University of the Southwest (New Mexico) lose 6 golfers and Coach

Old Number Nine

Jan 20, 2005

6 golfers and the coach of the University of the Southwest, New Mexico where killed in a cross-over lane head on collision in Texas.

It would be easy and maybe correct to say this post doesn’t belong on this page but I think with what has happened to our team recently I think it would be reasonable to at least give this article a glance and consider giving these people your thoughts, best wishes and/or prayers if you are so inclined.

I believe that A.J., his family and every fan of this team should consider the saying, “There but for the grace of God go I” or wherever you may believe Grace comes from. I’m sure that they and most, if not all of us have.

Sorry for the big downer. Good luck AJ on your surgery and recovery to form next year. Good luck to all our wrestlers at the NCAA. Go Pokes.
I saw it on the news this evening. So heartbreaking. I couldn’t help but think how lucky everyone in the AJ wreck were. Life isn’t guaranteed.
Dangerous road conditions in West Texas, not equipped for all the oilfield traffic over the last decade, big trucks, tired workers driving long trips, unfortunately these wrecks are happening way too often.