This Woman Clearly Hates America & Israel, And Is Obviously AntiSemitic

You have a point Dan. Shit did start under sundown joes watch.
Did your read the link? Any part of it? You should. It might open your eyes to the shit storm we are marching ourselves into as our goal of world dominance/empire collapses around us like a hospital under fire in Gaza.
Did your read the link? Any part of it? You should. It might open your eyes to the shit storm we are marching ourselves into as our goal of world dominance/empire collapses around us like a hospital under fire in Gaza.
Your continual pearl clutching is quaint.
Did your read the link? Any part of it? You should. It might open your eyes to the shit storm we are marching ourselves into as our goal of world dominance/empire collapses around us like a hospital under fire in Gaza.
Who's yer POTUS Dan?