The UN Is Full Of Anti-Semites


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Instead of the utopian two state solution this racist POS masquerading as a top UN Official thinks there should be a single state solution. His idea remove the Jews. SMFH
The UN has lost it's way and no longer represents the best interests of the Western World.

Instead of the utopian two state solution this racist POS masquerading as a top UN Official thinks there should be a single state solution. His idea remove the Jews. SMFH
The UN has lost it's way and no longer represents the best interests of the Western World.

The UN lost its relevance after the Korean War & the continued allowance of Russia & China on the security council. Because the corrupt organization has a deep hatred of the western white world & jews they are incapable of calling to task countries that really are committing human rights abusives.

A new democratic organization consisting of countries that have observable fair & honest elections & everyone pays equally for running the organization. It is asinine to think a country won't commit abuses or start wars because the UN might come down hard on them.

Regardless time to get out of this wholly corrupt, anti-semitic & parasitic organization along with WHO, WTO & UNESCO.
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The left loves anti-semites, and has for quite awhile.

The left is everything they accuse others of. They accused Trump of being a war monger, yet it's under Biden two wars, involving the US have broken out. They accused Trump of being in bed with the Russians, when in reality it's Biden selling out the country for his families wealth. They accused Trump of being an authoritarian when it's Biden and the Democrats weaponizing government against their political opponents. Democrats accuse Republicans of being racist, homophobic and what ever else they can thing of but in reality it is them that are guilty of looking down on others. Bottom line Democrats are evil, their supports are indoctrinated sheep and are both tremendous threats to this country's security and prosperity.
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