The libs on the Court just don't get it


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
After the Supreme Court - by a 6-3 count - ruled that King Joe Biden overstepped his powers by forgiving billions of dollars of student loans (thus forcing the state's to basically have to foot the bill for a free college education), Elana Kagan had these sour grapes:

Kagan wrote in a dissent, joined by the court’s two other liberals, that the majority of the court “overrides the combined judgment of the Legislative and Executive Branches, with the consequence of eliminating loan forgiveness for 43 million Americans.”

Kagan seems to think that if it's the will of the majority - heck, in this case, the will of the president alone! - than SCOTUS shouldn't interfere! Talking about opening the door for a president to have dictatorial powers!

Will guess what Elana? It's not SCOTUS's job to follow the judgement of the other two branches. It's the job of the court to decide whether the other branches violated to U.S. Constitution. She obviously doesn't understand the purpose of the Supreme Court, which is a very scary thought.
And after listening to Biden's response he just gave, he apparently doesn't understand the role of the Supreme Court either.

Mark my words, Biden and Democrats probably are thinking that now is the time to strike for a court-packing type of movement.
And after listening to Biden's response he just gave, he apparently doesn't understand the role of the Supreme Court either.

Mark my words, Biden and Democrats probably are thinking that now is the time to strike for a court-packing type of movement.
After the Supreme Court - by a 6-3 count - ruled that King Joe Biden overstepped his powers by forgiving billions of dollars of student loans (thus forcing the state's to basically have to foot the bill for a free college education), Elana Kagan had these sour grapes:

Kagan wrote in a dissent, joined by the court’s two other liberals, that the majority of the court “overrides the combined judgment of the Legislative and Executive Branches, with the consequence of eliminating loan forgiveness for 43 million Americans.”

Kagan seems to think that if it's the will of the majority - heck, in this case, the will of the president alone! - than SCOTUS shouldn't interfere! Talking about opening the door for a president to have dictatorial powers!

Will guess what Elana? It's not SCOTUS's job to follow the judgement of the other two branches. It's the job of the court to decide whether the other branches violated to U.S. Constitution. She obviously doesn't understand the purpose of the Supreme Court, which is a very scary thought.
The will of the legislative branch? I get her point on the will of the executive branch, as its the president's program. But if it were the will of the legislative branch, then they could very easily pass legislation to do this and put it in the government's budget, and not try to find some esoteric and extreme interpretation of an emergency act.