Spreadin' Mitch McConnel

You are high. Bottle of good scotch if he loses to the liar who will "f the coal industry" when she's elected. "She has to say she supports coal to get elected" per Allison's big donors.
It's just one poll and I don't think it'll happen either. He's a traitor, a spineless parasite and probably a pervert. He looks like a pervert. He drinks buttermilk for he taste and texture and accepts bribes to influence laws. He's on the wrong side of everything and has negative numbers in Kentucky.

No state knows the coal industry like Kentucky. We'll see. In the meanwhile, he's an old incumbent and the minority leader -- how is the race even close?!
Once again the hypocrite of the left comes through in your post. You prejudge him based on looks. Regardless of his flaws which I actually believe are many, he would be better than the non-hot, ugly woman you support.

She is a liberal, he's not my kind of libertarian but he is a thousand times better than a her.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

the non-hot, ugly woman you support.
Now you've gone completely off the rails -- addled with drink and republican politics probably. You're saying Allison Grimes is ugly?!? She's a good looking woman, and any heterosexual male can see it.
Originally posted by syskatine:
Originally posted by Headhunter:

the non-hot, ugly woman you support.
Now you've gone completely off the rails -- addled with drink and republican politics probably. You're saying Allison Grimes is ugly?!? She's a good looking woman, and any heterosexual male can see it.
I believe you called her a hottie. Hot? No. Average? Yes. Good looking after a few beers? Probably.
A good optometrist is worth the money. In no way shape or form is Allison Grimes even close to being good looking much less hot.
I'm stuck watching this mess.

She is not attractive.

Most people just wish their was a viable third option.

Kentucky needs coal for the immediate future. I want us to switch to better fuel sources, but I'm not retarded enough to see that the state would be crippled if coal doesn't stay steady.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by syskatine:
You are all insane. She's an attractive woman.
So is Wendy Davis.
Now you're just moving the goalposts by modifying your adjective, from hottie to attractive. Try being intellectually honest before telling people their insane.

That said, on the binary evaluation of 0 and 1, would I do her or not, she's a 1 (I'd do her). But I probably wouldn't do her twice, which to me is a strong indication that she's just "aiiight" and certainly, no way in hell, a "hottie."
Originally posted by syskatine:
You are all insane. She's an attractive woman.
So is Wendy Davis.
I think Wendy Davis is pretty hot and I would if got the chance, but I would make sure to use a condom because I would not want her to be able to kill my baby.
Wendy Davis is a good looking woman and so is Kirsten Gillibrand but Allison Grimes has no appeal to me at all.

I still wouldn't vote for any of them.
Originally posted by CBradSmith:

Originally posted by syskatine:
You are all insane. She's an attractive woman.
So is Wendy Davis.
Now you're just moving the goalposts by modifying your adjective, from hottie to attractive. Try being intellectually honest before telling people their insane.

That said, on the binary evaluation of 0 and 1, would I do her or not, she's a 1 (I'd do her). But I probably wouldn't do her twice, which to me is a strong indication that she's just "aiiight" and certainly, no way in hell, a "hottie."
Well, the binary evaluation is new to me, and looks quite useful. To make sure we're on the same nomenclature page, if on a 1 - 10 spectrum of binary 1's (0's aren't on this scale), the entire scale to me is comprised of "hotties." I'll therefore double down and say she's even in the top half of the hottie scale. Perhaps not "gorgeous" (8.25 and up) or "girl next door" (3.75 and down), but definitely better than claimed on this board. Something's up -- I think everyone hates her because she's closer to Spreadin' Mitch in the polls than people anticipated.

You can just knock it off Head, you're not fooling anybody. From the time you cleared your mother's womb, you have not and will not have consensual physical contact with a female any higher than a .023 on the hottie scale. And aborigines and working girls don't count.
I'll put this in more simple terms.

I'm out of this person's league. I've done better and don't see any reason to head to the bargain rack.

Did you vote for President Obama in 2008 and 2012? "I was a Hillary Clinton delegate in 2008" - Allison Grimes.
Uh, what, is that a maybe?


This post was edited on 10/10 6:44 AM by Headhunter
Originally posted by Adverpoke:
I'll put this in more simple terms.

I'm out of this person's league. I've done better and don't see any reason to head to the bargain rack.

She has the same mouth and nose as your painter. Gotta be full-blooded canine.
Originally posted by Adverpoke:
I'll put this in more simple terms.

I'm out of this person's league. I've done better and don't see any reason to head to the bargain rack.

Yeah, but chances of picking up an STD are greatly reduced when banging a chick that looks like that.

Just trying to make sure we are considering all angles here.
So it's almost closing time at the bar. Your options are becoming very limited very quickly. Only two choices remain:


or this:


What do you do?

This post was edited on 10/11 12:33 PM by wyomingosualum

This post was edited on 10/11 12:37 PM by wyomingosualum
Eh, after seeing the two pics in this thread, I change my position from 1 to 0. Adverpoke is correct. A "hottie" she ain't. She's not even a "1"

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