Where Have All The Peaceniks Gone?

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
A good question. We’ve become a rare breed. Caitlin Johnstone is one who refuses to be silenced. She must feel alone as she shouts into the void. Does anyone listen?

Painting Putin as a victim? Man, that's an all timer there! :D
You can call it whatever you want. Putin got suckered into invading. The NeoCons got exactly what they wanted, it played out exactly as they had planned. Putin was a fool to fall for it. Putin is not a good guy. Putin is not a good guy. Puti is not a good guy. Putin is not a good guy. How many times should I say it before you realize I am not a cheerleader for Putin or the war?
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You can call it whatever you want. Putin got suckered into invading.
Poor rube, mean ole USA playing him like a fiddle.

Those with a kind heart might feel a little bad for him.

Just as I feel bad for the amount of toxins Clinton was exposed to in utero.
The USA did play him like a fiddle. But no one should feel bad for Putin, because Putin is a bad guy. Who we all should feel badly about are the citizens of Ukraine who are caught in the crossfire.
It's fascinating how inconceivable it is to you that the affairs of nations on the other side of the globe might not solely revolve around the actions or interests of the United States.

Even one led by one of the craftiest, most cunning sumbitches to come around in the past 100 years. Even they are mere pawns on the chessboard of the USA according to Dan.
It's fascinating how inconceivable it is to you that the affairs of nations on the other side of the globe might not solely revolve around the actions or interests of the United States.

Even one led by one of the craftiest, most cunning sumbitches to come around in the past 100 years. Even they are mere pawns on the chessboard of the USA according to Dan.
In your opinion why do you think Putin invaded Ukraine?
In your opinion why do you think Putin invaded Ukraine?
Probably for reasons similar for why he invaded Georgia, to exert control over former Soviet satellites that were not paying him proper homage and doing his bidding.

You believing his propaganda that the feckless, short attention span West was going to invade Russia soon if he didn't act is comical.
Why did he start his campaign with Ukraine?
Did he though. I would look into Putin a bit a more if you believe the campaign started in Ukraine. Its about power man. If Putin ever loses his grasp in Russia (its happening) he dies. Since 1991 they have been in 14 conflicts. They are in three countries right now fighting.
Did he though. I would look into Putin a bit a more if you believe the campaign started in Ukraine. Its about power man. If Putin ever loses his grasp in Russia (its happening) he dies. Since 1991 they have been in 14 conflicts. They are in three countries right now fighting.
Are the three countries in which they are militarily involved all connected to his desire to restore the USSR empire?
Probably for reasons similar for why he invaded Georgia, to exert control over former Soviet satellites that were not paying him proper homage and doing his bidding.

You believing his propaganda that the feckless, short attention span West was going to invade Russia soon if he didn't act is comical.
Do I understand that your contention is he invaded Ukraine because it would not pay him proper homage or do his bidding? No other reason than personal anger?
Are the three countries in which they are militarily involved all connected to his desire to restore the USSR empire?
Yes. They have 7 countries as allies from these conflicts. In Syria they developed ties with Iran and are now using their drones as a means to batter Ukrainians. They have votes with African Nations on the global scale. China is doing this with helping in infrastructure and medical help. Even Hitler grabbed up the Japs to help his cause.
Yes. They have 7 countries as allies from these conflicts. In Syria they developed ties with Iran and are now using their drones as a means to batter Ukrainians. They have votes with African Nations on the global scale. China is doing this with helping in infrastructure and medical help. Even Hitler grabbed up the Japs to help his cause.
How are these countries, except for Iranian drones, helping him reconquer old Soviet countries?
So he is fighting all alone over there and no USSR country is helping in Ukraine?
I thought he was. I did not know Syria or unnamed African countries were involved. Are there Syrian and African troops in Ukraine fighting alongside the Russians? I know China is buying up the oil Europe refused, but I don’t know what infrastructure they’re providing for the war effort. Would you clarify?
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I thought he was. I did not know Syria or unnamed African countries were involved. Are there Syrian and African troops in Ukraine fighting alongside the Russians? I know China is buying up the oil Europe refused, but I don’t know what infrastructure they’re providing for the war effort. Would you clarify?
Oh Dan. You have bumbled this up and aren’t getting what I am trying to covey to you so we have to stop arguing until you understand my position.

I will get back in the office here in a minute and try to explain this better then what I have.
Oh Dan. You have bumbled this up and aren’t getting what I am trying to covey to you so we have to stop arguing until you understand my position.

I will get back in the office here in a minute and try to explain this better then what I have.
Okay, that’s great. Unfortunately I am going to be out of pocket most of the rest of the afternoon, but I’ll check in when I can.
Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic were taken as well as Crimea. So, when would Putin stop if you are Ukraine? When they want the next land grab, they instill a revolt then have a vote. You wouldn't like that here if China did Dan.

Now countries (should have said country my bad) helping Russia are Belarus. They attacked the north to be able to come in strong in the East and South. Seems weird for regions that want to be under Russia control are flipping so easily back to Ukraine. A bit telling IMO.

On the African countries. I am saying Russia and China help these countries with infrastructure and medical facilities then basically have their votes for (the organization or world club is slipping my mind). Works like the IWC. You have countries that all have a vote and China is buying those like Japan did to keep whaling.

So basically, to act like Putin the Peaceful is just posturing back and was backed into this corner is absurd. We are all fighting to climb the ladder. It comes with power and there is never enough to feed the desire for more.

I think we vote for better leaders then America muddling in the mud will be more like in the past. We lost our bite.

@Ponca Dan
Do I understand that your contention is he invaded Ukraine because it would not pay him proper homage or do his bidding? No other reason than personal anger?
Maybe if you misrepresent my point it'll seem as stupid as your contention that Putin is some feeble pawn at the mercy of the USA.

So no, you obviously don't understand or wish to understand any other explanation than one that satisfies your enmity towards elements of your own government. Which is far from perfect, but also not responsible for the armies of foreign dictators hostile to our country.
Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic were taken as well as Crimea. So, when would Putin stop if you are Ukraine? When they want the next land grab, they instill a revolt then have a vote. You wouldn't like that here if China did Dan.

Now countries (should have said country my bad) helping Russia are Belarus. They attacked the north to be able to come in strong in the East and South. Seems weird for regions that want to be under Russia control are flipping so easily back to Ukraine. A bit telling IMO.

On the African countries. I am saying Russia and China help these countries with infrastructure and medical facilities then basically have their votes for (the organization or world club is slipping my mind). Works like the IWC. You have countries that all have a vote and China is buying those like Japan did to keep whaling.

So basically, to act like Putin the Peaceful is just posturing back and was backed into this corner is absurd. We are all fighting to climb the ladder. It comes with power and there is never enough to feed the desire for more.

I think we vote for better leaders then America muddling in the mud will be more like in the past. We lost our bite.

@Ponca Dan
Obviously we are far apart in our thinking. I don’t know if this is your opinion but several posters on this board seem to think Putin has had a long range plan to regain the old empire, that this February he decided the time was ripe to strike, and Ukraine was the best place for his first salvo.

I think that is in error. I think he watched as NATO slowly moved to encircle his country, and knowing Ukraine was the launching point of past invasions of Russia (that’s where Hitler launched, for example, and it cost between 20-30 million Russian lives to send him packing, plus enormous losses in industrial infrastructure), he declared NATO bases in Ukraine to be his last stand. He knew he was too weak to do anything about it when NATO took in other former USSR client states, but he also believed he could not allow the admission of Ukraine. He warned us repeatedly what would happen and we ignored him.

The Ukrainian people are paying the price of the hubris of both sides in the war.
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Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan,
and others. Maybe Putin is just trying to catch up?
Obviously we are far apart in our thinking. I don’t know if this is your opinion but several posters on this board seem to think Putin has had a long range plan to regain the old empire, that this February he decided the time was ripe to strike, and Ukraine was the best place for his first salvo.

I think that is in error. I think he watched as NATO slowly moved to encircle his country, and knowing Ukraine was the launching point of past invasions of Russia (that’s where Hitler launched, for example, and it cost between 20-30 million Russian lives to send him packing, plus enormous losses in industrial infrastructure), he declared NATO bases in Ukraine to be his last stand. He knew he was too weak to do anything about it when NATO took in other former USSR client states, but he also believed he could not allow the admission of Ukraine. He warned us repeatedly what would happen and we ignored him.

The Ukrainian people are paying the price of the hubris of both sides in the war.
Maybe both sides are right?
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Obviously we are far apart in our thinking. I don’t know if this is your opinion but several posters on this board seem to think Putin has had a long range plan to regain the old empire, that this February he decided the time was ripe to strike, and Ukraine was the best place for his first salvo.

I think that is in error. I think he watched as NATO slowly moved to encircle his country, and knowing Ukraine was the launching point of past invasions of Russia (that’s where Hitler launched, for example, and it cost between 20-30 million Russian lives to send him packing, plus enormous losses in industrial infrastructure), he declared NATO bases in Ukraine to be his last stand. He knew he was too weak to do anything about it when NATO took in other former USSR client states, but he also believed he could not allow the admission of Ukraine. He warned us repeatedly what would happen and we ignored him.

The Ukrainian people are paying the price of the hubris of both sides in the war.
Weird how this logic doesn't jive at all with his invasion of Chechnya or Georgia. And now Ukraine. But I know of your deep need to implicate the USA nEOcoNS!! at every turn so cue the mental gymnastics required to make it all fit.

Can you go ahead and link to that NATO base in Ukraine you're sure exists? Or was in the super secret works? Admittedly I'm way embarrassingly uninformed about this obvious fact you reference all the time.
Weird how this logic doesn't jive at all with his invasion of Chechnya or Georgia. And now Ukraine. But I know of your deep need to implicate the USA nEOcoNS!! at every turn so cue the mental gymnastics required to make it all fit.

Can you go ahead and link to that NATO base in Ukraine you're sure exists? Or was in the super secret works? Admittedly I'm way embarrassingly uninformed about this obvious fact you reference all the time.
Sleepy's got it under control. 🤣
Weird how this logic doesn't jive at all with his invasion of Chechnya or Georgia. And now Ukraine. But I know of your deep need to implicate the USA nEOcoNS!! at every turn so cue the mental gymnastics required to make it all fit.

Can you go ahead and link to that NATO base in Ukraine you're sure exists? Or was in the super secret works? Admittedly I'm way embarrassingly uninformed about this obvious fact you reference all the time.
I haven’t said there exists a NATO base in Ukraine. As of now Ukraine has not been admitted into NATO, therefore there is no known NATO base in Ukraine. I’m sorry if my writing has led you to that conclusion.

I know next to nothing about the situation in Georgia. I have vague recollections that access into Russia through Georgia involved one or two passes that armored vehicles could traverse, and Russia felt compelled to control those passes. But I’m old and my memory is fleeting at best, so I may have that wrong. I know nothing about Chechnya.

This could be a far more civil conversation if you would avoid the unnecessary personal invective. I have made no effort to trash you personally and I would appreciate it if you would stop doing it to me. We simply have a difference of opinion, no need to make things personal.
Holy crap make sure y'all say how bad Putin is before you say he is taking up for his country smh- The US,UK and dogshit NATO invades his freakin doorstep-9ut Biolabs up and down the border and people have to give disclaimer before you say it- IF people will say- they're too scared to not ride with the herd

Just like Trump- before anyone could give him props they had to preface it with "I don't like his tweets but....". Just freaking say it- Trump was the only modern day Prez fighting for his country and not sending millions of soldiers to die to appease the MIC and all of the elites getting kickbacks

Y'all are so funny- kinda like they got all of y'all now scared to say anything negative about Jewish Peeps- YOURE AN ANTI SEMITE!!!!!!🤪

TVs And fake media (controlled by global cabal) get most of y'all to say exactly what they say- And want the drones to say- most that is
@Ponca Dan

The White House said Thursday that the U.S. has evidence that Iranian troops are “directly engaged on the ground” in Crimea supporting Russian drone attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure and civilian population.
I’m not sure I trust anything that comes from the White House, but assuming it’s true what do you propose Zelensky should do about it? (By the way you do know that the US has troops on the ground in Ukraine doing essentially the same thing for Ukraine, don’t you?)
I’m not sure I trust anything that comes from the White House, but assuming it’s true what do you propose Zelensky should do about it? (By the way you do know that the US has troops on the ground in Ukraine doing essentially the same thing for Ukraine, don’t you?)
You said Russia was acting alone because they got back into a corner. I named two countries helping them on the ground now. We went there when Putin killed a bunch of innocent people.
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You can call it whatever you want. Putin got suckered into invading. The NeoCons got exactly what they wanted, it played out exactly as they had planned. Putin was a fool to fall for it. Putin is not a good guy. Putin is not a good guy. Puti is not a good guy. Putin is not a good guy. How many times should I say it before you realize I am not a cheerleader for Putin or the war?

I’m not sure I trust anything that comes from the White House, but assuming it’s true what do you propose Zelensky should do about it? (By the way you do know that the US has troops on the ground in Ukraine doing essentially the same thing for Ukraine, don’t you?)
When they taught logic and equivalency at OSU, were you asleep?
You said Russia was acting alone because they got back into a corner. I named two countries helping them on the ground now. We went there when Putin killed a bunch of innocent people.
I said I didn’t know any other countries were helping Russia with boots on the ground. But that was a lie because I knew Belarus was helping, I just forgot. I never said Russia has been backed into a corner (assuming you mean militarily), I said they got suckered into invading (and I’ve been nothing but critical of them for doing it). Since the Russians are using Iranian drones to attack cities it should come as no surprise that Iranian technicians would be there assisting, just as there are British, French and American technicians assisting Ukraine.

Please let me say it for the ten thousandth time: I’m not rooting for a Russian victory. I condemn Putin for his invasion. War is hell for every single person caught up in it. I want it to end, sooner rather than later. The longer it goes on the more easily a nuclear mistake will be made and at that point we’ll all be wondering if our involvement in it was worth it.
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