Worst concert you attended

I was thinking what Mega said. A lot of times the openers have really bad sound and then the headliner sounds great, so I always attributed it to the sound man.

A good sound man is critical. If the mix isn't right it can give the impression of bad acoustics. If the stage mix isn't right, the band will not be as tight as they should be because they can't hear all the parts. Totally separate mix from front of house.
Nah ... Cain's is just an overrated fraud propped up by the Tulsa mafia so the town has something cool in it.

(kidding of course).
Think somebody said it earlier, and I've always read he's hit or miss, but Bob Dylan was atrocious when I saw him live at the Brady. His musical contributions are so vast though (and I had prepared myself for an off night going in), I wasn't upset about it or anything.

Worst artist/concert experience I've ever seen was the Imagine Dragons at a year end Amazon event. In 1 million years I wouldn't pay $1 to see them, but they happened to be the live entertainment for the event and the ticket was free to me. Cannot stand that fake ass band.
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Easy. George Straight. Friggn horrible. Just stood there.

I have never and will never understand this line of thinking. If the song and the voice and the band are good enough, what else do you need?

I, for one, can do without the Garth Brooks-esque cartoon theatrics.
I had forgotten about it until I was reminded today. Halftime of Cowboy's Thanksgiving game a couple of years ago. Pit Bull. Not sure if that really qualifies as a concert but it sure qualified as bad.
Worst one for me was Avenged Sevenfold at Cain's in '08 (I think). Sounded terrible and acted like they didn't want to be there. The group of buddies I was with considered Avenged Sevenfold their favorite band before the show. When they were as disgusted with the preformance as I was, that told me all I needed to know.
Poison, back in 91, I think it was at Drillers stadium.

F*^#}!!!! I ended up wingman for my dumbass buddy who was all hung up on some gal, her friend tagged along and had a greasy face that was dripping pure Quaker State in the summer heat. Wanted to get on my shoulders for the concert, so being a good wingman, I obliged. About 10 min later, I got the taste of salt and what I think was pepperoni drippings all in my hair and drenching my face....I gently put the girl down and walked outside the crowd to vomit.

Ended up dropping them back at their house and driving home, wiping my face with my shirt and rubbing it in my buddies face, who up until that point thought it was all just sooooo hilarious...

And Poison sucked too, CC Deville was drunk to the point of almost falling down.

Gawd what a bad night.

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