Soros backed DA kills a police officer


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008
Sgt. Harold Preston was a 41 year veteran of the Houston Police Department. He was the caretaker for his elderly parents. 65 years old, he was just a few weeks away from retirement.

He was shot and killed Tuesday morning in the line of duty.

Preston was shot by Elmer Manzano, an illegal alien and convicted felon with multiple priors.

  • In October 1994, Manzano was arrested for the unlawful carrying of a firearm in Dallas County. That case was dismissed after a year of deferred adjudication, according to Dallas County court records.
  • In August 2000, Manzano was arrested for assault in Dallas County. He agreed to a plea of one-year probation in the case. His probation was later revoked and he was sentenced to 6 months in jail, according to Dallas County court records.
  • In December 2000, Manzano was again arrested in Dallas County for assault. He agreed to a plea of one year of probation in the case. His probation was later revoked and he was sentenced to six months in jail, according to Dallas County court records.
  • In May 2001, Manzano was yet again arrested in Dallas County for felony assault causing bodily injury to a family member. The charge was dismissed after two years of deferred adjudication, according to Dallas County court records.
  • In December 2002, Manzano pleaded guilty to evading arrest with a motor vehicle in Harris County. He was sentenced to 120 days in jail, according to court records.
  • In 2004, in Harris County, a judge issued a protective order against Manzano, but there have been no court records of crimes or domestic issues since then.
A second officer, Courtney Waller, was shot in the arm.

This is Kim Ogg, the Harris County District Attorney.

On October 18, Manzano was arrested for brandishing a weapon and threatening his wife.

Enter Ogg
HPD Officers took Elmer Manzano into custody that day but Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg declined to take charges, instructing Officers to release him, and return the six bullets he had in his pocket, he was also allowed to keep his gun which he claimed was locked in his safe.
Two days later Manzano used that gun and those bullets to kill Sgt. Preston.

Kim Ogg is an elected official. She received significant financial help from a monster bent on destroying this country.

George Soros.
Billionaire George Soros again has stepped into the Harris County district attorney’s race with a half-million-dollar advertising buy on behalf of Democratic candidate Kim Ogg.
Last February, the liberal business-philanthropist—and Republican bogeyman—spent $100,000 in support of Ogg’s unsuccessful primary opponent Morris Overstreet.
The latest Soros contribution arrives just days after the Ogg campaign filed a quarterly finance report showing she received nearly $135,000 in campaign contributions from a PAC supported by Steve Mostyn, another major Democratic financier.
Ogg is as responsible for the death of Harold Preston as is Manzano. A mongrel puppet of Soros, Ogg is a wretched, vile beast who should be removed from her position immediately.

Soros-backed stooge DA’s and AG’s all over the country are presiding over rampant crime.

In the last few months we’ve seen a billion dollars in riot damages, 300 cops injured and 30 people dead while these vermin ignore the carnage. In Seattle it’s always catch and release.

Soros is but one more oligarch who has more control of this country than any of us do and that should scare the hell out of you.


gets more depressing the more you was this guy not a felon and or deported to begin with, even more how as an illegal does he even own a weapon? So they had this POPS in custody on the 18th and two days later he kills this officer. Un-freakin believable.
"A mongrel puppet of Soros, Ogg is a wretched, vile beast who should be removed from her position immediately. "
Did you find this article on Stormfront?
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This is why the current illegal immigration policy of only deporting felons is a failure. You've created an incentive for liberals to not want to charge illegal immigrants with felonies. So they avoid charging them to avoid forcing deportation, and then those should-be felons go on to perform even more heinous crimes.

Think about this: An American Citizen brandishing a legally owned and registered firearm in defense of his residence gets felony charges. Yet an illegal immigrant who has no legal right to be here and based on his existing record would have no legal right to a firearm EVEN if they were a citizen, has illegal gun (and bullets) returned to him by a DA so he can proceed to shoot a police officer 2 days later.
This is why the current illegal immigration policy of only deporting felons is a failure. You've created an incentive for liberals to not want to charge illegal immigrants with felonies. So they avoid charging them to avoid forcing deportation, and then those should-be felons go on to perform even more heinous crimes.

Think about this: An American Citizen brandishing a legally owned and registered firearm in defense of his residence gets felony charges. Yet an illegal immigrant who has no legal right to be here and based on his existing record would have no legal right to a firearm EVEN if they were a citizen, has illegal gun (and bullets) returned to him by a DA so he can proceed to shoot a police officer 2 days later.
The law in Texas allows convicted felons to possess firearms at the person's own home, under limited circumstances: once five years have elapsed after the later of either the person's release from confinement, parole, or probation. The law also allows people with family violence convictions to possess firearms once five years have passed after the later date of when the person was released from jail or probation.
The law in Texas allows convicted felons to possess firearms at the person's own home, under limited circumstances: once five years have elapsed after the later of either the person's release from confinement, parole, or probation. The law also allows people with family violence convictions to possess firearms once five years have passed after the later date of when the person was released from jail or probation.

Alright, I retract the statement that if he had been a citizen (which he isn't), he wouldn't have been allowed the firearms. But the fact he is an illegal alien still means it was illegal for him to possess that firearm. By returning it to him, I'd argue the DA committed a felony by illegally distributing a firearm to an ineligible holder. If a pawn shop had done this, the pawn shop owner could be held liable. Not sure why the DA would be any different.
Alright, I retract the statement that if he had been a citizen (which he isn't), he wouldn't have been allowed the firearms. But the fact he is an illegal alien still means it was illegal for him to possess that firearm. By returning it to him, I'd argue the DA committed a felony by illegally distributing a firearm to an ineligible holder. If a pawn shop had done this, the pawn shop owner could be held liable. Not sure why the DA would be any different.
It's illegal to for an undocumented resident to have a gun? That doesn't sound right to me.
Alright, I retract the statement that if he had been a citizen (which he isn't), he wouldn't have been allowed the firearms. But the fact he is an illegal alien still means it was illegal for him to possess that firearm. By returning it to him, I'd argue the DA committed a felony by illegally distributing a firearm to an ineligible holder. If a pawn shop had done this, the pawn shop owner could be held liable. Not sure why the DA would be any different.
Also the DA didn't seize any guns, and the only report of seized bullets comes from obvious campaign propaganda

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