The Truth About Illegal-Alien Criminality


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

"But common sense alone should tell us that people who blithely ignore American immigration laws are likely to disrespect federal, state and local laws as well. Indeed, as Ronald Mortensen pointed out in The Hill, “virtually all adult, illegal aliens commit felonies” such as forgery, fraud, identity theft, and perjury, “to procure the documents they need to get jobs, to drive and to obtain other benefits that are restricted to U.S. citizens.” These documents include Social Security cards, drivers’ licenses, green cards, birth certificates, and I-9 forms, among others.

The crimes of illegal aliens also include a multitude of violent, bloody, highly destructive offenses. And this is by no means a new phenomenon. In 2005, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report that looked at the criminal histories of 55,322 aliens who had “entered the country illegally and were still illegally in the country at the time of their incarceration in federal or state prison or local jail during fiscal year 2003.” Those 55,322 illegals had been arrested 459,614 times — an average of 8.3 arrests apiece — and had committed almost 700,000 separate criminal offenses, or roughly 12.7 offenses each. Approximately 12 percent of their arrests were for violent crimes such as homicide, robbery, assault, and sex-related offenses; 15 percent were for property offenses like burglary, larceny, theft, and vandalism; 24 percent were for drug crimes; and the rest were for a wide array of transgressions like DUI, fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, weapons violations, immigration crimes, and obstruction of justice.

Between 2003 and 2009, illegals in the U.S. committed approximately 70,000 sex crimes, 42,000 robberies, 81,000 auto thefts, 95,000 weapons offenses, and 213,000 assaults. During that same period, some 115,717 murders were committed nationwide, of which 25,064 were carried out by “criminal aliens.”

In 2009, a total of 295,959 criminal aliens were incarcerated in state jails and prisons across the United States. Approximately 227,600 of them – or 77 percent — were in the U.S. illegally. And the crimes they committed were very often serious. Consider, for instance, the following crime statistics for five particular states with large illegal-alien populations. Setting aside traffic offenses:

  • 41 percent of all illegal-alien convictions in Arizona were for drug crimes and assault;
  • about half of such convictions in California and Texas were for drugs, assault, and sex offenses;
  • roughly 50 percent of such convictions were for drug offenses, sex crimes, burglary, and robbery; and
  • in New York, 23 percent were for drug-related offenses, while an astonishing 27 percent were for homicide."

Very sobering statistics & really without someone writing an honest assessment you would have no idea. Illegals as a whole are not the benevolent pastoral homogenous group the liberals & people like geraldo claim they are & add billions of costs to this magnificent country every year. Don't think these statistic even include those overstaying visas.

Time to get serious something which liberals are directedly opposed to doing.