So the Vaccine


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
What’s the fun rumors you all have heard from your families over the holiday?
A friend of mine who is a healthcare worker took it. He was sick with Covid like symptoms for about 1/2 a day, fine since.
I’m just curious, will taking the COVID vaccine prevent you from getting the virus?
Big rumor I heard is that the vaccine is going to alter your DNA.
Medical professional said they were told before getting the vaccine that it may not even work . All politics aside , my question is how smart is it to take an somewhat untested product that is rushed to consumers without regulation?
I think the speed of which it was developed points more to what we are capable of doing but simply don't for other reasons. By the time this vaccine gets out to folks like us, there's going to be about 8 months worth of data on the people that received the vaccine originally. So far all I've heard is that people that are predisposed to allergic reactions are having major side effects.

I've had medical professionals tell me it's completely safe, so I guess that means we can't trust medical professionals to tell us the truth since one told you it was unsafe and one told me it was safe. Quite the dilemma we find ourselves in these days. Simply no one to trust anymore.

@Chillwell, Daily1up clearly thinks your wife isn't that smart. Them are fighting words. So why did you marry someone so dumb?
I think the speed of which it was developed points more to what we are capable of doing but simply don't for other reasons. By the time this vaccine gets out to folks like us, there's going to be about 8 months worth of data on the people that received the vaccine originally. So far all I've heard is that people that are predisposed to allergic reactions are having major side effects.

I've had medical professionals tell me it's completely safe, so I guess that means we can't trust medical professionals to tell us the truth since one told you it was unsafe and one told me it was safe. Quite the dilemma we find ourselves in these days. Simply no one to trust anymore.

@Chillwell, Daily1up clearly thinks your wife isn't that smart. Them are fighting words. So why did you marry someone so dumb?
My Dad had a heart attack in September. His doctor told him he can’t take it now. First needs to see an allergist. He can’t do that yet because of blood thinners.
I'm curious about blood thinners too. I've been on them since I was 29 years old.
I don't believe all viruses alter your DNA. I know HIV does. My understanding of the vaccines are that they are based on MRNA and MRNA doesn't get past the nucleus where your DNA is. I'm sure someone with a microscope can verify that fairly easily. I just sold mine in a garage sale.
When viruses infect us, they can embed small chunks of their genetic material in our DNA. Although infrequent, the incorporation of this material into the human genome has been occurring for millions of years. As a result of this ongoing process, viral genetic material comprises nearly 10 percent of the modern human genome. Over time, the vast majority of viral invaders populating our genome have mutated to the point that they no longer lead to active infections. But, as scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health have demonstrated, they are not entirely dormant.

What made me think of this was the black plague and a story I read on how it changed DNA.
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When viruses infect us, they can embed small chunks of their genetic material in our DNA. Although infrequent, the incorporation of this material into the human genome has been occurring for millions of years. As a result of this ongoing process, viral genetic material comprises nearly 10 percent of the modern human genome. Over time, the vast majority of viral invaders populating our genome have mutated to the point that they no longer lead to active infections. But, as scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health have demonstrated, they are not entirely dormant.

What made me think of this was the black plague and a story I read on how it changed DNA.
The black plague, I assume you mean from the 14th Century, was caused by a bacteria. I "think" the black rat carried fleas that had the bacteria. The fleas then went from rat to human, infecting the human.
JV, I read that article you posted from but I've read others which state it a little different. Viruses insert their genetic material in the cells they infect but generally it remains separate from the cells DNA.

So there is a chance that the virus does leave a bit of itself behind, it may not, however I believe it's pretty proven that mRNA does not so it should seem to make the vaccine less invasive than the virus. Think that sounds like a better option.
JV, I read that article you posted from but I've read others which state it a little different. Viruses insert their genetic material in the cells they infect but generally it remains separate from the cells DNA.

So there is a chance that the virus does leave a bit of itself behind, it may not, however I believe it's pretty proven that mRNA does not so it should seem to make the vaccine less invasive than the virus. Think that sounds like a better option.
It's a complete no brainer unless you're looking for a conspiracy theory not to take it. Or you already earned antibodies the hard way.
Saw an interesting tid bit....

Israel has 13.7% of the total vaccines given out in the world but only has 0.11% of the world population. I'm sure it's unconventional policy but that's a crazy stat.

Had several people on my Facebook take it (Healthcare workers), haven't seen anyone post about side effects or being sick in any way.
For starters, vaccine makers are always protected from accountability. The protections on these vaccines are no different than those on any other vaccine, but some Breitbart lover , read them and posted on Parlor about it, without doing any research into the topic. You ate up the narrative like candy because... confirmation bias.
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If you report this dude for fake news, will he get deleted like he would on Facebook?
My Dad had a heart attack in September. His doctor told him he can’t take it now. First needs to see an allergist. He can’t do that yet because of blood thinners.
Sorry, this doesn’t make any sense. Your dad needs the vaccine and a new doctor, or more likely you need to go to the appointment with him and make sure he is understanding things correctly.

He should certainly get the vaccine as soon as he is able. He does not need allergy testing to get the vaccine. If he did need allergy testing (for some other reason?) he can get it on blood thinners. They prick the skin with tiny needles. There is 0 meaningful risk to getting allergy testing on blood thinners.
Yes, the virus has a high survival rate. But do you like feeling bad? I tested positive early this month. Yes, I only felt bad for 2-days, but my energy level was near zero for a couple of days.
For many people it is like the flu —— but don’t you get a flu shot....I get one every year.
But for others it is worse than the flu —- why not protect yourself?
I don’t know what to even say to people who won’t take the vaccine.

Diptheria, tetanus, smallpox, chicken pox, HPV, H1N1, meningitis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, etc....think of where our world would be without vaccines and people smart enough to take them.
I don’t know what to even say to people who won’t take the vaccine.

Diptheria, tetanus, smallpox, chicken pox, HPV, H1N1, meningitis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, etc....think of where our world would be without vaccines and people smart enough to take them.

The antivax argument always comes with zero context as to what the world would look like without them. I have no doubt there are things in vaccines I’d rather not have in my body. You know what else I’d rather not have in my body...polio.

I also keep hearing “I’m not taking it until I know what’s in it” as if most of us are educated enough to understand the effects of what is in it anyway. That ignorance problem doesn’t seem to stop many from eating a McDonalds burger while sucking down a Diet Coke.
The antivax argument always comes with zero context as to what the world would look like without them. I have no doubt there are things in vaccines I’d rather not have in my body. You know what else I’d rather not have in my body...polio.

I also keep hearing “I’m not taking it until I know what’s in it” as if most of us are educated enough to understand the effects of what is in it anyway. That ignorance problem doesn’t seem to stop many from eating a McDonalds burger while sucking down a Diet Coke.

Fantastic post.
My wife (she’s a nurse) got the Pfizer vaccine. No side effects. Round 2 in 18 days, from now.

I suppose I’m in like Phase 5.
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I got the moderna. Arms was sore as hell for a few days. But I think they inject like twice as much as phizer. No boners lasting longer than 4 hours
Think I am going to get it before the end of the month. I'm considered "essential".
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wife got it 6 days ago, and hasn't felt well since. She's better, but she says her legs are still wobbly. Flu like symptons. I went online to schedule a shot and got an email last night saying I was about to be scheduled and to wait for another email. State of Oklahoma has a you can register on.
I have a little bit of paranoia about it, simply because it's so new. But, I assume the development processes for these vaccines have been no different than anything else, aside from the shorter timeline. I'll probably go ahead and get on a list. I've created an unfounded theory that my 20 years of flu shots will have "conditioned" me for this vaccine :)
My parents got the first shot (Moderna) today in Tulsa...glad it’s getting distributed more quickly than I expected.
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got my email with the link to schedule an appointment. Had to go to the 100 mile range to find an available location and when I clicked on the location it had no appointments available. So, still waiting I guess. Cluster.
I have friends and family from Tulsa going as far as Enid and McAlester to get the shots
I have friends and family from Tulsa going as far as Enid and McAlester to get the shots
My moms boss went to Mayes county health department. And his wife to Delaware county. I think a lot of these rural county will be easier to get in. Part of me thinks because more will not opt to get it in rural areas but that’s just a guess. I got mine Dec 30th but it appears they don’t have much of a plan on the second round.

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