This thread devolved into the worst thread in history.

I got the third shot today and lost one foot off my pecker. I am down to two feet now fellas and scared I won't be able to sustain all these millions from my porn career. Listen to OSUinTX he knows things guys.
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The unvaxxed are spreading the truth faster than the vaxxed are spreading the delta variant 😁
A good thing from this is the b1g and pac will be destined for mostly empty stadiums again this year.
Y’all really should buy your way into the sec while you can
Poor @Corndog2021 is so scared. It's OK little buddy. People are all different. If this is your way to hide from your fears, you keep posting here. OK?
Oooo psychobabble 22...dont you really think Most people know y'all getting 27 shots a year for the 99.97 survival bug be the ones with yellow vaginalitis? 😳
So a serious question For the Gates Gotcha experimental lovers.
How much guilt do y'all have for buying the BS and giving away all the liberties and allowing the Petty tyrants to increase their power over us - so that vax mandates are so close for us ...soon the Fed can inject what they want, when they want Into you. Communistic states of America.

See Australia what happens when you buy the kool aid- they are dragging kids from parents injecting them, going door to door making sure everyone's home, shutting down small biz.
Canada is similar.

Maybe a stretch to get straight answers on this but feel free to answer. Your fear is causing everyone's freedoms going bye bye. It's a serious question- I'm guessing y'all welcome it since y'all welcomed the lockdowns, mask mandates and coerced if not mandated shots
Let's see if I got this right:

Jim Jones Guyer People's Temple kool aid CN mass murder......970 ish victims

Pearl Harbor- 2400'give or take murdered

911...... 3000 dead- still growing from first responders still battling after effects

mRNA covid "vaccines" of 2021 ..12 000deaths SO FAR. (Swine flu vax pulled after 30 deaths-(hmmm - you could sue big Harma Back then)

Side Note- Thomas Renz atty Alabama suing with CDC whistleblower says death number is 50k

Side note- miscarriages and still births from pregnant women taking the shot is 60-70 percent. (This is not for sure- just being by some...others saying 80
Percent )

Myocarditus reports ramping up since they just started giving it to young boys

All this murder and harm over a virus that's never been isolated/purified.....tested of mostly people with NO a PCR test that's NINETY PERCENT PLUS FALSE POSITIVES....

that about sums it up?
Some of us lost an unvaccinated Poke to Covid today…maybe just shut the **** up.
You mean the covid that's 90 plus percent false positives? The covid the CDC says mis numbered by 95 percent so that makes it a mild flu season?

I have multiple friends and families upwards of 10 "vaccinated" thst have been hospitalized with one stroke death. Covid I know one person that went to the hospital- zero searhs 10 to one ratio I bet most have my numbers of way more hurt by the shots.

PCR tests are 90 plus percent false positives- hard to say what most of these die from. It's a 99.9 plus survival - thats NO REASON. To push toxic shots- I assure you most dying or hospitalized are the ones that took the shots.

I'm up for a poll of who has more friends and family hurt by the shots- bet most know way more hurt by the shots - I doubt moderators would let that one go but I'd be interested
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You mean the covid that's 90 plus percent false positives? The covid the CDC says mis numbered by 95 percent so that makes it a mild flu season?

I have multiple friends and families upwards of 10 "vaccinated" thst have been hospitalized with one stroke death. Covid I know one person that went to the hospital- zero searhs 10 to one ratio I bet most have my numbers of way more hurt by the shots.

PCR tests are 90 plus percent false positives- hard to say what most of these die from. It's a 99.9 plus survival - thats NO REASON. To push toxic shots- I assure you most dying or hospitalized are the ones that took the shots.

I'm up for a poll of who has more friends and family hurt by the shots- bet most know way more hurt by the shots - I doubt moderators would let that one go but I'd be interested
Eat all the dicks you retarded puppet.
Can we replace the kids school desks with restaurant tables...that way they could take off their masks when they sat down?
Although I'm new to these boards I want to nominate this thread for the GOAT 😁

Biden press sec actually admits "Plandemic".....around the :40 sec Mark
They want SO bad to come out and tell you they are playing everyone

The CDC lieD and killed back in the 70's-Anyone that still trusts them Is a total moron? Yes or no?
WATCH's not long
And also my monthly reminder to everyone- the PCR tests have detected covid in Pineaplles.
Good for Rice U- they had tons of positives so they rested the students and like of course- most all the positives were negatives. It's such a clown show. The Still true believers are the ones make you stop and hmmm...
And also my monthly reminder to everyone- the PCR tests have detected covid in Pineaplles.
Good for Rice U- they had tons of positives so they rested the students and like of course- most all the positives were negatives. It's such a clown show. The Still true believers are the ones make you stop and hmmm...
Do you have anything to tell Caleb or his wife?
You mean the covid that's 90 plus percent false positives? The covid the CDC says mis numbered by 95 percent so that makes it a mild flu season?

I have multiple friends and families upwards of 10 "vaccinated" thst have been hospitalized with one stroke death. Covid I know one person that went to the hospital- zero searhs 10 to one ratio I bet most have my numbers of way more hurt by the shots.

PCR tests are 90 plus percent false positives- hard to say what most of these die from. It's a 99.9 plus survival - thats NO REASON. To push toxic shots- I assure you most dying or hospitalized are the ones that took the shots.

I'm up for a poll of who has more friends and family hurt by the shots- bet most know way more hurt by the shots - I doubt moderators would let that one go but I'd be interested

No you don't.
Listen to Caleb. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

What would you tell him now if you could go back to July 4, when he was protesting against masks and vaccinations?
You answer the 13-50k who died of the kill shot- then I might address one person that MAY have overdosed on a safe drug that's been used for many decades. What a total idiot you are. You argue one death (which if true he had to have used too much). Verses 40-50k dead and almost a million that won't be normal ever again from taking the biological gene therapies- - total moron
90 percent of all people who go on a vent die- and your trusted cdc mandates or did mandate all those "covid" patients take remdesivir (experimental new drug that is horrible- but Fauci makes $$$$ so he mandates patients take it) which makes them worse- cold blooded murderer he is. Ivermectin and HCQ He should have been prescribing all along - so says MAJORITY OF DOCTORS.... one catch- those cost hardly anything- can't make billions off those like they can the death jabs. Remdesivir puts patients into renal failure and often on vents.

The kicker is all of the idiots out there that trust him STILL on lockdowns, masks and taking his kill shots- the level of stupidity of people is off the charts. What does it take- CNN to cover the mass deaths and injuries before the people that think we should take shots from sociopathic EugenecistS ( sp?) instead of Gods immune systems that have worked awesome since the dawn of time? I mean REALLY?!

It doesn't take much research to know how horrible these people are and these shots are ....but it does take people to actually do SOMETHING research wise instead of blindly listening to crooks and Criminals that want to depopulate the Earth. Media isn't going to come clean but people still listen to them Smh
You answer the 13-50k who died of the kill shot- then I might address one person that MAY have overdosed on a safe drug that's been used for many decades. What a total idiot you are. You argue one death (which if true he had to have used too much). Verses 40-50k dead and almost a million that won't be normal ever again from taking the biological gene therapies- - total moron
Oh BTW - these deaths are only in our country. Know the numbers for Europe? But hey...throw out Caleb on more time- you're a total hack- excuse my directness
Lol...from the worthless liberal rag NY Times admitting remdesivir doesn't work. It's harmful and made covid way more harmful....on purpose? By design? To skew the numbers to get their 100's of billions of dollar death jabs? What big Harma and the medical industry is doing (with the help of the corrupt media) is pure evil.

Anyone tell me how much money doctors get for giving 100 victims...err patients gene therapy and/or vaccines? Bueller? Anyone?

This thread is like the jelly of the month's the gift that keeps giving the whole year Clark....
BTW......all you compliers/believers ...this guy is LAUGHING HIS A$$ off at you....Gates the other sociopath is LAUGHING his a$$ off At you😁
You think he's just a weirdo? A liar? Nope- he cannot believe y'all keep listening to the BS- he has total disdain for you peasants

Global unified Non compliance. Only way we will defeat the tyranny happening. Wherever you're at on pro vax, anti vax or case by case- no mandates should take place.

Compliance for Mandates for lockdowns led to mask mandates. Compliance for mask mandates led to mandates for the shots.

Do y'all realize they can mandate any injections they want if we don't defeat these mandate/passports? Whichever side you're on you should be against all the mandates. You guys that go "well I'm for lockdowns, I'm for masks, I'm for shots" you should NOT be for any mandates. Once they get the anti vaxxers...(you know ..the lowest hanging fruit) they will get the ones in the middle down the road- then the rest. Maybe you took the first two covi shots but are against the boosters- they are going to mandating these also- THEY WANT TO BE ABLE TO INJECT YOU WHEN THEY WANT WITH WHAT THEY WANT- got to stand up

Whichever side you're on you should be for freedom. Look at Australia- took their kids from them to inject them, no parents allowed in the stadium they took them to, people can't go 2 miles from their homes, police come to their houses and violate their freedoms-THEY COME TO THEIR HOMES! 100 Percent tyranny.

Follow Chris Sky in Canada- what they've done to him and other Canadians.

We need to all be unified on non compliance to mandates of lockdowns, masks and shots. CDC now studying effects of gun policies? You don't think they're coming for guns? People need to quit complying you are allowing the tyranny.
Who the F these people think they are? Unelected vaccine propagandist. They buy rental homes, bulky and coerce medical doctors and studies do eviction BS, Poison dogs, build quarantine camps, Now guns? Got to cut off their funding - fire everyone and start over -
Starts with Biden and Harris- whole system needs a redo