmaker or filmmakers to do this the way that I did. This is how we want to do this so that every two years, whoever comes on, has the freedom to create their universe."[13] However, Soderberg decided, depending upon what those futures seasons were, he would like to direct those two future seasons by March 2016. "We always envisioned The Knick in two-year increments and with the idea of annihilating what came before every two years. The network was excited about that and said that sounds cool. I just met with [writers Jack Amiel and Michael Begler] yesterday. We're building our idea of what three and four might look like, to get ready to present [to the network]. It's pretty extreme, but I think it should be. If we can achieve what I'm hoping, story-wise, then I'd like to keep going. What I hope will happen is that we will figure something out that I'll feel like I have to do this".[14]
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I was about to say that the only way they could do another season is if they completely rebooted. That was a great 2 year series, moved quickly and tied up really nicely.
Walking Dead
Better Call Saul
(and Man in the High Castle)
I have seen one episode total from this list of shows mentioned. I saw the sunny Philadelphia show where they had a bet about living together and they mac and cheese every day. It was terrible.

I always new I would turn into my dad, but apparently I turned into my grandma. I have a disdain for all things new. New shows, new movies, new music, new logos, new construction. I want the whole world to stay in 1989.
In no particular order:
South Park

I haven't seen The Walking Dead, the Americans, Horse of Cards, or Fargo, as of yet.

I've only seen the first season of Better Call Saul and liked it, but not as much as most people it seems. I've only seen 1/2 of the first season of Silicon Valley so far ( the wife informed me I wasn't supposed to be watching that one without her), but really liked what I saw. That one might move into my top 3 once I see a few more episodes.

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