Winds of Winter news well sorta


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 12, 2008
So I read the article about GRRM posting on a blog that he hopes to finish the book this year. I just love though how he follows that up with "but things could take longer". Quit effing with us George. Wish he could find the ADD thread on here and get some help. Oh well I guess he is cool with HBO finishing up his greatest work.
So I read the article about GRRM posting on a blog that he hopes to finish the book this year. I just love though how he follows that up with "but things could take longer". Quit effing with us George. Wish he could find the ADD thread on here and get some help. Oh well I guess he is cool with HBO finishing up his greatest work.
I was hoping we could have ANOTHER thread about this.
Now GRRm is saying that WInds of Winter will come out this year. I am not holding my breath but but with just completing the Walking Dead comics and Knocking out a bunch of the Expanse novels I am looking for another book soon. I just hope it isn't dropped at the same time as the GOT on HBO comes out.