Speaking of Robert "KKK" Byrd....


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
while the South is purging itself of any/all Confederate "racist" markings, I guess everything named after this "racist" bastard will remain intact since he's a Dem. and the rules are different.
Bill Clinton essential said as much at the Kleagle's funeral. Clinton said that the only reason Byrd was in the Klan was that he needed to be a member to get elected in those days. Sophomoric logic at its finest. What amazes me is the number of democrats/liberals who praise Byrd but aren't aware that Byrd, Gore Sr., and 17 other democrat senators filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Just goes to show ya what the mainstream media, that's so fair and evenhanded in their coverage, can do when they are tied at the hip with the same ideology.

The irony is that people might say, well that was so long ago, Byrd changed blah blah blah, The War Between The States was a long time ago as well. Keeping, or removing those flags will not change a dam thing as long as the libs create a permanent underclass who feel like they are entitled to special treatment, government largess and victim status. Racism will always be around no matter where you go....add that with nut cases and these sorry types of events will never end and that cuts both ways. Very sad times really.

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