Star Wars VII - Spoilers & Plot Discussion

Just saw it today after successfully avoiding any spoiler sites.

To me it was more of 'variations on a theme' than a 'reboot'. I think the difference between the first and now is that they've started busting single stories into multiple movies. Think 'The Hobbit' or 'Mocking Jay pts 1 and 2'. So they never intended this to stand on its own plot wise.

As an aside. My wife and I went to the Broken Arrow Warren and saw it in one of the 'Directors' rooms. Only about 30 plush seats, full menu, 21 and over. liquor. I didn't want my experience spoiled by someone texting or talking or baby crying. Not every movie warrants (see what I did there?) this level of experience. But it was well worth it to not have any annoyances.
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Finally saw it.
2 thoughts :

1) it was good, but it was no attack of the clones
2) daisy Ridley is freaking gorgeous
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Finn is my favorite character. Not as big on Rey because she has no discernable flaws.

I thought the actor who played Finn was exceptional. I did read 1 interesting critique of the writing, that I agreed with (but didn't think of on my own). Finn should have been much more of a fish out of water than he seemed to be. Supposedly he was born to be a storm trooper and his whole life was about training to be a storm trooper and blindly following orders. Yet, when he goes off the reservation, he has very few issues with making decisions for himself, or knowing how to properly interact with other non-military personnel, and how to function in the real world.
I thought the actor who played Finn was exceptional. I did read 1 interesting critique of the writing, that I agreed with (but didn't think of on my own). Finn should have been much more of a fish out of water than he seemed to be. Supposedly he was born to be a storm trooper and his whole life was about training to be a storm trooper and blindly following orders. Yet, when he goes off the reservation, he has very few issues with making decisions for himself, or knowing how to properly interact with other non-military personnel, and how to function in the real world.

See I took it as the opposite. He was clearly a fish out of water in the storm trooper world due to personality traits that didn't mesh with following orders to execute the villagers for example.
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Well....been reading on this for an hour and a half.

Simply too much possibility to concretely lean in any particular direction, save Rey being Luke''s offspring (slight lean) and a prior student of his (heavy lean).

Since so much is speculative, I'm content to enjoy as is, like mentioned above, appreciate competence back at the Star Wars helm, and look forward to the next one.

Oh, and I am VERY intrigued by how many directions this could go, especially Kyle Ren and Luke. I like the juicy implications speculating on maintaining Force Balance in the Star Wars universe.
Maybe the simple existence of Luke and Leia REQUIRE the eventual emergence of a dark user.

Another speculation on my part, to set out there in order to advance another theory, is that the Dark side isn't necessarily as clear cut evil as the stereotype would suggest.

In that vein, it's possible Luke is of this belief after witnessing his own "failure" of a turned pupil. He knows he can always expect a dark pupil to emerge and realizes he simply must stop the training since he is of the Light.

He also could be attempting to "straddle" the Light and Dark attempting to bring more balance single handedly.

In either situation he'd be extremely hesitant about moving forward with Rey.
From ANH, Obi-Wan tells Vader "if you strike me down I'll become more powerful than you can imagine." I never fully understood (and still don't) what was the manifestation of Obi's power. It may have been in the augmenting of Luke. With Obi deceased, Luke was free to grow in strength sufficient to balance the Emperor and (a conflicted) Vader. Luke was the manifestation of Obi's power.

Would again seem to imply a lot if accurate.
I just watched it with my dad and he said leia and Hans have twins in the books that were written after episode six. He said they were officially contracted so I would assume they would have to stay true to them. Any other nerds read the books??
Didn't mind all of the little similarities, except for the big one of the 3rd death star in 4 movies being blown up and they needed the shields turned off. C'mon.

I actually liked the new character parallels to the old ones.

I liked that Ren was handled easily. He's a wannabe. He's got some natural skywalker power but isn't focused, well trained or mature. It will be interesting to see if he becomes the vaderesque bad ass in the future movies or if he is just one of multiple disciples of the wizard of Oz.

I figured Rey is a branch off the Obi Wan tree, or hell, Palpitenes.
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I figured Rey is a branch off the Obi Wan tree, or hell, Palpitenes.

I'm sort of leaning this direction. Rey maintains her English accent, while John Boyega has the standard American accent (even though he's English). Ewan kept his accent, so just wondering if Rey is related to Kenobi (granddaughter, maybe)?