"Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office."


Loser. Huge win. YUGE.

There's a new strand of barbed wire between Laredo and McCallen somewhere. Breitbart will show what lying hyenas the globalist leftists are for re-playing him screaming his guarantee into a microphone in front of 10,000 white trash, screaming, morons.
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"The wall projects are moving along as quickly as practicably possible given the unprecedented obstruction from Democrat lawmakers to protect and prolong open borders," the official wrote in a statement. "These same obstructionists, including many who once supported border barriers, are the same people who would abolish ICE and DHS, let criminals run free across our borders, and turned a blind eye to the scourge human trafficking and child sex slavery enabled by their policies."
That the headline in Parallel Universe Times?

So gullible...

2020 is in the bag.
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"The wall projects are moving along as quickly as practicably possible given the unprecedented obstruction from Democrat lawmakers to protect and prolong open borders," the official wrote in a statement. "These same obstructionists, including many who once supported border barriers, are the same people who would abolish ICE and DHS, let criminals run free across our borders, and turned a blind eye to the scourge human trafficking and child sex slavery enabled by their policies."

Thus sayeth Pravda!


LOL GUARANTEED!!! 100% Stuck his chins out and waited for the rabble to cheer and repeated it. 100%! Guaranteed! Here's what he's gotten done:
Major failure.

Dims control Congress and the White House and what do we get? Obamacare. Pubs control both branches and we get no wall. No excuses. Fail.

I mean.... wth am I missing? He must've said it into a hundred different microphones. Had GOP House. Had GOP Senate. GOP Supreme Court.

I mean.... wth am I missing? He must've said it into a hundred different microphones. Had GOP House. Had GOP Senate. GOP Supreme Court.

"The wall projects are moving along as quickly as practicably possible given the unprecedented obstruction from Democrat lawmakers to protect and prolong open borders," the official wrote in a statement. "These same obstructionists, including many who once supported border barriers, are the same people who would abolish ICE and DHS, let criminals run free across our borders, and turned a blind eye to the scourge human trafficking and child sex slavery enabled by their policies."
I mean.... wth am I missing? He must've said it into a hundred different microphones. Had GOP House. Had GOP Senate. GOP Supreme Court.


What are you missing? Logic, common sense and rational thought.
"The wall projects are moving along as quickly as practicably possible given the unprecedented obstruction from Democrat lawmakers to protect and prolong open borders," the official wrote in a statement. "These same obstructionists, including many who once supported border barriers, are the same people who would abolish ICE and DHS, let criminals run free across our borders, and turned a blind eye to the scourge human trafficking and child sex slavery enabled by their policies."
Thus sayeth Pravda!


LOL GUARANTEED!!! 100% Stuck his chins out and waited for the rabble to cheer and repeated it. 100%! Guaranteed! Here's what he's gotten done:
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The wall sure brought out the reality that the left embraces open borders. They used to lie about it.

At some point you gotta figure "the left" is just laughing their asses off at Biff failing on his signature promise.

100%! Guaranteed!
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The GOP had control of both the house and Senate, and his own party wouldn't give him the money to build the wall, they obviously think it's a joke just like a majority of the rest of the county do........can't blame the Dems when his own party wouldn't do it either
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Or maybe I just like watching #bornfollowers flail around when Biff's lies are rubbed in their face.

LOL oh yeah! 100%. Guaranteed.

We laughed our asses off watching Dims cry, wail, riot, seek safe spaces, get puppy dogs, and skip class after the 2016 election. I would laugh at how far the left has gone since election night, but in their desperate hate of Trump the Dim policies have become a recipe for destroying our country. Open borders, free everything, super high taxes, abortions and infanticide for all, create a race war, and kill the economy. It is laughable policy positions, but you jack wads seem serious about it and would literally do anything to get back in power. What sad, pathetic, and hateful humans you and your ilk have become. Laugh all you want, right now MAGA has the last laugh. Elections have consequences. I bet seeing Kavanaugh appointed was like eating a shit sandwich for you. MAGA.

Trump made Hillary his biotch and all of your ilk, I bet you cried like a little biotch election night and now spend every second of your life searching for ANYTHING that is negative on Trump and come running over here to post it, I hope you never get over your TDS, just keep you miserable as hell.

Bet you giggled like a little girl wearing your pussy hat when Madonna said to blow up the WH. Such a fragile snowflake, rubbing our noses in the wall and Dim laughs, that is the winning you are reduced to, so sad.
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Or maybe I just like watching #bornfollowers flail around when Biff's lies are rubbed in their face.

LOL oh yeah! 100%. Guaranteed.
It has been amazing watching you unaware and compliant #bornswallowing Democrats go from this:

Barack Obama said, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

To this:

“Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation?” José Díaz-Balart, one of the moderators, asked.

Eight candidates raised their hands, some more eagerly than others. Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. raised a finger.

And this:

"This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants," Guthrie said to the candidates Thursday night.

Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Marianne Williamson, John Hickenlooper, and Eric Swalwell all raised their hand.

You dipshits don't even stop to think about whether or not it makes sense. You just nod your heads in compliance. You will literally swallow anything they tell you to and you'll love it.
Lol. Despite you #resistance queens, new wall is indeed going up. Construction started in February.

*Hint: that's not the only project going...

Dumbass too stupid to realize that Trump was not a single issue candidate for those that voted for him, but hey, Dims are single issue candidates - racism,
they can only handle one issue at a time. Matter of fact our legal system too complicated for Dims, they prefer no laws and no police.

Also he is too stupid to realize many that voted for him knew saying Mexico would pay for the wall was Trump bravado. Unlike Dims, most Republicans know nothing is free.
Dumbass too stupid to realize that Trump was not a single issue candidate for those that voted for him, but hey, Dims are single issue candidates - racism,
they can only handle one issue at a time. Matter of fact our legal system too complicated for Dims, they prefer no laws and no police.

Also he is too stupid to realize many that voted for him knew saying Mexico would pay for the wall was Trump bravado. Unlike Dims, most Republicans know nothing is free.
El lol
It has been amazing watching you unaware and compliant #bornswallowing Democrats go from this:

Barack Obama said, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

To this:

“Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation?” José Díaz-Balart, one of the moderators, asked.

Eight candidates raised their hands, some more eagerly than others. Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. raised a finger.

And this:

"This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants," Guthrie said to the candidates Thursday night.

Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Marianne Williamson, John Hickenlooper, and Eric Swalwell all raised their hand.

You dipshits don't even stop to think about whether or not it makes sense. You just nod your heads in compliance. You will literally swallow anything they tell you to and you'll love it.

Lol. Despite you #resistance queens, new wall is indeed going up. Construction started in February.

*Hint: that's not the only project going...

That's gotta be disappointing for you gurls. How far is El Paso from Edmond? Maybe you and the syster can go put a stop to this. #resistharderbro

Luv the energy! 100%! Guaranteed!

Big win!
Luv the energy! 100%! Guaranteed!

Big win!

You lied to em....that deserves a 1 year ban. How could you be so epically wrong? So gullible? You swallowed all the jizz the DNC and MSM big dicks were willing to spew, even licked your lips and asked for thirds and fourth servings. Getting another Wednesday when Mueller “testifies”